Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 651: Annihilation operation

There are no wealthy people in the library who visit privately via microservices.

There is a super instructor who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger!

"Bah." Xu Xi pushed the trolley out of the bookcase, revealing half of his body, Zhuang Shikai pointed at him: "I'm looking for Xu Sheng."

"Xu Sheng?" Tracy, the head of the embassy and others turned their heads...

Xu Xi responded with a dull expression: "Who is Xu Sheng?"

Zhuang Shikai stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders: "Xu Sheng, don't hide, your old beanie asked me to get you home."

Xu Xi shook her head and said, "My parents are dead early."

"I am the only one left in my family."


Zhuang Shikai sighed naturally: "Then we find a place to chat?"

Xu Xi stood still.

The eyes of Tracy and others were moved.

Zhuang Shikai put his arm around Xu Xi's shoulders and led him out of the library with a smile on his face, but he whispered: "You don't want a friend in the library to have an accident, you'd better come with me..."

Xu Xi's face was still rigid, but the murderous aura flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he did not hold on anymore, and walked out of the library with Sir Zhuang.


By the street.

"Kacha." Zhuang Shikai locked the door of a public toilet and pushed Xu Xi to stand in front.

Xu Xi stepped back two steps, and asked with a calm expression: "What do you want to do."

Zhuang Shikai turned to look at him sharply, and asked politely: "Instructor Xu, can you give me a copy of the personnel information of Unit 701?"

Xu Xi's heart moved, with some touches and resistance.

Although, he has successfully escaped from Unit 701, but as a former training instructor, the most elite 701 member.

He can't do anything to hand over the list again.

Because he knew that as long as he handed over the list, his former brothers would die...

Although he also opposed the establishment of the 701, thought, did not want the 701 unit to be reduced to a political killer, creating one murder after another.

But he didn't want to send his brothers to death by himself.

At least not now!

And he has recognized Zhuang Shikai's identity, and now pretending to be foolish and trying to pass the test, he is trying to protect the hard-won peaceful life.

Just listen to him standing up and answering: "Officer Zhuang, what is Unit 701?"


Zhuang Shikai laughed lightly.

Xu Xi continued: "Sir Zhuang, although I know you are powerful, I really don’t know what Troop 701 is, let alone a list of personnel... I still have some work in the library that I haven’t finished. If you have nothing else to ask, Can you..."

Zhuang Shikai raised his hand and shook his fingers, behaving gently.

"It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police, even if your identity is fake..." Zhuang Shikai stepped forward and suddenly grabbed the opponent's head and said in a low voice, "And can you live on Hong Kong Island! Words count!"

Xu Xi's brows twitched, and she instinctively raised her hand to block, stepping back and avoiding.

He showed amazing fighting skills.

However, Zhuang Shikai made two changes with one hand, patted Xu Xi's hands off continuously, and took a step forward again, directly taking out Xu Xi's neck.

Without hesitation, he quickly bullied himself, grabbed Xu Xi's head and shot him to death!

"Boom!" Xu Xi hit the wall heavily with his head, smashing a few tiles directly! For the sake of brothers, for brothers, to fight against ghosts, to prevent reform! No matter how ruthless Zhuang Shikai can use it!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Seeing the tiles shattered to the ground, Zhuang Shikai smashed Xu Xi's head three times, smashing a piece of blood.

Then he squeezed Xu Xi's neck with one hand and five fingers, and approached Xu Xi's ear with a probe, preaching with a fierce expression: "Do you have a peaceful life? It's my decision!"

"And your so-called instructor? Reconstruction plan?" Sir Zhuang preached with disdain: "These are not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

You dare to be cruel to the ghost man Zhuangye! What's more, is a reformed soldier with a dark history? These people were born with sins from the moment the "organization" was born.

Talk about defecting organizations and retreating from the arena.

Ah! It depends on whether Mr. Zhuang recognizes it or not!

If you cooperate with Master Zhuang, you will recognize you as good, don't you cooperate? An inferior experimental product!

Zhuang Shikai's five fingers were gradually clenched, and he pinched Xu Xi hard and preached: "Ten seconds! I'll give you ten seconds to consider..."

Xu Xi clung to the wall with both hands and made ten scratches on the wall.

The scratches are deep and long.

Talking about struggle and pain.

One second, two seconds... Zhuang Shikai gradually increased his strength within ten seconds, and finally strangled Xu Xi alive.

Between silence, time passes, ten seconds is very long, it can grow to the end of life...

Unfortunately, at the sixth second, Xu Xi gave up resisting and hissed: "E-mail! I will send the information to your e-mail!"

"Huh!" Zhuang Shikai suddenly let go, and Xu Xi took a big breath. When he turned to look at Zhuang Shikai, there were still lingering fears in his eyes.

Although he had read the information a long time ago and knew Zhuang Shikai's personal strength, when he was easily subdued, all the only pride in his heart was shattered.

What a super experiment!


Can't even do an ordinary person!

Sure enough, a garbage experiment doomed to fail!

Zhuang Shikai withdrew his hand, smiled, and tidied his cuffs gracefully, and finally pulled on his tie, looking at him and said: "Very witty! As expected of someone who knows how to defect! It seems that his brain is not burnt!"

