Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 814: 1 game of cards, layout of financial tur

The foreign exchange of a country.

It is the foundation of the financial market.

It is also a barrier to national wealth!

Foreign exchange generally adopts two systems, the "fixed exchange rate system" and the "floating exchange rate system".

The "fixed exchange rate system" is to fix the exchange rate of a country's currency with gold, or the US dollar, and other objects with stable value and strong purchasing power.

The "floating exchange rate system" fluctuates in accordance with the demand and supply of currencies.

Because the "fixed exchange rate system" has value targets, and the targets are stable, there is a strong barrier to wealth.

Can adequately protect national wealth.

The "floating exchange rate system" opens the door of national wealth to the capital market...

The ups and downs are the most dramatic!

And there are no security barriers!

Therefore, the "fixed exchange rate system" is much better than the "floating exchange rate system" in terms of stability and security.

The first country in the world to adopt the "fixed exchange rate system" was the "United States", which statutory the price of gold at 35 U.S. dollars an ounce, which completely established the global trade value of U.S. dollars.

Therefore, the U.S. dollar has the title of U.S. dollar!

Gold is a non-renewable precious metal with industrial, financial, and collection effects.

This trick in the United States is very powerful!

Looking at the world, since ancient times, gold has represented wealth... Therefore, when the United States began to infiltrate financial trade into other countries in the world, it recommended the use of "dollars" as the standard, and the implementation of the "Bretton Woods System" to make "dollars" "Become the world currency!

It has become the currency of most countries affected by Western capital.

In the eyes of those third world countries that trust Western capital, the US dollar is equal to gold. What is wrong with using US dollar as the target of "fixed exchange rate"?

This is no different from using gold as the target.

There can also be US economic assistance, trade preferences, tariff reductions...

It's a **** profit!

Therefore, every country under the "Bretton Woods System" must reserve some US dollars every time some currency is printed.

In order to ensure currency stability.

Guarantee currency exchange rate and purchasing power internationally.

In this way, trade and develop the country.

You know, a country cannot develop on its own self-sufficiency... at best it can barely make ends meet.

Only by opening up exchanges and conducting trade, joining can accelerate development.

At this time, the currency exchange rate is the bargaining chip of the country's trade.

It is a pity that many countries do not know when to open, and when they open, they will be cut leeks.

When the "Bretton Woods System" was completed, the United States immediately cancelled the legal price of "dollars" for gold exchange and completed a wave of operations of harvesting leeks.

In the end, those countries can only hold their noses to admit accounts, use "dollars" as foreign exchange targets, and completely tie their national wealth on the American train.

On the surface, this train will bring them rapid development.

In fact, the country’s wealth and financial system are completely exposed to the other’s fangs.

"One 3!"


Card table.

Zhuang Shikai dropped a "3 of spades" and was the first to add a hole card to the empty table.

Sima Xiang sat on the left side of the table.

"One 6."

He drew a card and waved his hand.

"A K."

Wei Hang sat on the right side of the table and dropped a "square K" to follow.

Zhuang Shikai held a handful of cards in his hand, with a glass of wine and a cigar beside him.

The cigar was now leaning against the ashtray.

A curl of white smoke rose.

Chen Zhan, Huang Shi, etc. were injured holding a wine glass, standing at the card table, divided into two groups looking at the hands of "Wei Hang" and "Simaxiang", but no one dared to look at the hands of the big boss.

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This late night, the Peninsula Hotel, the "Landlord Club" box began to play the big boss's favorite "Fight Landlord" again.

And in the one hundred hands of the Landlord Club, it’s rare for a big boss to participate...Since it’s a hand with big bosses, everyone is naturally playing a lot. The default ante bet for each hand is one set." Thousand-foot mansion", two sets of main land!

Bombs, sky cards, and landlords have all doubled!

So there are no chips or cash on the table.

This is even more arrogant than Huang Shitong, Chen Zhan and others who put cash on the table, throwing hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Of course, not everyone is qualified to play cards with big bosses.

Tonight, the big boss is going to talk about business while playing cards. Only Simaxiang and Wei Hang can accompany them. The others can only watch "spiritual participation" nearby. I couldn't sit in the poker round and play cards all night.

Because Sima Xiang is the leader of the Landlord Association, and Wei Hang is a newcomer who is valued by the "big boss". He has just returned from the actual combat and made 3 billion for the big boss...

As for Luo Minsheng? He usually can't even go to the game of Huang Shi's peers, so he can only be a waiter by the side!

It was also lucky for him to attend.

"Crush to death."

Zhuang Shikai dropped a "2" sermon.

Sure enough, Sima Xiang and Wei Hang had both said.

"Three belts and one."

Zhuang Shikai threw down four cards: "After World War II, most Asian countries imitated the financial systems of Western countries. Except for the mainland of the motherland, the countries and regions with better economies in Asia are all under the'Bretton Woods System'."

"If it is said, it is the first time that the United States has cut leeks to decouple the dollar from gold."

"Then the release of the U.S. dollar and the printing of money again and again are harvests for the countries of the'Bretton Woods System' in Asia."

"And the Asian financial turmoil is about to happen!"

"It's another plunder of Asian wealth by Western capital!"

