Hong Kong Comprehensive World Champion

Chapter 89: Shazaizhuang

"Oh, Zhuangzi, you really brought up three boxes." Seeing Zhuang Shikai bringing the three boxes up to the third floor, Lard jokes at the corner of his mouth, and can't help but joking: "These three boxes contain too much money. , It's just right to pretend to be a dead body.

   "Hey..." Zhuang Shikai smiled: "Wait you will know."

When    Lard saw it earlier, he saw three boxes at the door. When he was drinking tea, he asked casually and knew that it was brought by Zhuang Shikai.

   Now he just chuckled, and he was surprised when he heard Zhuang Shikai's answer. Is there really something in the box?


   the third floor.

   study room.

   This study room is made of solid wood. The main color is jet black. It occupies half of the platform on the third floor with more than 2,000 feet. The remaining half is an observation deck overlooking Victoria Harbour.

   There are no books in the study, except for the side cabinets, there is only a flat desk.

   Brother Luo was smoking his suit, leaning on the black soft chair behind the desk, holding a cigar between his index and middle fingers, holding his thumb on a layer of banknotes, and brushing the corners of the banknotes with interest.

   "Huh." Someone in the study vomited a puff of smoke, and the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows was blocked by thick gauze curtains. Some things are not visible.

   After Zhuang Shi opened the door and entered the study, he saw Luo Ge's suit half-opened, and his tie was a little loose. He looked like a grandfather. It seemed that Luo Ge enjoyed the moment of sending money and was enjoying the status brought by money.

   And on the large desk in the study, on the left and right sides, piles of thousands of Hong Kong banknotes piled up into hills, which shows that the total amount of "regulations" each month is mostly large.

   At this time, the Hong Kong banknotes on the left half have been reduced by more than half compared to the right half. It must have been taken away by the detective in front.

   "Brother Luo." Zhuang Shikai walked into the desk, placed three cash boxes on the table, and said hello to Lei Luo. Brother Luo raised his eyebrows and cursed when he saw him placing the box, "Bao Zai, you can only carry one box down without seeing the senior inspector? Are you really bringing three boxes up there?"

"Why? You want to tell me, you have three each, let me send three copies?" Leiluo cursed, and tapped his fingers on the table: "Lard boy, send him a fee! These three boxes are buckled down for later use, don't let him take them downstairs to shame Laozi."

   "Yes, Brother Luo." At this moment, the lard boy is doing business, putting away his usual hippie smiles, picking up a suitcase from the ground, and putting the money in the suitcase in bundles.

   "Seven hundred thousand, this month."

   "Huh!" The Lard quickly ordered the money, turned the money box in the direction of Zhuang Shikai, and let the stacks of banknotes face him.

   As the detective, he paid only 500,000 red letters to Guilao, and he could get 700,000 yuan for the first month's fees. Not only would he pay back his money in an instant, but he would also make a profit.

   It can be seen how high the black income of the Chinese detectives is, and this is only the price of ordinary detectives. It is estimated that the two senior detectives will more than double.

   Just now, Lin Gang and Han Sen dragged their suitcases downstairs. This is different from the detectives' cash boxes. The doorway can be seen from the size of the boxes.

   "Pap, pap." At this time, Zhuang Shikai's expression remained motionless, he didn't care about the banknotes in the cash box, let alone take it.

   instead, he opened the cash boxes he brought with him one after another, revealing boxes of millions of Hong Kong banknotes.

   These three boxes are still full, very dazzling.

   Regardless of the thickness of the bill or the total amount, three boxes are more than one box.

Zhuang Shikai's expression was relaxed, but his heart was tense. He pointed the three cash boxes at Luo Ge with his backhand and smiled: "Hey, big man, don't say shame on you! I'm not here to get the money, I'm here to send the money! One million for three boxes!"

   "This month, the profit of the A cargo factory is 5 million. According to the share of red red, you are 1 million, brother 1 million, brother Xijiu 1 million, and I happened to bring them all today!"

   The lard boy's pupils shrank sharply, looking at the cash box with banknotes, he didn't understand what Zhuang Shikai meant. Even Leiluo’s expression changed. He swept away the smile on his face. He didn’t even look at the money in the cash box. Instead, he stared at Zhuang Shikai for a moment, then slowly said: “I’ll be the Chief Inspector of China, and I will set up every month. After collecting the fees once a month, you will be the first person to bring the money to receive the fees!"

   "Hey hey, Brother Luo, I can make money... and I can't hack your money! I don't want to die!" Zhuang Shikai's tone is simple, like an invisible sentence, but the lard boy quietly sweats while watching.

   If Luo Ge has a big opinion on this, he just took office in Causeway Bay and will be replaced again. I just don’t know, is the position of this substitution jumping off a building or a car accident?

   But Zhuang Shikai knows that he still has utility value, Yan Tong will not fall, he will not fall for the time being. After Yan Tong fell, he was confident that he could support himself.

   It takes a bit of luck to pass this level today, but even if he can't pass it, he won't be in trouble. At most, Luo Ge kept an account in his heart, and the account will be postponed again. However, when Luo Ge decided to liquidate, Zhuang Shikai was definitely not afraid of him.

   This is why Zhuang Shikai dared to gamble!

   Lei Luo stared at Zhuang Shikai and said, "Okay! A cargo factory distributes dividends every month, and you will send it here on time in the future! Besides, giving me money does not mean you can not collect my money!"

   "Brother Luo, it's not that I don't charge money, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I just have money, there is no need to collect it..." Zhuang Shikai still wanted to explain, but Lei Luo suddenly cursed, "Shut up!"

   "The fees and fees that should be taken can not be less, take it! Fuck off!"

   Lei Luo reached out and took out 300,000 yuan from the one million dividend cash box in front of him, put it into the lard boy's regular fee cash box, and then pushed the box in front of Zhuang Shikai.

   Zhuang Shikai was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic in his heart. He picked up the 700,000 cash box with a calm expression: "Yes, big brother!"

  He walked out of the study with a box. The box was the original box, but it changed from three million to seven hundred thousand.

   The money in this can be "regulations" or dividends from the "business income" of the company.

   His goal has been achieved.

   Although Luo Ge deliberately released the water, he only needs to guarantee his bottom line. No matter what Luo Brother thinks, it doesn't matter whether he will be released temporarily or not.

   Brother Luo is a good elder brother...

   The detectives on the first floor saw Zhuang Shikai carrying three cash boxes up, and one cash box down, all with such an expression on his face.

   This silly boy took three boxes upstairs, and finally carried one box.

   is really bad!

   Lard Boy stood in the office on the third floor, moved his lips, and spoke with a slightly nervous voice: "Brother Luo..."

"Wait after dinner, you and Xijiu will come up to get the dividend! Now you two are making a lot of money! Every month there is a new way of making money!" Lei Luo waved his hand, leaned on the chair and smoked a cigar. I want to talk more with lard.

   The lard boy nodded, closed the door, and walked out of the study. He was standing at the door and lighting a cigarette. When he finished smoking, he asked the next inspector to come up and collect the money.

  How much Luo Ge loves Zhuangzi!

   Can you pass this level?