Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 125: story

"It seems that I seem to underestimate your cruelty.??" Marshall finally restrained his impulse. "Are you sure I won't shoot you? You know, Palmon thought that way before, he You can see the result now."

"You are different from ordinary people, Father Marshall, this is the trait I see in you. Generally speaking, once it is confirmed that Lev and I are accomplices, normal people will directly kill me, but you don’t, but Asked me extremely patiently. Although the words were very tough, but your performance made me understand that I still have use value to you. Just like Jenny to me, this is also the reason why I didn't kill her." Douglas Still irritating Marshall, he seemed to be interested in doing this kind of thing.

"Please continue to talk about your experience on the island, Douglas, I don't have much time wasting on you." Marshall smiled.

Douglas was a little surprised. He didn't expect his words to have a counterproductive effect. Compared to the calm Marshall, he is more willing to face the angry Marshall. If the opponent keeps the current posture, he hardly has any chance of escape.

He never thought that Marshall would let him go.

It's not because of emotion or reason.

"Well, it's up to you." Douglas took a deep breath. "I will let go of the material aspect first. In short, many things happened during this period. The Dr. Edward you mentioned is one of them. On the island, Some crew members have contracted a strange disease. Although tribesmen have a name for this disease, it doesn't make much sense."

"Speaking of which, you should be familiar with the condition of this disease, Father Marshall. People who are ill will fall into a sluggish state. They will hear many strange sounds, or they will have some inexplicable hallucinations because of their expressive ability. Scarce, they can't describe what they saw. By the way, this sentence was told by the sick crew member after he recovered. However, after a day or two, these people who had changed their illness began to do it. Something strange." Douglas looked behind him, there was still mucus dripping from the murloc body at the door of the cargo hold.

"Don't worry, I will shoot again when the murloc kills you, so that no bullets will be wasted." Marshall saw Douglas's movements and reminded him.

"As you know, these crew members were able to heal the disease because of the help of a special person in the tribe. They have a unique name, but I prefer to call him the listener. The listener told the sick Crew, the reason for their strange behavior is that they were called by Hezerac, which is a calling that transcends time and space."

"And then?" Marshall urged.

"The crew didn't bother after hearing it, but just like the crew all have respect for the sea. Although the sick crew member expressed disbelief on the surface, they still asked for a solution. The listener told these crew members if you were affected. Hezerak’s call, then you should find it, follow the call to enter the island, and enter the place called forbidden by the people of the tribe."

"Although everyone was dubious about what the listener said, they did not intend to go deep into the island. Judging from the area they explored, the size of the island is far beyond the crew's imagination. In this case, it is easy to get accidents. , And once an accident occurs, the medical conditions on the island can’t be treated at all. Okay, let’s keep it simple. These crew members were afraid of death, so they didn’t go, thinking that they just had to endure it.” Douglas expressed his compromise with both hands and palms up. .

When Douglas said this, Marshall already had a general guess.

"A brief summary is that Douglas and his team entered a mysterious island. There are some indigenous people on the island. These indigenous civilizations are very backward. Although the surprises between civilizations will bring competition, because the crew is just passing by, and The indigenous people have no objection to the crew’s food storage and timber logging, so the two sides still live in peace."

"Of course, there may be other things that happened during this period, such as Rijiu's love, etc. After all, the communication between the crew and the indigenous people is not without obstacles. The languages ​​between the two are different. In this way, perhaps the body is natural Instead, the reaction became a means to increase the willingness of both parties to communicate."

"Back to the topic, for the indigenous people, the crew on the Blue Pearl were just some special passers-by. They will leave after all, but at this time, something strange happened, that is, many crew members were sick. The manifestation of this disease is sluggish, the same as the situation after Jenny was injured."

"Although the crew had no way, a local native named the listener cured these crew members with drugs~lightnovelpub.net~ I think Dr. Edward's formula was obtained from the listener. Afterwards, although these crew members have basically returned to normal, they can still see some strange things or do strange behaviors."

"For their own safety, these crew members once again found the listener. The listener told the crew that this is Hezerac's call. Only by following this call, that is, accepting that he is Sakura, can he Get...rest in peace? The behavior of these crew members resembled Father Hall, except that Father Hall did not fall into sluggishness, but he was also troubled by hallucinations."

Thinking of this, Marshall settled, "Go on."

Hearing Marshall's words, Douglas's expression worsened, as if he was worried about something.

"However, the mental state of these crew members is getting worse and worse, as if they are switching between extreme madness and extreme calmness. This sudden change in emotions almost caused some crew members to have suicidal thoughts. Of course, under the prevention of the rest of the crew, They didn’t succeed, but it’s not a way to go on like this. In the end, they chose to accept Hezerac’s call and go to the interior of the island, and I was one of them.” At the end, Douglas smiled, and then this smile The implied meaning in is not self-deprecating, but pride. It is an honor for Douglas to be able to hear Hezerac's call.

"About a quarter of the crew members are sick, and the number is not too much or too much. For the Blue Pearl, the absence of these people will not affect the normal navigation. It is worth noting that some of them did not listen. The people who came to Hezerac’s call also joined the team going to the interior of the island. I think the reason they did this may be the same as the reason why you boarded the Blue Pearl, Father Marshall." Douglas suddenly brought the topic to Marshall. . 8