Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 706: This time, it was selected!

Zhuang Shikai and Yang Jianhua ate the Stanley set meal with their heads down.

Zhuang Sheng stopped talking.

Yang Jianhua is not good to say anything...

However, she quietly observed Zhuang Sheng's expression, and she could see that Zhuang Sheng was thinking while eating.

However, she couldn't judge Zhuang Sheng's thoughts, and she wouldn't even guess at all, because Zhuang Sheng's joy and anger were invisible, and they were already beyond the scope of his speculation.

Zhuang Shikai wondered how to solve the Taiwan Island issue. You must know that the Taiwan Island aspect is of great importance. It is not only one of his ideal layouts, but also a big cake and great benefit in his bowl.

And the big guys in the north are not targeting him, they are indeed thinking from the perspective of "for his own good", hoping not to lose big because of small mistakes.

After all, if someone else catches his feet, he has the feet to catch.

This time the person on top of the bureaucrats in the eleven cities made it clear that the boss was suppressed, and the boss had spoken for him! However, the boss can hold down once, can hold down one term, can still help him hold every term, and help him speak every term?

And things on that side will become more and more serious as 1997 passes, because the focus of the overall situation of East Asia will gradually shift from Hong Kong Island to Taiwan Island. If it is not handled more than ten years in advance, it will be big enough in the future. The surname "Zhuang" has been erased from the Hong Kong Island political situation! Do you want to pay attention to it! ! !

And the "clean" treatment in the boss's mouth clearly made him break the connection with "Rose". Maybe various assets can be transferred quietly, but it is certainly not much.

This is the simplest, most direct, and most trouble-free operation!

At the same time, it is also the most embarrassing operation!

If you live forever, if you have a good idea, the Lord Zhuang has been mixed up to this point, and he is still playing around with a word? The ghost of the year is not good! Not now or in the future!

It’s okay for a man to give up on a woman, and it’s okay for a man to give up his assets.

But the premise is that he is not brave enough! It just so happens that Lord Zhuang is very brave!

Although he knew all the women who played with him, he just opened one eye and closed one eye.

But he wants to dump the girl, and he also wants to dump it when he gets tired of it!


At this moment, Lord Zhuang threw away his chopsticks, took out two paper towels to wipe his mouth, wearing a suit, leaning on a chair, and looking at Yang Jianhua who was opposite, smiled and said, "Chairman Yang, don't worry."

"I will not let the motherland down."

"It will take care of things cleanly."

"Huh..." Yang Jianhua exclaimed in his heart, relaxed his shoulders, and said with a relaxed expression: "The country has always believed in you, Sir Zhuang."

"Yeah." Zhuang Shikai nodded and suddenly raised his head and asked: "By the way, after 97 returns, can you help me amnesty a person? Or cancel a wanted charge."

The former must be ordered in the name of the state, and the latter will be done in the name of the special zone. The two methods, one high and the other low, will eventually achieve the goal. They are the two methods given by Sir Zhuang, but Yang Jianhua raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice Said: "Do you want Lei to return to Hong Kong Island?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Shikai replied very simply.

Yang Jianhua didn't hesitate, shook his head and said, "No! Lei Luo's crimes are obvious to all. Although in a sense, he also made some contributions to Hong Kong Island, but this is not enough to erase his crimes."

"You have to know that gong is gong, and passing is demerit. His original intention was only for self-interest, and his original intention was wrong."

There is something in this remark, it is that Zhuang Sir's original intention is right, so it can offset some things, the way is right.

But Leiluo was wrong at first! It is such naked corruption and bribery, murder and fire, even if there are factors of the times, there is no forgiveness from a higher angle!

High-level, you must not reverse black and white!

"Oh..." Zhuang Shikai sighed and nodded immediately: "I understand!"

"Actually... Lei Luo also lives very well on Taiwan Island." Yang Jianhua looked at Zhuang Shikai and said: "If the information is correct, Lei Luo and Miss Liu do a lot of business. He will also attend some formal occasions in private. Standing behind him, whether on Taiwan Island or Hong Kong Island, you are all respectable Mr. Lei."

"I think this kind of thing... you don't need to think about it too much." At this moment, Yang Jianhua gave sincere advice.

Zhuang Shikai stood up, took out two banknotes, bent over and put them on the table, staring at Yang Jianhua and preaching: "You don't understand!"

"Brother Luo is my boss!"

"He has reached his age, and I can't help but to return to his roots."

Although Zhuang Shikai's voice is not loud, but his tone is firm, put down the banknotes, raised his head and said: "Boss, pay the bill."

Immediately he turned into the car and left.

He can only do this by himself!

And the only way to do it yourself is to become the Commissioner of Police before the return of 1997, and then make a request to Hong Kong Island as the Commissioner of Police! It is bound to be agreed by the Governor of Hong Kong!

This is Rogo's last way back to Hong Kong Island. Try what Zhuang Tsai said!

Appointments from the mainland and duties to the mainland are limited to those after 1997.

"Huh!" When the car drove away from Stanley Bay, Yang Jianhua stood up and looked at the shadow of the car going away, and sighed softly, "Why..."

