Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 604: Seems to see it with my own eyes

"Recently, De Beers has mined a 59.6 carats flawless pink diamond in its own mine in Africa..."

"It is reported that this pink diamond of nearly sixty carats is currently the largest and highest quality pink diamond in the world."

"De Beers named it: Rainbow Heart."


A week later.

Zhuang Shikai took the phone and looked up at the TV in the corner of the office.

“Rainbow Heart is currently valued at as high as 800 million US dollars, which is the world’s highest-valued flawless pink diamond. According to relevant sources, the Saudi Crown Prince and the Queen of England both intend to buy, but both were rejected by De Beers. They called Rainbow Heart of Heart will not be sold for the time being, and may be sold by auction in the future."

"In just three days, the market value of De Beers' company has risen by one billion U.S. dollars, making it the diamond and jewellery company with the highest market value..."

A piece of news about pink diamonds is playing on TV.

It is the "blood diamond"!

Several photos were displayed on the news... The flawless pink diamonds in the photos have not been polished, but the beauty and value of the diamonds themselves are already dazzling and amazing!

This is a photo exhibited by De Beers on its own initiative. No wonder it will attract royal families from all over the world. It is estimated that the "female zombie" will like it very much!

Zhuang Shikai looked back and listened to the voice on the phone: "Haha, Officer Zhuang, the national treasures and cultural relics have all been received."

"I looked at the photos! Everything is shocking!"

"These darlings, finally go home!"

Grandpa leaned on the sofa and called to announce the good news.

This call was made by him personally, and it didn't make much sense. It was just after reading the photos and the report, he was very happy, and devoted a few minutes to call his "good friends".

This friend is not his "good friend", but the "good friend" and "good bridge" of the compatriots in the two places that will appear in the newspaper many years later!

Zhuang Shikai was also surprised by the phone, and he covered his eldest brother and preached: "It's good to go home, it's good to go home."

He didn't superfluously play any official accent. He used the simplest and sincere emotions to preach: "I want to find something to return home too!"

His words are very flavorful and very particular.

Sure enough, "Grandpa" smiled more openly and preached on the phone: "It's time to come back, it's time to come back, I really want to see this day with my own eyes..."

"Yes, yes, the museum has cleaned up those cultural relics and is going to hold a home exhibition in the Forbidden City. I have already told the guards your name, you...free of charge!"

"I have a chance to go home and see more."

With ripples in his heart, Zhuang Shikai responded with sorrow and sorrow, "Definitely, surely!"

"Okay, I won't bother you, there is a meeting to be held below, cough cough, cherish it!"

"Elderly, smoking less cigarettes is not good for your health." Zhuang Shikai persuaded.

"Haha, I want too!" The old man hung up the phone, looked at the half of the cigarette in his hand, thought for a while, and squeezed out the cigarette butts with a smile.

When the guard next to him saw it, his eyes lit up.

He hopes that the elderly will make more calls of this kind.

Afterwards, he escorted the old man out of the office, walked down the stairs, and got in the car to the hall.

"Treasure!" Zhuang Shikai put his eldest brother back in the drawer, and said softly with a solemn expression.

This phone call was mainly for chatting and feelings. The content of the chat was nothing to talk about. The news about De Beers and Pink Diamonds on the TV had also been cut.

After all, news broadcast on Hong Kong Island itself is chasing hot spots. Just report it. No one will go into it, and they don't have the ability to go into it.

Let alone Hong Kong Island, even in the United States, those who have the ability to study this matter are either locked up in a refugee camp or sharing **** steamed buns together.

However, the behind-the-scenes bosses and diamond tycoons of De Beers and these diamond companies...hehe, they really deserve to be the super capitalists who play "True Love is Lasting" and can turn diamonds into "love" symbols.

After all, I am superb at merchandise marketing, and I am more at ease with capital operation.

They don't sell pink diamonds, but hype, marketing, and hype up the company's market value!

As long as no bigger pink diamonds appear for one day, pink diamonds will not be sold in one day...

The company's market value will also be stable!

And what if one day bigger pink diamonds appear?

Haha, are the diamond-mining countries, the diamond-smuggling gangs, and the diamond-related organizations that make their fortunes based on diamonds, are they all subsidiaries of De Beers?

These larger diamonds will also appear in the hands of the diamond company and continue to help increase the company's market value, or they can be locked up first. There is no need to display them. No one in the world knows that there are bigger diamonds.

Then sell the current largest pink diamond through auction to maximize revenue, and then move out the record-breaking diamond!

This **** capital operation! It was done in one go, and even the queen could not escape the fate of leeks!

It's nothing more than a big leek or a small leek!

All this is like a diamond company will not tell you that there are huge diamonds in the world, diamonds do not have rare attributes at all, and diamonds can be synthesized artificially, and the purity and quality are higher, and the cost will be further reduced...

"This **** capitalism!" Zhuang Shikai shook his head, showing that there was no way.

Have no idea! He really can't help it!

If he had the means to do what a policeman, he would be directly elected president and change the human social system.

