Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 124: Reason

"We finally meet, don't you introduce yourself? Mr. Douglas, or, should I call you the murderous demon of Port Molov, the leader of Sakura, the faithful of Hezerac, and... the scum?" Marshall Douglas's muzzle was pointed at Douglas' head, and as long as the latter made any unusual moves, he would pull the trigger. August 1 Chinese ≥=

"Father Marshall, don't be sarcasm, your situation is not much better than mine." Douglas lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about something.

"Where is the kid in the bottom deck?" Marshall asked.

"It's all dead." Douglas spoke the result directly without irony or covering up.

"You killed it?"

"I killed it." Douglas placed his hand in front of Marshall, with fresh blood stains on it.

"As a sacrifice?" Marshall realized that things were not simple.

"The "Verdra Manuscript" is on you, Father Marshall, to be honest, at the beginning, I was very hesitant to leave the Blue Pearl. After all, after the two things of theft and snatch, you are more than I used to be more vigilant, and given that Lev was arrested, I didn’t have much confidence in getting the manuscript from you.”

"When I saw your name on the passenger list of the Blue Pearl, I knew that I didn't need to worry about the choice anymore. In terms of difficulty, you hiding in the Morning Star Church and the one on the Blue Pearl You, the gap is very big, just like the difference between living in a well-guarded place of rich people and a slum."

Douglas said this, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

"Stay back and stand three meters away from me." Although Marshall was very interested in what Douglas said, he did not relax his vigilance.

Hearing Marshall's words, Douglas snorted and stepped back reluctantly.

"Go ahead and convince me, otherwise, you know it." Marshall motioned to Douglas with his eyes, and asked him to look at the corpse of Paramount lying on the ground. From the time of death, the corpse should still have heat now.

"Although I don’t know what your purpose on boarding the Blue Pearl is, it must be related to the "Verdra Manuscript". I think Father Hall asked you to do something. This matter must have something to do with him. It's related, but Father Hall's original peaceful life was destroyed by the "Verdra Manuscript", so I guess your purpose of boarding the Blue Pearl is to take the manuscript away or destroy it."

Douglas spoke. He was telling Marshall his thoughts.

"In any case, I can't let you destroy the manuscript, otherwise, Hezerac doesn't know when it will appear. In the long years, there are many opportunities for this, but for me, it is only one." Douglas sighed. With a sigh of relief, "Since you want to know this, I will tell you."

"A long time ago, in fact, it is not very long. About five or six years ago, the Blue Pearl encountered a storm and was damaged. It had to dock on an island. We have not seen this island before. There is no record, so it is not clear what is on this island."

"So, some crew members stayed behind to watch the Blue Pearl, while others went to the interior of the island, hoping to find useful things, such as food, water or useful wood. Soon, we found a tribe, a very primitive kind. , They don’t even have any clothes on their bodies, only some simple coverings cover the parts of their bodies."

"We stepped forward and asked the people in the tribe. Surprisingly, although their language is different from ours, they can still communicate simply. They call themselves Sakura..."

Douglas stopped here, and he looked at Marshall with a smile on his face.

"Sakura? Isn't this what the followers of Hezerac call themselves?" Marshall said.

"Yes." Douglas nodded, "Maybe you already understand that Sakura is not a name given by humans. If it is a name given by humans, then it will not be passed on to that tribe anyway, or from It came out of the tribe, so the followers of Hezerak call it Sakura because... they heard Hezerak's call."

"Go on." Marshall blinked.

"Sakura gave us food and water. Although it was not a lot, it was enough to fill our stomachs temporarily. Under Sakura’s explanation, we knew that the entire island was very large, and they did not explore much. I don’t know if there are others on the island."

"Fortunately, we have found many animals on the island, and there are a lot of them. We marinated the meat of these animals to make it easier to preserve. At the same time, we also found wood that can repair the blue pearl, but Because the tools are not sufficient, it takes a long time to cut down. Some crew members suffer from the process..."

"I'm not here to hear how you tell the story of escape, please get to the point quickly, Douglas." Marshall interrupted Douglas.

"Okay." Douglas spread his hands, the expression on his face extremely reluctant.

But Marshall can see that from the expression on Douglas just now, he seems to be very interested in telling his experience on the island.

"By the way, is Dr. Edward in there too?" Marshall suddenly thought of Edward who was dead.

"Yes~lightnovelpub.net~ Douglas snorted coldly.

"He said that his formula was obtained from a tribe, which is the tribe you are talking about?" Marshall raised his mouth. "Because he restored Jenny to his mind, you killed him?"

"No, I wanted to kill him a long time ago. Have you forgotten that among all the rooms, only the room where Dr. Edward lived was the earliest and most fixed room? The rooms where the rest of the people were located were all arranged by me later, including The confessional you used to work, Father Marshall, you are so smart, you should have thought of it a long time ago?" Douglas mocked.

"In other words, the six-pointed star you set up was set at the apex of Dr. Edward's room?" Marshall asked with a frown, his right hand pressed against the trigger.

"Yes." Douglas answered Marshall's question straightforwardly.

"Why do you want to do that to Jenny?" Marshall continued to ask. As for the island, he wanted to take a moment.

"Because of her special nature, I remember Jenny approached you? Father Marshall, she is a unique psychic hostage. With her, the success rate of this summoning ceremony will be greatly improved." Douglas was very excited, "But She found you, Father Marshall. You killed her. If you refuse Captain David's request, you won't have such a thing."

"What do you mean?" Marshall felt his blood all over his body burning.

"Because she has a special role, I can't kill her, but the confessional is a necessary place for the ceremony. Therefore, I had to pre-process her body first, and let her lose her hands and feet by the way, so that she won't go everywhere. If you run around, you won’t go into the confessional and die by mistake."

"You!" Marshall's finger pressed the trigger, as long as he increased his strength a little bit, Douglas in front of him would die.