Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 821: Financial Secretary

"Brother Luo, I'll go back to the headquarters first..." Zhuang Shikai said at this time.

Luo Ge raised his hand and beckoned to the little Jew next to him: "Little girl, come here."

"Huh?" Little Jew exclaimed, his expression a little surprised, even slightly startled.

She couldn't figure out what "Mr. Lei" told her to do. She is also supporting Fang Zhanbo!

"It's okay, Mr. Lei called you over. Maybe it's good?" Fang Zhanbo patted the back of her hand, preached aloud, and signaled her to pass. Two police officers stepped forward to support Fang Zhanbo.

Zhuang Shikai temporarily closed his mouth, first glanced at Chen Xijiu and Chen Jiwen, then turned his head and continued to watch Luo Ge's movements, standing by and watching.

"Mr. Lei, why are you looking for me." I saw the little Jew crept up to "Lei Luo".

She asked timidly, clutching the corners of her clothes with both hands.

"Haha." Luo Ge smiled kindly, grabbed his cane, and chuckled softly.

Little Jew hastily bowed: "Thank you Mr. Ray for your help, and Mr. Ray for saving my husband."

"Husband?" Fang Zhanbo twitched: "Little Jewish! I haven't promised to be your husband yet!"

Chen Jiwen was beside him, showing disappointment.

Luo Ge was too lazy to deal with the emotional drama between the children, raised his hand and said: "No thanks! What is your name?"

Little Jewish is definitely not his real name.

"Ruan Mei." Little Jew said.

Luo Ge nodded slightly and asked aloud: "Are you not agreeing to be my goddaughter?"

"What?" Little Jew asked in surprise. She couldn't figure out how big a person like "Mr. Lei" would want to accept her as a goddaughter, maybe it's a goddaughter...

Fang Zhanbo hurriedly yelled: "Little Jewish! Hurry up and promise!"

"You are Mr. Lei's goddaughter. This is a blessing that others can't cultivate for several lifetimes. You will become a wealthy daughter when you change yourself."

"Mr. Lei! The little Jewish parents are dead, and her grandmother has also passed away... Now she is so lonely and really suitable for adoption..." Fang Zhanbo shouted at Leiluo again, as if he was anxious to push Ruan Mei to him. People do...make Ruan Mei stomped angrily: "You! Bad guy!!!"

Fang Zhanbo wanted to do well for Ruan Mei and let Ruan Mei seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find a good background.

After all, what if she could become Luo Ge's goddaughter? Destiny is definitely changed.

Leiluo ignored Fang Zhanbo's words and grabbed his cane and smiled at Ruan Mei: "I think I think you are very congenial, so I want to recognize your goddaughter. If you want to refuse, it doesn't matter, Leiluo won't be overwhelmed! When I didn’t say anything just now!"

Ruan Mei squeezed the corner of her clothes, hesitated for a moment, thinking of Mr. Lei’s kindness to help her out, and finally made up her mind: "Goddaddy."

"Hahaha, good." Lei Luo laughed freely on the spot.

"You can come to me if you have anything in the future, come and drink morning tea with me if you have nothing to do, and take a walk for prosperity."

"The relationship between the two of us will not affect your original life..." Of course, there must be some influence. For example, Ruan Mei will have more money and more opportunities, but they are all subtle "transformations", not just a moment. Just moved into the palace.

Azhong and Ayi stood by and immediately shouted, "Miss."

"Miss." Reluo said.

Ruan Mei is at least a master.

When Chen Jiwen witnessed this scene next to him, not only was he not threatening, but he was happy for Ruan Mei. Although she likes Fang Zhanbo as much as Ruan Mei, she knows that Ruan Mei also loves Fang Zhanbo very much, and she uses her life more than she loves.

This made her uncomfortable with Ruan Mei, on the contrary, she liked it even more.

Chen Xijiu didn't feel much. Like Luo Ge, he only looked at people, not the relationship between the two juniors.

Although, he doesn't like Chen Jiwen's tricks of making people big and small, playing with two daughters and one husband.

However, he and Luo Ge are both people who are used to seeing Fengyue, how can you rest assured about this? Maybe Chen Jiwen doesn't like Fang Zhanbo for a year or two? If he is really big and small, he has to be big too.

"Congratulations Brother Luo."

"Congratulations to Brother Luo." At this time, Zhuang Shikai and Chen Xijiu successively congratulated the boss.

It is a great joy to accept a goddaughter in the arena, even if Chen Xijiu and Leiluo have retired from the arena, it is also very worthy of celebration.

Zhuang Shikai could see that Luo Ge didn't accept his daughter for doing it...but he liked this little girl as an elder. After all, the little Jew is really likable, and Luo Ge is already powerless.

Sir Zhuang lost interest in the little girl again.

No other ideas at all.

Of course, if Luo Ge accepts his goddaughter, he will send the house, the car, arrange the servants, tut, then there will be a problem...now there is no such situation.

"Brother Luo is probably afraid of being bored on Hong Kong Island. After all, Guohui has already set up a family on Taiwan Island, and accepting a goddaughter can really accompany him and Miss Bai more."

Companion in old age.

This is probably what Luo Ge needs most at the moment.

Sir Zhuang understands very well.

"Zhuangzi, Xijiu, thank you for witnessing my acceptance of my goddaughter today, and I will invite you to have a drink the other day." Leiluo turned his head and said to the two.

