Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 104: Day 1 of the journey

Although Paramount brought Marshall to arrest people, it would make people feel that Marshall was whistleblowing, but with what the captain said in the restaurant, these sailors could not be hostile to Marshall. This is completely a crush on identity and status. They secretly acted on Marshall, unless Marshall must not be discovered, otherwise it must be them in the end. Bayi?? Chinese=≠=≤

There were five sailors in total, standing in a row, with their heads down, ready to accept the punishment from Paimeng.

"Just now, Father Marshall told me that someone had thrown something off the deck. More importantly, this person ran away after throwing things. You can check whether the cargo has decreased and whether the cargo box has been opened." Paimeng did not waste time blaming, but directly stated his request.

When the five sailors heard that Paimeng hadn't said the punishment, they were a little grateful, and all ran to count the goods.

"Father Marshall, do you see what the other party dropped off the boat?" Paimeng asked.

"It's too dark to see clearly, but I heard a noise, maybe something happened during the throw." Marshall said.

"Maybe the other party has tied a heavy object to the thing that he wants to discard, so that it won't float." Paimeng said his own opinion, "Anyway, Father Marshall, please rest first, wait for something to happen. I will tell you."

"Well, good." Marshall did not refuse.

At this point in time, it is not good to wake everyone up because of such an incident. After all, it is still not certain that it is a very serious matter.

After returning to his room, Marshall sat in a chair.

"You can use the elimination method. Although it is very dark, you can still see a little outline clearly, and the other party throws it in the middle of the night. It must not be a small item, because if it is an item that can be placed in the pocket, it does not need to be made. It looks like this now, so that you can estimate the size of the lost item."

"There are only a few things that can be discarded. First, the cargo on the cabin, but I think it is of little significance or even unnecessary. The possibility of this should be very small; second, the crew’s belongings, this is possible. Sex is also very small. After all, the crew members can find the opportunity to lose their jobs at any time. It is completely unnecessary tonight. Third, people, passengers and crew members, maybe something happened while I was sleeping, which caused someone to be killed. , So the murderer adopted this method to make the dead disappear, but after being discovered by me, this method has no effect."

Marshall looked out the window, and the dim light of the morning came in through the window. It was already six o'clock in the morning.

"I remember Douglas said that there is breakfast from 6 to 8:30 in the morning. In order to make my arm recover quickly, I should eat more." Marshall looked at his left hand and the wound was almost healed. Time has not affected normal actions, and it will be fully healed in two days.

When I came to the restaurant, Marshall had breakfast in the form of a buffet, which was very convenient.

After filling his stomach, he came to the deck again. He walked to the place where he saw the mysterious man before, and then recalled what he saw more than four in the morning, and then he came to the place where the mysterious man stood.

"It should be a male." Marshall looked at the guardrail, there were bumps on it, obviously a new bump at four o'clock in the morning.

"Hard things, are there some sharp, stones?" He knelt down to feel the scratches, then stood up and looked out of the guardrail. The sea was calm, and occasionally fish could be seen swimming by the boat. "Perhaps it is true that as Parmon said, the other party tied heavy objects to the discarded items to prevent the discarded items from floating on the sea and being spotted."

Then Marshall re-traversed the road he had ran when chasing people.

After arriving at the place where he met Palmon, Marshall did not stop, but continued to move forward.

"Well... there are still stairs down here? Is there a cargo hold underneath?" Marshall was stopped when he was about to go down.

"Father Marshall, below is the cargo hold, please don't enter at will." The second officer Ken's voice came from behind, "Sorry, Father Marshall, this is a rule, I'm very sorry."

"It's okay." Marshall waved his hand.

"By the way, Captain David is waiting for you in the restaurant." Ken said.

"Okay." Marshall looked at the stairs before leaving.

When he came to the restaurant, Marshall saw Captain David still sitting in the same position he made last night, with the breakfast and dessert in front of him.

"What can you do with me, Captain David." Marshall sat across from the captain.

"I have heard what happened in the early morning, but we have counted the goods and the number of people. Nothing is missing. Maybe, Father Marshall, what you saw is..." David didn't say what he said later, but he believed Marshall could. Understand your own words.

"Sorry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Captain David, this matter may not be so simple, but I promise you that I will not pursue this matter for the time being." Marshall gave David a promise to reassure the other party.

"By the way, I have given them a small punishment for the sailors who served yesterday. I hope they can remember this lesson." David finished saying that he poured a glass of wine for Marshall, "I will let them on the first day of the journey. Father Marshall was unhappy. As the captain of the Blue Pearl, I apologized to Father Marshall."

"The captain doesn't have to blame himself." Marshall raised his glass.

For the rest of the time, Marshall has been walking on the boat. He is familiar with the environment of the Blue Pearl. At this time, his mind has begun to construct the spatial structure of the Blue Pearl, which corresponds to the room and the person. He has encountered many things along the way. Areas that are forbidden to enter. These areas seem to be only accessible to the second officer or above.

In the afternoon, Marshall sat in the confessional, and there was still five minutes before two o'clock.

Considering that he might be bored and sitting for two hours, he couldn't help but start to mentally calculate the square of a positive integer. When the square of 31 was calculated, the sound of the door opening came from the small hole, and then a person walked in.

"Father Marshall, are you here?" A little girl's voice came through the pores.

Marshall met the girl in the restaurant, or more accurately, met the family.

"Hello." Marshall stopped his mental arithmetic and began to focus on the little girl in front of him.

"My name is Jenny." The little girl replied.

"Hello Jenny, what do you want to say?" Marshall didn't expect that the other party would declare his name, but he didn't need to point it out.

"Father Marshall, I feel there is a ghost on this ship!" Jenny said in a low voice, and when she said this, Jenny almost pressed her mouth to the pore.