Horror Studio

v2 Chapter 5: Late at night

   The tent was quickly set up, and the five people each said goodnight and got into the tent.

Lying on the mat, Qiancang couldn’t sleep for a long time, "I will be able to listen to their analysis by tomorrow. I don’t know what news will be heard? From my observation, they are also very confused about the mode of this movie. Maybe they haven't experienced this type of movie before?"

   Suddenly, Qiancang glanced at the scarlet blood moon in the sky from the corner of his eye.

"What's the matter? The tent I chose is dark blue. Looking from the inside of the tent, it is impossible to see a clear blood moon? Since things are very weird, then avoid this weirdness. The blood moon wants me to see it. , Then I will avoid it, sit up first and then think about it!" Thinking of this, Qiancang put his hands on the ground and planned to sit up, but he found that he was firmly pressed to the ground by some force, making it impossible to sit up. .

   At this time, Qiancangyi chose to close his eyes.

   About two or three seconds later, Qian Cangyi's eyes opened again, and he was still panting, as if he had experienced bungee jumping.

   "How could this happen... After closing my eyes, the blood moon became clearer." Qian Cangyi said in his heart.

   However, what happened next was even more bizarre.

He found that his shadow appeared on the tent. Then, the shadow raised his right hand and swiped at his neck, and then his head was separated from the body and fell to the ground. Then the shadow that lost his head groped on the ground, he was looking for his own. Head, after finding his own head, the shadow picked up his head, seemingly excited, and jumped on the spot. After that, the shadow set his head back to his neck.


   After setting his head, the figure turned and looked at Qian Cangyi.

   Qiancang's eyes widened, because he saw his face appear on the head of the figure, and his face was full of horror.

  Drowsiness suddenly hit, and before Qiancang thought about what was going on, he fell asleep.

   Early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the sound of waves hitting the beach came into his ears. Qiancang opened his eyes and found that his eyelids were a little heavy. After sitting up, he yawned.

"Why are you so tired? I don't know if the four of them are awake, what happened last night is too strange, maybe you will gain something to discuss with them." When Qiancang got out of the tent, Qiancang found that Zhi Duoxing was already awake and was standing on the beach. While watching the sea.

   "Oh, are you awake? I thought Xiao Tian would wake up after me." Zhi Duoxing turned his head, his eyes were also tired.

   "Is there any effect after waking up?" Qian Cangyi asked one of his most concerned questions.

   "No." Zhi Duoxing shook his head and continued: "But not necessarily, who knows what will happen in this movie."

   Qiancang walked to Zhi Duoxing's side and stood side by side with him.

  People standing in different positions will have different ideas. If you want to talk more deeply, it is best to have the same perspective as the other person, so that the conversation can be regarded as a conversation.

"I know you have some questions you want to ask. If it’s about the plot, it’s better to wait for everyone to discuss it together. If it’s the other questions, maybe I can answer one or two. Of course, it’s a reciprocal exchange. In principle, I hope you can also answer one or two questions for me." Zhidoxing's glasses reflected the light in the sun, making people wonder what he was thinking.

"I do have a lot of questions." Qiancang looked back, and the sea was sparkling. It was really beautiful. "The most important question is, are there any definite regulations on the rules we follow? For example, do not tell us our real names, etc. , Are these the experience of the predecessors, or do they have'official' regulations?"

   "I don't know." Zhi Duoxing took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Maybe we can get the answer after we climb to a higher position."

  At this time, the other three people walked out of the tent one after another. They were also very tired. Obviously, their sleep quality was not good last night.

   "Yesterday, my shadow..." Soft Light was the first to speak.

   "Did the shadow's head turn off, and then the shadow's body picked up the head and put it on his neck, then the shadow turned around, you saw your own face." Zhi Duoxing threw everyone's questions directly.

   "Do you have any clues?" Xiao Tian frowned, his expression serious.

   "Maybe, we are cursed." Tranquility whispered, although her voice was very soft, but it was very clear.

"Curse?" At this moment, Qian Cang thought of his role as Shi Haimin. At that time, the mysterious stele did have a great influence on him, but the Hawkeye who played with him was completely unaffected. In other words, as a newcomer to participate in a movie for the first time, why should I play a more dangerous position? And the protagonist should be Shi Haimin, in other words, as a newcomer, I play Shi Haimin, and Yingying As an'old man' who has acted in at least one movie or more, instead he played a supporting role?

   Qian Cangyi considered this question after the death ceremony, but he didn't have a conclusion at the time.

I don’t know if it’s because of the focus of the four eyes~lightnovelpub.net~ The quiet cheeks are a little red, "Hmm!" She nodded, "I believe you have also participated in similar movies. After this place, one or several kinds of marks will be applied to the body by ghosts or some unknown existence. Some of these marks take effect through the passage of time, and some are triggered by conditions. Usually, there will be nothing after these marks are triggered. Good results."

   Regarding Tranquility's statement, everyone did not immediately express their opinions.

"Indeed, this can not only increase the sense of crisis, create suspense, but also serve as a factor to promote the plot. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Then, the student we play must find a way to relieve the curse on Hefang Island, and we also have a goal. That is to lift the curse. Otherwise, after seven days have passed, we will still die. Of course, I would not think that the curse has not yet occurred after seven days." Zhi Duoxing's remarks are very consistent with his code name.

   "Look, the shadow has changed." Jing Jing's right index finger pointed at the shadow in front of him, and his eyes widened.

   In front of her, there was Xiao Tian's shadow. At this time, a small gap appeared on Xiao Tian's shadow's neck. This gap was too small and must be discovered through careful observation.

   Xiao Tian touched his neck, not feeling anything unusual.

   "Not only Xiao Tian, ​​our shadows have also begun to change." Sad news came from Qian Cangyi.

"Well, it looks like a curse, but I have a question. Yan Ruoxuan is so confident about the island she found, so she hasn't visited the island before? Although the materials can be transported by people, they can also be off the island. Went to stay overnight, but are you not surprised? That being the case, why did she go to the island in the middle of the night?" Zhi Duoxing's words brought everyone's attention to Yan Ruoxuan's actor, soft light.