Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 603: Flurry of demons is the world

The latest website: "What's wrong?" He asked with a water glass.

Yazi weakly preached: "The deputy director of operations has an opinion on you... If you give him a handle, it will have an impact on you."

"Sneer!" Zhuang Shikai drank warm water and gave a light tusk, disdain to answer at all.

He walked directly into the meeting room with a water glass...

on the street.

Chen Haonan threw an iron chain and preached: "Big Brother B asked you to collect the count, did you receive it?"

A short blade hung from the end of the chain.

This is Chen Haonan's unique weapon: the chain knife, also known as the light steel lancet, was the unique weapon of the Qianniuwei in the Tang Dynasty. It was later integrated into the Southern School of Wonders and was not among the eighteen weapons.

The pheasant leaned against the railing next to its yellow hair, dangling a cigarette: "I got my hand."

"That's good." Chen Haonan smiled confidently and chicly, and the two brothers Da Tian Er and the foreskin surrounded him.

At this time, Chen Haonan put down the weapon in his hand, using the chain knife as a belt, and inserting it into the waistband to wear it tightly and not see it.

Da Tian Er mumbled next to him: "Brother Haonan, Brother B is not asking us to find children, or to collect bad debts. When can we get ahead?"

Pheasant agreed with deep approval: "Yes, yeah, we finally came under the powerful hall master like Big B, Hong Feng cost two thousand, not to help the police wipe their ass..."

"Yes, Brother Haonan." Even Baotou, who rarely speaks and has a naive personality, supported him.

But Chen Haonan was holding on to the railing, turned over the hurdle, and preached: "What's the hurry? If you have the strength, you are afraid that you will not have the chance to get to the top?"

"Go! Let's go shopping in Portland Street!"

"Portland Street?" Pheasant, Datianer, and foreskin had their eyes glowing, laughed out loud, and followed lustfully.

The four brothers crossed the road, very chic.

This is the happiest and happiest time they have just joined the club and joined the club.

Please cherish this time!

Next, the arena life they will truly welcome is full of blood, fighting, conspiracy, and calculations.

If it is said that there is Infernal Affairs in the world, then there must be a Hungry Ghost Road!

Countless people who joined the underworld because of ugliness, greed, and impulsiveness, are like hungry ghosts in the way of hungry ghosts. They are greedy and unsatisfied forever, and die at the mouth of other hungry ghosts, swallowed by thousands of hungry ghosts.

The arena, is never happy and enmity.


"You are dead!"

"I said!"

"You are dying!!!"

South Africa.

A small war-torn country.

Frank, wearing a camouflage uniform, holding a rifle in his hand, snarled an African man's head with his muzzle!

The African man swallowed his saliva, his face was pale, and he stretched out his palm tremblingly.

He spread his palms: "Here."

A pink diamond the size of a thumb lies in the palm of his hand.

Under the refraction of the sun, the fan diamond sparkles and exudes a charming brilliance.

Even if it is not polished, even if it is stained with dirt, even if it is bloody.

These are the most beautiful things in the world!

The ignorant African mine slaves also know its value!

This is the taste of money, dollars, and tens of millions of dollars!

Frank took a deep breath and carefully picked up the pink diamond with his probe, then put away the muzzle, turned and left, cursing as he walked: "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Hell on earth!

That's it!

Even if the criminal genius, Frank, known as Skywalker, is thrown into a war-torn country in Africa, he will almost drive crazy.

The country here was once peaceful and free, until an invisible black hand stretched out, using armed forces, separatist warlords to dig for ores, smuggle ores, and since then, several countries with huge mining resources have been in constant warfare. Fighting back and forth with the anti-government forces, tumbling on each other, will always keep the diamonds at a low price.

The people here are very hardworking and diligent, but no one praises them.

No salary, no holidays, as long as you let them live, they will continue to mine ore for you, can you say that you can not be diligent?

You can do your best! The diamond business here has always been dominated by the major gangs in the Americas, and behind the scenes is the five major diamond companies in the United States!

The five major diamond companies raise the price of diamonds, and then control the source of diamonds. Diamonds become a "symbol", a "symbol" that harvests the wealth of the world and lets the fat guy eat the oil!

This kind of naked brutality and **** crime is different from the high IQ crime that Frank was once good at. It almost made Frank lose his mind and become a lunatic under the smoke of gunpowder.

In the end, Frank went through many crises, broke through several life and death barriers, and got the most important pink diamond! About to stand on the stage of troubled times in South Africa!

"Fuck Village! Do you understand? Do you understand!"

"You know how crazy your plan is! How desperate it is?" Three days later, Frank drove back to the city, hid in a hotel, and roared into the phone.

Zhuang Shikai stood in the office and listened to Frank's arrival in South Africa, how he found the pink diamond, how he rescued Raunu's child, and asked Raunu to surrender the pink diamond.

This includes pretending to be reporters, using start-up funds to hire soldiers, bribing anti-government soldiers, and going to concentration camps to rescue children of laboring slaves, as well as the **** experience of laboring slaves who finally want to go back, the concentration camps...