"Squeak!" Sir Zhuang lowered the gear, stepped on the clutch, and added the accelerator!

Suddenly, he lapped around the direction, looked at the rearview mirror, released the clutch and stepped on the brake, when he swept through the curve with a tail swing, and staged a perfect drift on the edge of the Stanley Highway.

Fortunately, the police car is durable!

For the Zhuang Ye with driving skills, the basic operation is not 6.

"Tick." On the highway, he controlled the car with one hand, took out his mobile phone and put the phone in his ear to preach: "Hello?"

While driving and looking in the rearview mirror, he preached.

"Husband." Rose Jiao Nuo's touching response rang across the phone, but Zhuang Shikai said in a straightforward tone: "Election at the end of the year! I will support you on stage!"

Taiwan’s ban on the party was liberalized in 1987, and many democratic parties have been born in the 1990s, and they hold the seats of parliamentarians and the L Fa conference.

Don't think that this is a good thing.

In fact, this has a very bad influence on the atmosphere of Taidao!

First of all, the liberalization of party ban is not an initiative of the previous party, but a choice made by the international and economic situation.

After Taiwan’s liberalization of the party ban, it seems that the economy has taken off, people’s lives have improved, and there have been good positive benefits, but in fact it has brought about the strengthening of the American influence, the rise of populism, and the high negative voices of all kinds of anti-reunification...

It can be said that "the heart of the compatriots on both sides of the strait" has become a thing of the past. In order to win the favor of the United States and gain popular support, a small number of people have gone farther and farther on the crooked road...

This situation will soon become a trend!

The only way to change is to have a "supporting reunification" voice and power coming to power. Currently, Taiwan Island does not have one, so let it have it!

Taiwan’s Legislative Council elections this year.

Rose wanted to run for the election.

She called to ask about Zhuang Sheng's opinion. Zhuang Sheng didn't reply for a while, so she followed up on the matter of running for the election.

After all, she is Zhuang Sheng's woman, and she has to listen to Zhuang Sheng's words across the sea!

However, after Yang Jianhua and him talked frankly about "Taiwan Island", Zhuang Shikai finally made up his mind to choose! Why not choose? Rose has enough influence in Taiwan's business, gangs, and even politics!

When will you choose not to choose at this time? If you don’t choose yourself, what should you do if someone else chooses? At that time, the rose not only has no way to go up. I'm afraid I have to cut meat for other new high-ranking "big men"!

At this moment, Rose heard his words and preached in surprise: "Husband, have you decided?"

"It's set." Zhuang Shikai was very simple.

"Did something happen? It made you suddenly determined." Taidao, office. Shalena was holding the phone, faintly feeling that her man's tone was a little wrong...

Zhuang Shikai didn't hide it, and revealed his heart to the woman: "Someone told me to clean up the relationship between Taiwan and Island, and save me a fortune in the future, but I thought about it, my own woman can't ignore it, because I'm a man! "

"Moreover, some relationships need to be washed, probably because the relationship is not strong enough. When you are elected to the position of the Legislative F committee, I think this relationship should not be washed."

"You know, there are two ways to clean up the relationship, one is to sever the relationship, and the other is to make the other party recognize the relationship! Since they don't recognize it now, then we will let him recognize it!"

This is the thinking of Lord Zhuang! Always domineering!

He doesn't believe that after Rose is elected as a committee member, someone will trouble him with this matter...As time goes by, the position of a committee member on Taiwan Island will become more and more important, not to mention, why not stop in the future. Yu Committee?

You should know that after Taiwan's ban on the party was liberalized in 1987, many leaders of the association went to run for the election. According to reports, there are currently eight committee members who are from associations. And all of them are the older generation, ruthless characters who came from the mainland! There are some qualities in them that young people don't have.

Rose has been accumulated until the present 90s, only to feel qualified and confident enough to be selected! It's not that the leader of the club has just run for the election.

After all...the Vietnamese gang is now the largest gang in Taiwan! But after all, I haven't experienced the era of "strategic transfer". There are many upper-level relationships missing. Even if you successfully enter TSMC, you still lack the upper-level qualifications and seniority!

Why bother to choose when you can't choose? Only if you can choose! So Rose didn't say to choose until this year!

"Husband." At this moment, Rose was very moved after listening to Sir Zhuang's words, but instead hesitated ~lightnovelpub.net~ and asked worriedly: "Don't influence yourself for..."

"Actually, I can live very well on Taiwan Island alone." Tears flickered in her eyes. She was really thinking about Sir Zhuang and was really moved by Sir Zhuang's words.

Follow such a man.

No regrets if you die!

Zhuang Shikai sighed, "In fact, this is also for my own ideals...After all, the above didn't think I had made it, so they said that I would be judged. If I can make it, it might really help the great cause of the motherland."

"You have to know that in your capacity, you can win over the bigwigs of the associations and hold the seats of the big associations into a force! Then select elites to train, and gradually form a system. Do you think there will be more seats? Not much? Do you want to be the female leader?"

When it comes to this, Rose's chest rises and falls, took a deep breath, and replied: "Since it is my man's ideal! Then I will help him realize it!"

"This time, I have chosen!"

"No one can stop it!"