Horror Studio

v2 Chapter 31: Earlier

   "Am I dead?" With this question, Qian Cang Yi's head fell into the big pit and mixed with countless corpses and heads.

   "But I'm still conscious." This is the next thing Qiancang thought of.

   "I..." At this time, Qiancang thought of the road with his head on both sides. The head stuck on the blood stick was insane due to long-term pain, and he has lost the most basic thinking ability of mankind.

   Of course, he also thought of the head of the woman who was not impatient or impatient.

   "Will I become like her? Or..." At this time, the sound of the body falling into the pit sounded, very dull, and it made Qiancang very desperate.

   "There is no way to fight, it's not an opponent of magnitude at all, I can only rely on..." Qiancang didn't forget what happened just now on the Scarlet Blood Moon.

"No, no, no, as long as I lift the Moon Shadow Curse, I will be able to leave here after seven days aboard the ship. There is no need to fight against the Moon God, no need... By the way, I didn’t ask if I could lift Duan Ling’s wish, but, After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there was no chance for me to talk about it just now." Qiancangyi continued to think.

   "Who will help me..." Then, he finally yelled out the words that had been hidden in his heart.


   Tranquility listened to Qian Cangyi's suggestion and began to look for Zhidoxing.

   She kept walking down, because she was worried about the headless corpse, her speed was slow, and most of her attention was on her ears. About ten minutes later, she found Zhidoxing who was leaning against the wall.

   "Zhang Sibo, Zhang Sibo, wake up." Tranquility patted Zhi Duoxing's cheek.

  Because Zhang Sibo did not respond, she increased her strength again. If anyone else saw it at this time, she might think she was slap Zhi Duoxing.

   "...Huh?" Zhi Duoxing finally woke up, his eyes confused.

   "You finally woke up, why would you dare to sleep here? What about that headless corpse?" Tranquility asked.

   "Dead, by the way, how long have I slept?" Zhi Duoxing didn't even move his head, and seemed very weak.

   "I don't know... I don't know the time. I found a special place with Mo An over there, there..." Tranquility was interrupted by Zhi Duoxing when he said this.

   "Hiding what happened a year ago?" Ji Daxing said, following the quiet words.

   "You...how do you know?" Tranquility looked around.

   "Look at your expression." Zhi Duoxing sat up straight, "I am very weak now, please bring me some water."

   "Give it." Tranquility pursed her mouth, and the anxiety in her heart has been extinguished by Zhi Duoxing.

   ton ton ton ton ton!

   Zhi Duoxing drank the water in the mineral water bottle in one breath.

   "Are you so thirsty?" Tranquility suddenly realized a question, "How long have Mo An and I been in there?"

   "According to my physical condition, it's not Friday or Saturday, or it may be Sunday..." Zhi Duo Xing opened his eyes wide, "By the way, we can judge the time by the moon shadow curse, our shadow..."

Tranquility illuminates Zhidoxing with a flashlight, and the latter's shadow appeared on the wall, "Ah..." Jingjing called out, because she saw that the head of Zhidoxing's shadow had been separated from the body, and there were only two thin wires connecting the two together. However, in Tranquility's eyes, Zhi Duoxing's head and body were still connected at this time.

   "Time is running out, we must act as soon as possible." Zhidoxing stood up against the wall.

"How to act? When I came over, Mo An was being chased by a headless corpse, and when I was jumping... well, I accidentally ran into him. Now his condition must be very dangerous. Should we save him now?" Tranquility When talking about'Mo An', the speed of speech was very slow, as if he was considering his own words.

   "How long did it take you to find me?" Zhi Duoxing asked rhetorically, at this time he had completely stood up.

   "About ten minutes..." said quietly and uncertainly.

"Maybe it can't be saved." Zhi Duoxing thought for a few seconds, "Remember, after I separated from you, I went to He Hongxin. He... is dead. He died in that situation. I miss Mo An. , Maybe there is no chance."

   "Ah!" Tranquility knew what Zhi Duoxing meant.

   "Of course, I will check before I confirm it, but now we have more important things to do." Zhidoxing started to move upward.

   Tranquility followed behind Zhi Duoxing, "What's the matter?" She couldn't think of anything else to do.

   "Actually, from the beginning of the island to here, we can find clues for any mystery in one way." Zhidoxing said as he walked.

   "What can I do?" Tranquility was curious.

   "Go back forward." Zhi Duoxing said.

   "What do you mean?" Tranquility frowned, trying to understand Zhi Duoxing's words.

"Think about how we cracked the forest puzzle? We were trapped there, why? What is the reason? We can find the answer from the weird incident that happened the previous night. I don’t know, I have asked the reason why we got the Moon Shadow Curse from the woman’s head, because we have made a wish to the Moon God, and we are all affected by the Moon God’s power.”

"Uh..." Tranquility suddenly thought of what she saw in the Moon God's room, "Should I tell you about Zhang Sibo's death? Although Cang Yi told me to say it, but... what if Zhi Duoxing knew about it and died. Do it? Didn't I hurt him?"

"So, what happened on the first night was not only to exchange our heads, but also to make us think that the shadow curse was because we were cursed when we went to the island. In fact, we went to the island. We have already been cursed before, and we are already in reincarnation." Zhidoxing did not find something wrong with tranquility, and continued to explain.

"Let’s talk about why a headless corpse died, haha, do you know why the woman’s head didn’t tell us the truth about the Moon Shadow Curse before? Because the danger is hidden under her, so she squeaks, I want to say but dare not say Appearance, and this danger is the reason why the headless corpse appeared."

"So, where did the headless corpse come from? We walked all the way and didn't find any corpses. According to our previous thoughts, since we can't find the answer here, we will look for it earlier." Zhi Duoxing said here. , Stopped, "So, we are going to the clearing."

   "Where?" Tranquility seemed to understand, but he reacted very strongly to Zhi Duoxing's last sentence, "Why?"

   "Maybe there will be special gains there." Zhi Duoxing pushed his glasses.

   "What's the harvest?" Quietly asked subconsciously.

   "Moon God Altar." Zhi Duoxing's words made Ting Ningxin even colder.