Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 126: Diamond Ocean

"Then, these crew members set off to the interior of the island. Although it is not clear where they are going, Hezerac’s call will guide them to the right place. Just like a spiritual induction, we crossed the stream and crossed. After passing the high mountains, at the beginning, because some people were sick or injured, they chose to return to the tribe, but the remaining people were still moving forward. At this point, they began to accept Hezerac’s call, as if This call has been written in the blood, no matter where you go, it will not disappear..." Douglas' eyes flashed expectantly. [No pop-up novel network]

"In the end, these crew members came to a cave. It should not be appropriate to use a cave to describe it. However, I can only describe it this way, because I can't think of a better word. This is a triangular cave, to be more accurate. It is an equilateral triangle cave. It is perfect. Although the crew does not have precise tools to measure it, none of the crew doubts this."

"Under our feet, a road full of mysterious symbols gradually extended to the depths of the cave. At this time, the crew did not immediately enter the cave. They chose to rest at the entrance of the cave. This is on the one hand, on the other hand, these crew members I am also thinking about the meaning of being here."

"What is Hezerac? The crew discussed this question, and they also asked the listener, but they did not get a definite answer. In the end, the crew negotiated an answer that everyone can accept. Hezerac was The exiled god, of course, this is very ridiculous."

"Woke up the next day, some crew members disappeared suddenly, without any warning. The remaining crew members thought they had returned to the tribe in the middle of the night, but... this doesn’t make sense. These crew members didn’t need to do this at all, because Many crew members have already chosen to return to the tribe, and the remaining crew members simply cannot stop them. To verify this, some crew members plan to go back and look for the missing crew members. However, they have been walking for a long time and there is no sign of anyone leaving on the road."

"Later, the remaining crew decided to ignore the missing crew. Except for the two crew members to guard, all the rest of the crew entered the cave. The cave was dark and there was no light, but the crew brought oil lamps, and as the distance went deeper , The crew found changes in the surrounding caves, the crew saw..." Douglas stopped here, as if waiting for Marshall to ask himself.

Marshall had a cold face. At this time, he had already opened the distance to Douglas. Because the long-term aiming posture was too burdensome for his hands, he switched to a more relaxed method, as long as he could shoot before Douglas approached him. That's it.

Seeing that Marshall had not responded, Douglas was also a little impatient. He twitched the corners of his mouth twice and continued: "We saw diamonds, countless diamonds, as if the entire cave is made of diamonds. Under the light, These diamonds reflect dazzling colorful light."

"All the crew members seem to be crazy. They use all the tools they can find to hit the rock wall made of diamonds. Those without tools use their teeth to bite. But this is a diamond, the hardest substance in nature, why? It may be broken by iron tools, not to mention human teeth. Looking at the endless but unobtainable wealth in front of them, the crew members are downcast, as if they have forgotten their purpose of entering the cave, until one of the crew members mentioned it to move on."

"If you have a diamond knife, you should be able to cut it, or burn the protruding part with fire. In this way, although that part of the diamond will be carbonized, the loss is completely bearable." Marshall said, as if to Douglas What was said raised interest.

Douglas smiled and said, "Father Marshall knows very well that if the priest was there, maybe things would not happen in the future."

"Go on." Marshall replied sternly.

"The crew continued to move forward. I don’t know how long they went, but they weren’t hungry. It shouldn’t be too long. Soon, the crew came to the exit. They went straight out without hesitation, and then they saw a cause. An ocean of diamonds, with liquid diamonds underneath, and solid diamonds above the liquid diamonds like ice." Douglas wanted to say, but Marshall interrupted it.

"You are not dead?" Marshall asked.

"Father Marshall, why do you ask?" Douglas was curious.

"Nothing, go ahead." Marshall waved his hand.

At this time, the Blue Pearl shook violently. This time it was more violent than last time. Both Marshall and Douglas were unstable and fell to the ground. However, the vibration did not stop, and it became more and more intense. , The two began to slide in the same direction on the floor.

"Crap!" Marshall wanted to shoot to end Douglas's life, but physically, he was still just an ordinary person, and there was no way to defy the laws of physics.

Then, the two ran into each other, and Marshall had to be lucky and ran into Douglas.

Douglas immediately wrapped his hands around Marshall’s neck. Because he had predicted that the opponent would be like this, Marshall blocked his neck in advance. After struggling to break away, Marshall struck Douglas with his right elbow and hit Douglas’ abdomen. But Douglas also kicked Marshall.

At this time, the Blue Pearl suddenly tilted to the other side~lightnovelpub.net~ The two slid to the other wall at the same time.

"What's going on? The storm outside doesn't seem to be so big, could it be other marine creatures like murlocs?" Marshall was very puzzled.

In the process of taxiing, Marshall kicked Douglas away. At this moment, gunfire suddenly sounded.

Because the hull rolled too violently, the trigger of the flintlock was hit by something and fired a bullet.

Marshall put his hands in front of his head, and now he feels like the sky is spinning, he doesn't know where the flintlock is or where the muzzle is facing. He can only pray that his luck is not too low.

After a few breaths, Marshall found that there was no obvious excessive pain and loss of consciousness on his body, and finally relaxed. At the same time, he also saw Douglas. The opponent was lucky and was not hit by a stray bullet.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes revealed killing intent.

At this time, the hull swayed again, and the two slid to the other wall, but this time they slid to the door of the cargo hold, and there was no wall long enough to prevent them from sliding the cargo hold.