Horror Studio

v2 Chapter 17: No retreat

   "I don't know if you found out..." Zhi Duoxing lowered his head, "Our shadow is still cursed, and it is more serious."

   The three of them lowered their heads, and the crack in the shadow's neck became more obvious.

   Finally, the four of them set foot on the way up the mountain.

"The reason I thought was that we didn't check the backpack right away after being passive, because even if we didn't notice this, when we continued to be trapped in the forest clearing, we would continue to consume food. In this way, within a few days, We will naturally see the head in the backpack. Based on this, continue to think, if we can solve the predicament after seeing the head, then what is the meaning of the other party doing this? Is it just trapping us for a few days? Time?" Zhi Duoxing said as he walked.

  The steps up the mountain are very long. Fortunately, the width can allow two people to go side by side. In this way, before Zhi Duoxing and Qiancang left, after Xiao Tian and Ning Jing left, they had no troubles.

"So I think in reverse, if we will die after seeing this head, everything will make sense. After we have consumed the food, we will see the head that makes us mortal, like a delayed detonation bomb. You will definitely I think, since the blood moon can kill us easily, why is it so troublesome? My answer is that it can’t kill us easily. It needs a condition to kill us, that is, we think we are dead. This It's my guess." Zhi Duoxing said.

"By the way, the three of us left the field under your guidance, but what about yourself? You can leave. Zhang Sibo must have looked at his head. We were all in a coma at the time. How did you do it?" Xiao Tian asked .

   "It's very simple. Using his curiosity, I put my backpack in front of me, and then left a note on the backpack. After he found that you were all unconscious, he would definitely check the contents of the backpack."

   "Then why don't we all adopt this method?" Xiao Tian continued to ask.

   "Can you restrain your curiosity?" Zhidoxing asked back, "You don't believe me. If I tell you directly, it will harm you. This is not the result I want."

   "Uh..." Xiao Tian choked for a moment.

   At this time, they had walked out of the wooded area, standing on the steps and looking down, like a green grassland.

   continued to walk upwards, and the four of them finally came to the mountainside.

   However, the sight in front of them stunned the four of them, and they were truly shocked.

In front of them, there is still a trail, and many wooden sticks are inserted on both sides of the trail. Each stick is dyed red with blood, revealing weird and gloomy. What's more terrifying is that at the top of each stick, there are sticks. Human heads, these heads are all weird, men, women, young and old.

   These heads closed their eyes and have been dead for a long time, but it is strange that there are no maggots and other creatures on these heads. It may be because these heads are so weird that even maggots are reluctant to approach them.

   "Ok... terrible..." Tranquility grabbed Xiao Tian's arm tightly.

Qiancang grasped the backpack strap and tried to calm the panic in his heart. "Compared with the scene in front of him, the death sacrifice ceremony is like a child's house. How many people do not necessarily exist for these inexhaustible heads. Wishing to come to Hefang Island, what did they come here desperately for? With this kind of perseverance and determination, most of their wishes can be realized, right?"

   At this moment, no one moved.

   Almost everyone has fear in their hearts. This is the most direct fear of death by the living.

   escape! leave here!

   This sentence has been circling in the minds of the four people, their instincts are already wailing.

   "They are not dead!" Zhi Duoxing's words resembled a bolt from the blue, exploding in the minds of the other three people.

   "Not dead? How could it be?" Xiao Tian didn't believe Zhi Duoxing's words. He had been suspicious of this person. Even if Zhi Duoxing said something under the steps just now, he still didn't believe this person.

   "Why do you say that?" Tranquility slowly released the arm that grabbed Xiao Tian.

Different from the two rebuttals and questions, Qian Cangyi is confirming himself, "Unless Zhi Duoxing is nonsense, he must have reached this conclusion through some changes, and where is the problem?" He focused his attention on In his eyes, finally, he found something worth noting.

   A head actually opened his eyes. Although it is far away, it is still within sight.

   And let Qian Cang Yi confirm that it was this head that made Zhidoxing make the judgment of'they are not dead' because the eyes of this head were actually turning.

   "Is that the head?" Qian Cangyi pointed his right index finger to the head he had just discovered.

   "Hmm..." Zhi Duoxing nodded, unwilling to say more.

   At this time, Xiao Tian and Ning Jing also saw that different head.

   This is the head of a woman. This woman has a very ordinary appearance and her hair is messy and scattered behind her head.

Maybe I noticed the four people in Qiancang, maybe because of other reasons. In short, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, the woman's eyes began to turn to the direction of the four people. After seeing the four people, her face also appeared. There was a smile, but it was a terrifying smile in the eyes of the four, a bleak smile.

   Tranquility grabbed Xiao Tian's arm again.

   "No matter what, we still have to move forward." Zhi Duoxing pushed his glasses with his right middle finger. "We are still cursed. If this curse is not solved, we won't live for seven days, let alone board the sightseeing boat going back."

   "Indeed, let's go." Qiancang took a deep breath.

Zhi Duoxing took the lead in stepping out. However, when his right foot hit the ground, the heads on both sides suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Zhi Duoxing with protruding eyeballs, as if Zhi Duoxing’s foot did not step on the ground, but stepped on it. On their feet.

   "Hey, four more..." said a wretched man on the left, with a sharp and harsh tone.

   "Can I speak without lungs?" Qiancang realized for a moment, "I am worrying too much. You can't judge by common sense in **** movies."

"Oh, so pitiful, look at that little girl, how scared, don't be afraid, let uncle hug you." A more wretched man on the left also spoke, with fat pig ears and smoked teeth like black carbon.

   "They seem to be only able to talk?" Zhi Duoxing turned around and asked Qiancang.

   "It looks like this now, why don't you give it a try?" Qian Cangyi understood Zhi Duoxing's thoughts.

   The two nodded together, and then gave a kick to the head in each direction.

   With this kick, the two did not save their energy, but exhausted their best.

The two heads screamed and kept turning on the blood stick. The screams awakened the rest of the heads. The whispered communication quickly turned into noisy shouts, just like the study room after the teacher left. .