"Haha." Zhuang Shikai straightened his tie and laughed loudly: "Waiting for your email."

He turned around and took two steps, unscrewing the door of the room.

Suddenly, he turned around and said, "By the way, tell them to buy Thunder Tornado."

"My horse!" Zhuang Shikai smiled like a flower.

Xu Xi was holding the wound on his head and breathing in cold air, showing a very painful look.

Sir Chuang’s mailbox number...

Just gave it to him.

He raised his hand and rubbed the wound and said, "You can't stay in this place."

Amazingly, he rubbed the wound on his head with his hands. In just a few seconds, the blood and flesh sprouted in the stool, and the scab formed to stop the bleeding. Five minutes later, when he returned to the library, the wound on his head was long gone.

If the 701 project has a successful experiment.

Then the successful product must be Xu Xi!

Of course, no matter how strong the experiment is, it can't stop someone from cheating...

"The strength and reaction are indeed far beyond ordinary people. Xu Xiguang shows that the physical fitness is enough to fight the five capitals, and the fighting skills are fully deployed, at least enough to fight the eight capitals. Those 701 members also have the strength of the five capitals on average."

"Push the street! If this continues like this, the strength of Jing will not ruin the streets, right? Five capitals per capita? By then I will have to go to the front with a DCP? It's really a loss!" Zhuang Shikai drove back to the police station, secretly cursing Said: "Why is there such a play?"

It’s okay if you want him to go to the front line with occasional major cases.

Go to the front line every day?

Do you think the office chair is soft, or the secretary is not good-looking?

Zhuang Shikai pondered carefully, it seems that Unit 701 is still a special situation, it should be once.

The power of the Five Capitals is a watershed.

There are quite a lot of children under Wujing, but few arrive at Wujing, and there are only a handful of them surpassing Wujing.

In the future, let's play again in the future.

The rest will be handled by the guys. Whether it is the police or criminals, not many can surpass the five capitals.

As for Xu Xi's side... After Zhuang Shikai got the information, he didn't have time to manage so much for the time being. But should he think he can escape from Wuzhishan? Haha, that would be naive.

If he is obedient and obedient, he can still arrange a job for him. Everyone will be friends in the future. After all, there are not many talents who are capable of surpassing the five capitals.

Of course, if he dares to change into a black suit to save his old brother, or an old lover? I'm sorry, guys, one more bullet thing.

Zhuang Shikai is very clear about Xu Xi's background, information and door! Now even the strength is very clear! In short, the entire 701 plan is still in the category of "medicine", which has significantly improved the quality of soldiers, but the ceiling and side effects are obvious, and it is not a super soldier in the true sense.

If Xu Xi is a super soldier. Zhuang Shikai dared to call himself "light" with an energy bar!

"Pada!" Zhuang Shikai returned to the headquarters, slammed the door, took the key and walked up the stairs, da da da, all the way back to the office.

When Xu Xi returned to the library, Tracy, the head of the embassy, ​​Situ and others all gathered around, fawning around Xu Xi and preached: "Xu Sheng, can you inquire about your relationship with Officer Zhuang?"

"Xu Sheng, do you have a girlfriend? Which girl do you like? Touch and see, my legs are not slippery..."

I want to announce that [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

After Xu Xi left, the head of the embassy and others discussed with each other, and finally used Xu Xi's characteristics such as "borrowing money to buy horses without paying back", "working seriously without worrying about work", "crossing the road to help the old lady" and other characteristics...

It is unanimously determined that Xu Xi is a rich man in the game world! Rich second generation!

Immediately open the pleasing mode.

And from a certain angle ~lightnovelpub.net~ Their guess is not wrong. Xu Xi has indeed joined the library work with a mentality of "games", otherwise he would not become a "bad guy".

Because he doesn’t care about money, status and other secular criteria...

He only cares about life.

Unfortunately, he really has no money!

"Xu Sheng, when will you go home and inherit your family business?" Curator Shi finally asked.

Xu Xi shook her head: "No family business, no inheritance."

"Director, can you lend me the computer?"

Xu Xi pointed to the office computer on the countertop.

The head of the embassy immediately replied: "Use it! Use it! Use it whatever you want!"

"Thank you, the curator." Xu Xi pulled the chair away, sat in front of the computer, and suddenly turned around and said: "By the way, Sir Zhuang asked you to buy No. 88 Thunder Tornado."

"That's his horse."

"Wow!" Tracy, the head of the embassy and others, who had leaned forward to the computer, quickly dispersed, rushing to the landline to grab the phone, scolding and betting to buy a horse.

"I come!"

"I'll fight first!"


Xu Xi turned her head calmly and quickly tapped the keyboard to compose an email.

"Notify Chen Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Zhijie, Li Yuanba... and other police officers to come to the office to see me."

"By the way, add a horse army!" Two hours later, in the office, Zhuang Shikai flicked his mouse, browsed the mail, picked up the phone with his hand and said to the secretary.

He named twelve police officers in one go, including inspector-level and superintendent-level, all operational police officers with personal force ratings.

The purpose is to make a wave of fierceness! Carry out a brutal cleansing of Troop 701! Let the dirt left over from the Second World War era be wiped out!

"Yes, sir." At the door, Yazi answered softly while holding the phone.

She hung up the phone, picked it up again, and immediately started shaking people frantically!