Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1287: source

The beam of light moved around, and when it came to the side of the stone pillar, it stayed for two seconds, and then slowly moved away.

As soon as Qiancang hid behind the stone pillar, the other three were also avoiding the search beam.

The four of them glanced at each other, and raised their little thumbs on their left hands one after another.

There is no doubt that they were attacked.

"I just took a peek. It's not just us, but the employees who didn't win the prize all have the same problem, but they didn't feel it." Qian Jiangyue lowered his voice.

The danger comes suddenly.

If they don't do anything, as the lottery continues, all their skin will be lost.

At that moment, there may be no way to do anything.

The situation suddenly became severe.

After several counterattacks, Yao Tianhai took the absolute initiative instead.

Qiancang frowned.

Although he didn't have much contact with Yao Tianhai, he really hated Yao Tianhai.

Even if it is compared with the actor who was killed by him in the warning club, it is not as annoying as Yao Tianhai.

This bit by bit accumulated disgust seems to be everywhere, changing the way to disgusting people.

"Are we going to stop the lottery?" Xiao Zuanfeng lightly touched his left pinky with his right hand, and then took a breath.

"I already said it." Qiancang sighed lightly.

If they don't do anything, as the lottery goes on, they will surely die; if they attack rashly, they may fall into Yao Tianhai's scheme.

Now they need a feasible way to break the deadlock.

"Actually, I have always been thinking about a question." Qiancang hesitated to speak.

"What's the problem?" Qian Jiangyue turned her head.

"Our goal, is it really Yao Tianhai?" Qian Cang looked at the podium. On the other side, Yao Tianhai was sitting down there, looking at the winners on the stage.

"What do you mean?" The rice paper was curious.

Qiancang looked at the rice paper and whispered:

"For a long time, whether we attacked or killed head-on, our strength seemed to hit the cotton."

"From any angle, it is impossible for Yao Tianhai to have such strength. In fact, this is also the case."

"The black card he has has been helping him all the time, like a talisman."

"However, with our ability, there is no way to pose a threat to the black card. What does this mean?"

"It means Heika and Yao Tianhai are invincible existences for us."

"This is a dead end, a dead end that has been determined from the beginning."

"No matter how we push Yao Tianhai, it will only make him stronger. This, on the contrary, is in line with the meaning of effort card."

When he said that, the first round of the lottery has been halfway through, and the skin on his left hand has already fallen off half.

"What are you trying to say?" The rice paper blinked.

Qiancang took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, and said:

"We have to start from the source and cut the connection between Heika and Yao Tianhai. At this point, you should understand what I want to say."

"The only connection between them is one, and that is—"

When he said this, he was interrupted by Qian Jiangyue.

"——Money." Qian Jiangyue grabbed her ear with her right hand.

"But... what exactly should I do?" Xiao Zuanfeng held down his temple with the index finger of his left hand, thinking hard.

Qiancang had thought of this a long time ago, so he replied:

"When we first discovered Yao Tianhai, what was he doing?"

"Since his purpose is only for money, then what he is doing must also be making money."

"I got activity funds from Tao Shu, which shows that Yao Tianhai's money is all from the employees."

"This is the purpose of Heika's willingness to cooperate with Yao Tianhai."

"Now, I don't know how he makes money, but there is no doubt that the speech just now must have deep meaning."

"In other words, we just have to go the other way."

When talking about this, Qiancang took out the black card in his hand.

In his black card, there are still 2 million activity funds, and the activity funds can buy employees.

At this point, the first round of the lottery has ended, and all the winners and lottery managers have left the podium.

The second round of the lottery is about to start, this time the amount is 50,000 yuan, and the number is 10 people.

The lottery winner is Yao Tianhai.

Yao Tianhai walked to the podium with a smile on his face, full of confidence in his gestures.

As the lottery machine rotates, new winners are about to appear.

"Wait for me." Qiancang sneaked into the hall.

When the spotlight from the ceiling shone, Qiancang hid under the dining table, waiting for the beam of light to leave.

After the lottery began, Yao Tianhai began to read the employee numbers of the winners.

As soon as Qiancang poked his head out, he rushed to the podium in the direction from which the observer called.

Suddenly, a hand stretched over and grabbed Qian Cangyi's arm.

Qiancang turned his head and was surprised to find that the person who grabbed him turned out to be Tao Shu, the already dead Tao Shu in Baidianhui Electronics Factory.

"Prince? It seems I am dreaming again." Tao Shu said softly.

"Dreaming..." Qiancang suddenly recalled what Tao Shu said in the hut.

"Maybe I came back just to take another road. After all, I didn't see it thoroughly at the time, and I would only be sentimental alone." Tao Shu's words seemed to hide more information.

"What are you going to do?" Qiancangyi was a little curious.

"Give me a chance, let me stand on the podium." Tao Shu pointed to the podium not far away, and then he let go.

Qian Cangyi had an idea in his mind, and after he nodded, he continued to move forward.

I stopped until I came near the podium.

He went to the podium for only one purpose, and that was to buy the winners.

No matter who the winning employee is, he must go to the podium ~lightnovelpub.net~ and in the process, he can take the opportunity to buy.

The way black cards buy employees is quite simple.

The only drawback is that it is too close to the podium, which may be discovered by Yao Tianhai.

A woman who won the lottery passed by Qiancang.

The money warehouse remained silent, the black card in the right hand swiped across the woman's thigh, and a black card slot appeared. After the black card stayed for a second, swiped the card slot.

[Bought successfully! 】

[Currently, the remaining funds for activities are 1 million. 】

[Synchronized control has been selected. 】

A series of mechanical beeps came.

After doing all this, Qiancang walked to the place where he had always been hiding.

After returning to the original place, he made an OK gesture with his right hand.

On the podium, Yao Tianhai was presenting awards, but when he handed the red envelope to the female employee bought by Qian Cangyi, the female employee rejected the red envelope.

Qiancang inserted the black card into his mind and began to speak:

"Thank you very much for your red envelope, but compared to the red envelope worth 50,000 yuan, I want a chance to stand on the podium and express my heart."

"I hope you can give me this opportunity. I have a lot of truth to say to everyone."

As Qiancangyi said these words, the female employees on the podium also said the same.

Of course, the tone and speed of speech are slightly different, and there is a delay of more than 1 second, but it is enough to be able to convey the same meaning.

Yao Tianhai was a little surprised. He took the red envelope back and looked towards the hall.

The beam of light in the hall suddenly speeded up the search, sweeping back and forth in a few seconds.

"Let her say it!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in the hall.

As this voice appeared, more and more employees echoed it.

The voices of approval were like ocean waves, one after another.

Yao Tianhai was stern, but did not immediately refuse.