Zhuang Shikai smiled and promised: "Okay, Brother Luo."

"I'll go back to the police team to handle some things first, and hand it over to Huang Weiyao on the spot."

"Yeah." Lei Luo nodded.

Next, he and Chen Xijiu, Zhuang Shikai, Chen Jiwen and others all left the scene, while Huang Weiyao stayed at the scene temporarily.

However, Sir Huang quickly settled the small scene, and the team ordered the police officers in Central to withdraw.

Zhuang Shikai returned to the headquarters and building by himself in a car provided by the Commissioner of Police.

Fang Zhanbo sent people to Mingxin Hospital for treatment and surgery. After all, Fang Zhanbo's injury is not light. Of course, it will not be very heavy.

At the same time, Sima Xiang of the Landlord Association received the news and immediately went to the hospital with some financial turmoil plans.

Full of people! The offensive and defensive strategies of the financial turmoil have completely begun to operate at full capacity. The financial world on Hong Kong Island has become undercurrents, and an unprecedented huge crisis is brewing.

On the same day, in the international currency market, the three-month and six-month-expiring Hong Kong dollar futures contracts began to rise.

Many parties have injected funds into the foreign exchange market and are secretly competing for the Hong Kong dollar bargaining chip, including the Hong Kong market capital of the landlord association, Western capital led by Wall Street, and a large number of international hot money that is chasing profits. It can be said that whoever gets more Hong Kong dollar chips will be able to take the lead in the financial turmoil.

At the same time, the foreign exchange markets in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and other regions have also experienced unusual ups and downs.

Among them, Japanese yen and South Korean won have more foreign exchange orders, Malay and Singaporean foreign exchange orders have intensified, and money is being injected into Asian financial markets.

At the same time, the Malay and Singaporean governments continue to invest in their foreign exchange reserves, trying to maintain their own currency rates!

South Korea, Japan and other countries sensed the wrong direction and immediately formed their own financial emergency response teams, including top financial geniuses and senior officials of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

When Zhuang Shikai deployed everything and returned to the General Administration to handle official duties, some crises in the international market had already come to light.


New Territories, golf course.

"Bi Kecheng" was wearing white sportswear and cloth shoes, and threw his cue up.

A crisp impact sounded!

A white round golf ball crossed a parabola, flew far across the undulating lawn area, and landed in front of the hole, rolling forward little by little.

Bi Kecheng wears a white peaked cap, squinting his eyes, his expression is slightly heavy.

He was the last "Ghost Secretary" before the return of the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Island. Prior to this, he had controlled the financial power of Hong Kong Island for more than ten years. He was the right-hand man of the last Hong Kong Governor Myris and one of the important pieces of the British side on Hong Kong Island.

The Hong Kong Island Special Administrative Region Government fired him from the post of Financial Secretary.

As the chief marketing consultant of HSBC, he continued to work and live on Hong Kong Island.

Of course, his so-called "chief market consultant" is just a cover to cheat visas and stay on Hong Kong Island with integrity.

"nice shot."

Boss Li was wearing a blue sports T-shirt and looked forward, even if the ball did not enter the hole. There are more than ten meters away from the hole.

He still blew his face not red, his heart was not beating, and he was not ashamed at all.

"Papa." Boss Li applauded and said: "Bisir's skills are getting better and better."

"Hehe, you have more time to practice when you retire..." Bi Kecheng took the cue and walked onto the shuttle bus. Boss Li followed closely and got on the shuttle bus with a few people.

I saw four people sitting on the small white apron, one on the left and one on the right. Boss Li and Mr. Bi were sitting opposite each other ~lightnovelpub.net, while Ye Baoyi and the current Minister of Development "Chen Shaoxi" were sitting opposite each other.

The driver controlled the shuttle bus and drove along the yellow dirt lane towards the ball point.

Boss Li, leaning on the seat back cushion, said with a bumpy body shape: "You can't retire after Sir. The overall economic situation of Hong Kong Island still needs you to take charge."

"Hehe, Hong Kong Island is no longer the British government." Bi Kecheng waved his hand and declined: "I have no right to manage Hong Kong Island's economy."

Boss Li sighed and said with regret: "The British government has led the development of Hong Kong Island for a hundred years. It has made the most outstanding contribution to the economy of Hong Kong Island and contributed the most. How can you say that you don't care?"

"Now that the SAR government has taken over Hong Kong Island less than two months ago, there will be a huge economic storm. It is difficult, it is really difficult!

"I believe more in Sir Bisir's ability, and I believe Sir Bisir must be able to protect the economy of Hong Kong Island. Otherwise, why would the Minister of Development sit next to him?"

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"Right, Minister Chen." Boss Li smiled at Chen Shaoxi.

"Hahaha..." Chen Shaoxi laughed haha.

I really can’t figure out how anyone would treat an enemy as a benefactor. Damn, the house was robbed! Do you want to applaud that it was a good grab? Thank you for robbing my house and remodeling my house?

It's not that Boss Li didn't understand the truth, but he chose to pretend to be blind and began to move closer to the British forces in the end because of his interests.

Since someone sent a police team to protect his family, he understood a truth. You can no longer give your life to others! And no matter how he moves closer to the mainland, his status is impossible to surpass Zhuang Shikai! So where is the meaning? Doing business in the Mainland?