You must know that if you want to change the power of capital in society, you can only overthrow the existing social mechanism, and ideological reforms are not enough. It is only a way to change the distribution, but it cannot change the core of capital.

"So I joined it if I couldn't beat it. Fortunately, I am also a small capitalist." Zhuang Shikai curled his lips and took a sip of coffee.

"Da da da." At this moment, Ye Zi was standing at the door holding the file and knocking gently.

Zhuang Shikai raised his head and said, "Please come in."

Yezi walked quickly into the office, stood at the desk, with a solemn expression, and whispered: "Sir, there is great information!"

She locked the glass door tightly and looked mysterious, as if something really happened.

Zhuang Shikai frowned and looked at her: "Say."

Encountered something big.

Master Zhuang has always been concise and concise.

Yazi whispered: "According to the news from the Ministry of Security, the Deputy Director of Operations has specially found a very difficult case to hand it over to you."

The Ministry of Security is not only responsible for politics, but in fact is responsible for the security of the General Administration, as well as the security and confidentiality work of director-level officials, and can effectively obtain first-hand high-level confidential information.

Zhuo Jingquan is now the Superintendent of the Security Department and is in charge of the Security Department's operations team. This news is clearly the latest news from Zhuo Jingquan.

You know, the superintendent level and the inspector level are fortunate to say, the position above the director level is a carrot, a pit,

It is not a level that can be promoted if you have enough years, qualifications, and credits!

If the above pits are not allowed to come out, no matter how powerful or powerful you are, you will not be able to climb it!

Just as the term of office of the director does not end, unless the director dies or resigns, it is impossible for a new director to assume the position!

Zhuang Shikai’s upper Assistant Director and Senior Assistant Director along the way did not rely on the death of his superiors, but on private negotiations, exchange of interests, and secretly persuading those in their positions to resign.

With the influence of his police force and the promised benefits, it coincides that these assistant directors and senior assistant directors have served for many years and are approaching age.

The wrinkled ghost will naturally not work hard for politics in his old age, make enough money, and resign willingly.

Therefore, Zhuang Shikai's two positions are very smooth, and he can sit in his favorite department, sit in the desired position...

However, the two deputy directors are really qualified to talk to him about face!

Especially Zhuang Shikai sat on the operations office, the senior assistant director, and the next goal was directed at the operations deputy director. It was almost self-evident and blatant!

The deputy director of operations was transferred from his ancestor's home three years ago. He is more than forty years old, and he is the best age for a prosperous and promising career!

Do you want him to take the initiative to resign and return to his ancestral home? He won't do it if you send him a mayor!

Therefore, since Zhuang Shikai's senior assistant director, the deputy director of operations has seen him upset and guarded him everywhere.

It is a pity that with the current strength of Lord Zhuang and the wrist power of the deputy director of operations, there is no such thing as making things difficult or stumbling. It is completely in a state of overhead. Maybe every day in the office, he is holding back some tricks!

"Isn't the ill-intentioned trick coming out now?" Zhuang Shikai secretly said in his heart, raising his head and saying, "What case?"

Since it is the way of handling cases to create difficulties, it means that it is a tentative gameplay within the rules.

Since the other party still abides by the rules of the game, you don't need to be too angry and just handle the case.

Handle a case?

Master Zhuang is really not afraid!

Of course, this can also be understood as a provocation.

In other words, Mr. Charlie, the deputy director of operations, had a brain illness!

Yazi leaned down, pressed close to Sir Zhuang’s ear, and whispered quietly: “A case involving a transnational organ factory is said to involve handling cases abroad. The situation is very serious and involves some foreign politicians.”

Zhuang Shikai sniffed the scent, felt the warmth of the earlobe, and could see two peaks and valleys...

He suppressed the heat in his heart and rolled his eyes: "Which country?"


Geko preached aloud.

Zhuang Shikai punched the table with a punch: "God, there are not many decent countries in Southeast Asia! And among so many nondecent countries, Thailand is the most perverted!"

Yazi curled his lips: "I praised the ladyboy dance when I came back from vacation last time~lightnovelpub.net~ I praised the green coconut for good taste!" Zhuang Sir corrected.

It just so happened that Zhuang Shikai had just taken office as Deputy Director of Operations, and he needed an influential and large-scale case to be unveiled.

This case is not only Charlie's challenge to him, but also an opportunity for Zhuang Shikai. It can be said that both opportunities and dangers coexist! ! !

The appearance that Zhuang Shikai wanted was not for the inside of the police force, but for the five million citizens on Hong Kong Island! With a beautiful and big case, let the citizens know about his senior assistant director, do a good job of propaganda work, and prepare for the senior deputy director.

"Go down, wait for him to deliver the folder!" Zhuang Shikai waved his hand and said, "Make the coffee well, it's probably coming soon."

Yazi pouted and said, "Okay."

She turned and left, adjusting her neckline as she walked, Zhuang Shikai saw her movements, and muttered in her heart: "A chaste woman outside the door, a lewd **** inside the door..."