Zhuang Shikai understood Frank's mood, waited until Frank finished his roar, flicked the soot, and preached softly: "I will allow you to scold FUCK again!"

"There is a second sentence, I will send someone to South Africa to pull your tongue out!"

"Hiss!" Frank took a deep breath and calmed his good mood. He stopped talking about FCUK, and cursed instead: "Fuck you mother, what diamonds last forever, true love will always spread!"

"The diamond company makes money stained with blood, and you propose to marry you with a diamond stained with blood, and you also show holiness with this!"

"I almost vomit when I think about it..."

Frank retched.

Zhuang Shikai raised his eyebrows: "People always like **** things. How can they express their high-level, noble and uniqueness without blood?"

"As long as you live in the world, there is always a sickle for you."

Frank did not scold "FUCK" anymore, but scolded "Fuck your mother" in Cantonese, and the object of the scolding was clearly the diamond company, so Zhuang Shikai would not be able to pursue it anymore.

I just don't know which inmate Frank and inmate learned the curse? A genius is indeed a genius! In just a few days in prison, did you learn the most essence of Chinese culture?

admire! admire!

However, due to the change of identity and purpose, Frank's competition for blood diamonds in South Africa became more intense and bloody, and he was finally able to obtain the blood diamonds, which was enough to prove Frank's criminal ability.

This is not just criminal ability, but genius organization, leadership, and adventurous ability!

Did not choose the wrong person!

Zhuang Shikai was satisfied.

Frank yelled into the phone: "I have never spit on my country like this, hated those capitalists... and never imagined that there is another world in the world..."

Zhuang Shikai chuckled and said, "Congratulations on discovering the truth. Your motherland is very ugly. However, unfortunately, there is no real perfect country in the world. It is nothing more than a game of a group of strong men bullying the weak. You should understand that you are born as human beings."

"And you were born in America, maybe you should thank Jesus."

He added: "It's like I am very grateful to Yanhuang when I was born in the motherland..."

"If there is **** in the world, then TM is in the world!" Frank yelled into the phone at last.

He immediately regained his composure and said aloud: "I will be trading with people from the Diamond Company in two days. What code name do you think I should use, or the organization should use a bleating name?"

Zhuang Shikai’s goal for him was not simply to grab pink diamonds, but to use pink diamonds to build a reputation in the diamond smuggling industry, staying in South Africa to build a strong diamond smuggling group, and the bigger the group, the better!

Zhuang Shikai thought about it: "Your criminal files on Hong Kong Island have been destroyed, and the arrest record is also top secret. You don't have to worry about the risk of exposure, so you are you, the genius criminal Frank and Skywalker!"

This will help Frank to better open the international market and attract the attention of the Ether Club...

"The name of the organization... it's called Blood Diamond!"

Zhuang Shikai preached in a deep voice.

"Blood diamonds?" Frank raised his head in Africa and looked out the window. There was still a pile of corpses on the street, and there were dried blood clots under the pile.

"This is really a good name..." Frank said with emotion, "Blood Diamond will be my company in the future!"

For a criminal, horror, blood, and anger can arouse anger, but it can never stop a heart that challenges the bottom line and is eager to try.

He is also a devil in his mouth!

Flurry of demons is the world!

The one standing opposite him is also Hades!

Zhuang Shikai suddenly lost his ability to talk, and asked plainly: "Do you still need money?"

"No need." Frank replied: "After the pink diamond is sold, I can make a lot of money, enough to build a blood diamond construction, recruit troops, and develop in South Africa."

"Well, I believe you."

"Papa." Zhuang Shikai hung up the phone, looked at the landline, and preached softly: "I hope you will be obedient when you sit up, otherwise... the police will catch criminals!"

He is not afraid of Frank's deeds after his development. It is not that the diamond smuggling group is not qualified, or that Frank is not qualified.

On the contrary, diamond smuggling syndicates have guns and artillery, soldiers and men in South Africa, and the emperor is far away.

Frank is a brilliant criminal again.

The combination of the two and continuous development is qualified to listen to the propaganda and even "betray the revolution."

However, if you want to use criminals, you have to bear the risks of criminals.

And Zhuang Shikai also has absolute personal force to exercise. A cargo factory still has people who can do things. He is not afraid of moths and can bear the risk.

"Huh." Zhuang Shikai looked out the window, spit out a long cigarette, turned around and put out the cigarette butt.

Two days later, Los Angeles, a hotel.

Frank is wearing a suit and tie~lightnovelpub.net~ his hair is neatly combed.

He is handsome and a gentleman.

As if going to the party.


He sat at a table, took out a black brocade box and pushed it forward.

The palm-sized black brocade box opened, revealing a pink diamond lying inside.

There was a drop of dried blood hanging from the corner of the pink diamond.

An appraiser gently picked up the diamond inside, not caring about the drop of blood, but indulged in the color of the diamond, picked up the magnifying glass, and looked at the diamond quietly.

In the end he smiled at the corner of his mouth, put down his binoculars, and stretched out his hand: "Thirty million dollars! A deal!"


The reputation of "Blood Diamond" is thoroughly established!