At this time, Sima Xiang also dropped four cards and said aloud: "This is no way. Who will keep the Asian continent behind the Western continent after the Industrial Revolution?"

"Throughout the entire Southeast Asia, excluding the mainland of the motherland, who is not the younger brother of the West?"

"They took the initiative to bind with the U.S. dollar for the rapid development of domestic bubbles. It seems that they have obtained the short-term effect of rapid development."

"In fact, the bane has already been planted."

Things on the financial, economic, and capital levels.

After all, it's all about force.

The current world pattern is the distribution pattern of World War II!

Everything is based on the victory or defeat of the war and the strength of the country!

Cannot be changed!

If the mainland of the motherland has not contended, won, and won a "battle of the nation's fortunes" with the United States, how can the current situation be constructed?

You know, the foundation of a powerful country has long been laid.

The motherland has adopted an independent "foreign exchange control system", which not only allows foreign exchange and the free market to fluctuate, but also restricts the exchange of domestic currencies to foreign exchange, building a strong national wealth barrier!

Such as copper walls and iron walls.

Let the greedy and cunning international capital simply be unable to speak up!

It can be said that this is the foundation of a strong country and the confidence of a big country. This is the difference between the motherland and all countries. Even the old capitalist countries such as "British" and "French" cannot match it.

Therefore, in the 1970s and 1980s, far-sighted big men saw that the future of the motherland was prosperous! Only then will they crazily want to contain, suppress, and block the rise of the country!

Obstruct the road to the rise of great powers!

"Why is the financial turmoil called the financial turmoil?"

"Because it won't stop as soon as it starts... it will only scrape bigger and harder."

"And once it is scraped, it must be scraped to Hong Kong Island."

"It's still in the most fierce posture, and it's swept in!" Wei Hang said with a card.


Zhuang Shikai dropped a bomb and preached lightly: "Those small countries want to develop, but our motherland also wants to develop. They bind their currency to the United States in exchange for the opportunity to join the WTO and do business with the world, but they give up security. "

"The motherland has controlled the exchange rate and temporarily slowed down development to hold security."

"But now that the country wants to develop, the country must develop. As a window to the motherland, Hong Kong Island has temporarily assumed the important task of the motherland's development!"

"The development of the motherland is not on the right track, and the door to the WTO will not be opened. The historical mission of Hong Kong Island is here! Then I must guard the window of Hong Kong Island for the people of the motherland! We must break this crisis!"


Zhuang Shikai cast aside the "one-stop": "No one is unstoppable! If you stop it, you will die!"

He has regarded the 1997 financial turmoil as a conspiracy and suppression of the rise of the motherland by the Western world.

Is it pure wealth plundering by western capital?

Whether it is or not, the 1997 turmoil will actually have the "effect" of suppressing the motherland, because once the Hong Kong Island financial market falls, then the motherland’s development path will be slowed down, interrupted,

Even missed opportunities of the times.

Weaken national luck!

Therefore, the financial turmoil is a stumbling block to the rise of the motherland, and the stone must be kicked away!

Zhuang Shikai wants to smash it!

"Chuang Sheng, but we don't have enough chips." Sima Xiang pushed his glasses, choosing cards one by one. At this moment, he didn't know which card to play.

The main strategy of Western capital is generally to buy a large amount of the currency of the target country, and then place huge short orders.

When the currency chips in hand are enough, we can quickly lower the target country's currency exchange rate by means of concentrated selling ~lightnovelpub.net~.

Since currency transactions on the international market rely on "U.S. dollars" to purchase, a country that wants to hold its own "currency value" must come up with sufficient U.S. dollar reserves.

The vast majority of Asian countries’ financial systems are not sound.

These unsound financial systems are like pieces of tempting fresh meat, attracting Wall Street capitalists...

These capitalists are a group of wild wolves who smell blood!

When the foreign exchange reserves of the target country cannot hold up the value of the currency, it will trigger panic selling internationally, which will eventually lead to a fall in the currency.

For every percentage point drop, how many percentage points will be profitable from a short order......

This allows capitalists to make a lot of money on short positions!

And often an international currency pair completely abandons the code by abandoning the "fixed exchange rate system" and changing to the "floating exchange rate system"!

In other words, it is very difficult for Western capital to make money in foreign exchange transactions, and even to post money. Their point of making money is to be short!

Hong Kong Island wants to support the Hong Kong dollar market value to take two paths. The first is to acquire Hong Kong dollar chips, and the second is to collect foreign exchange preparations.

These two things are extremely complex large operations.

And since other Southeast Asian countries are unacceptable and doomed to bankruptcy, Zhuang Shikai, in order to accumulate the bargaining chip in his hand, that is, "money", also followed Western capital to make "international hot money" to make money in Southeast Asian countries!

The three billion Hong Kong dollars earned by "Wei Hang" in the Thai market was just under the orders of the "Zhang Ye". Previously, the Thai market had eaten rotten meat, grilled bone marrow, and picked up 3 billion!

He can sacrifice his life for the country and the nation, or he can turn into a demon, cramping and skinning people! Because from the perspective of the nation and the nation, all people are enemies except for the people!

"Then make more chips and come back." Zhuang Shikai narrowed his eyes and preached.