Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1290: Free time

At this time, Qiancangyi asked the previous question again.

Earlier, after Yao Tianhai heard this question, he also chose to directly use the black card to buy out the female employees, but he continued the lottery.

The employees around the round table were puzzled. They glanced around, trying to find the answer from the faces of the people around them, but found nothing.

What is the charm of this question?

All employees set their sights on Qiancang I, hoping to get answers from the latter.

Facing Qian Cangyi’s question, Yao Tianhai did not answer, but said harshly:

"You won't be mad for long."

"I hope you won't kneel down and lick my shoes."

After speaking, Yao Tianhai snorted coldly, as if he was holding the winning ticket.

Qian Cangyi ignored Yao Tianhai's threat, and then continued the question just now:

"There are 24 hours a day."

"People want to sleep. After removing 8 hours of sleep, there are 16 hours left."

"In the remaining 16 hours, people can't skip meals, right? Can't go to the toilet? What about lunch breaks? Adding up these pieces of time, 2 hours should be fine.

"There are 14 hours left, plus the time to go to and from get off work. Of course, considering the distance and distance, I estimate an average of 1 hour."

"Deduct this one more hour, and there are 13 hours left."

"Calculated on the basis of 13 hours, and finally subtracted 8 hours of working time, there are up to 5 hours of free time left."

"Attention, it is the most! In fact, the free time is usually less than 4 hours."

"At this point, I believe everyone already understands what I want to say."

"For every hour of overtime you work, you do not add 1 to the number 8, but subtract 1 from the base of 5."

"Each day of overtime on weekends means not only that the number of working days rises from 5 to 6, but also means that the number of rest days is reduced from 2 to 1."


"think carefully."

"What exactly do these 19 hours represent?"

"On behalf of survival, in the 24 hours a day, you must spend 19 hours so that you can live for the foreseeable future."

"You need money, you need resources for money."

"Yao Tianhai has always wanted to get money from you, but in essence, what he robs is your time."

"Why do I say that?"

"Think about it, if you only spend 19 hours a day to keep yourself alive, that means you still have 5 hours to be plundered."

"According to the principle of maximizing benefits, it is the best solution for employees to spend 24 hours a day to obtain materials that allow them to survive."

"You spend all your time at work this month, so that you can survive next month."

"Similarly, you will spend all your time working next month, so that you can survive next month."

"Eternal infinite loop, until death."

"Your time has been stolen by him."

Having said this, Qian Cang shook his head slightly, pointed his left finger at Yao Tianhai, then jumped off the round table and walked towards Yao Tianhai.

There was no sound in the hall, and the beam of light moved along with the money warehouse.

Qiancang glanced around and saw a young man wearing glasses. He walked over and asked:

"Do you like to play games? Online games? Stand-alone? Mobile games?"

After asking, he put the microphone on the young man's mouth.

"Occasionally I play online games, but...not much time, about...3 or 4 hours a day." The young man hesitated.

"How many hours does your daily work need to complete?" Qian Cangyi continued to ask.

"It depends on the situation. If you are busy, it will take 12 hours. If you are not busy, it will take 3 or 4 hours. On average, 8 hours should be about the same." The youth spoke while looking at Yao Tianhai on the podium.

"How many hours do you usually work?" Qiancangyi asked a similar question, but the meaning was quite different.

"Twelve hours." The young man swallowed.

"Do you stay up late?" Qiancang asked.

"It's kind of, I can't sleep at night." The young man answered neatly, as if he became more and more interested in Qian Cangyi's question.

"Can't get up in the morning?" Qian Cang turned his head and looked at Yao Tianhai, who was also looking at him at this time.

"You... how do you know?" The youth was a little surprised.

"You got home about 9 o'clock, why didn't you go to bed?" Qian Cang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his voice gradually softened.

"I..." The young man sighed when he said that, "I just want to relax, I want to sleep, but I'm a bit...unwilling."

"I'm very tired and anxious. Every time I leave work, I want to do something meaningful... I think, live better..."

"Stop asking, okay? I know I'm a waste, a loser, neither talented nor hardworking enough. I don't want to..."


The youth hesitated to speak but stopped.

Qiancangyi placed his left hand on the young man's shoulder, patted twice, and then asked:

"But you can't help it."

After speaking, Qiancang took away his left hand and continued to walk in the direction of Yao Tianhai:

"Presumably you all remember that I said that the free time is 5 hours. In fact, your real free time is already 0."

"You have heard what this little brother said just now, and he couldn't help but play."

"Playing online games, sports, or watching movies are all ways to relax. People must take time to relax."

"You may not understand, let me give you another example: getting married and having children."

"Compared with ‘relaxation’, this should be called a ‘must’, right?"

"Imagine if your 5 hours are occupied by work, do you still have the mind to do this kind of thing?"

"Even if there is, I think it will be the same as the little brother just now, I can only sacrifice my sleep time to complete it."

"Of course, there are many people who choose to keep their sleep time and give up the'must'. After all, survival is more important than reproduction."

"That's why when your free time is plundered, you will feel extremely anxious, because you have reached the limit."

"Above this, all efforts and struggles are the limits of the limits."

"If you compare people to springs, at this time you have been stretched to the longest, and...your brother is still not satisfied, and he wants to stretch it a bit more."

"Then, a tiny crack appeared on you. At the beginning, it was inconspicuous and no one cared."

"As the cracks get bigger and bigger ~lightnovelpub.net~, finally, with a click, the spring breaks, and you are no longer his brothers."

"Am I right? Yao Tianhai."

Qian Cangyi placed his hands on both sides of his body and looked directly at Yao Tianhai, who was already furious.

"But... what should we do?" The young man who was asked earlier was confused.

Qiancang picked up the microphone and replied:

"You are already fighting, aren't you? You have been trying to regain your own free time."


"Let's carry forward this spirit of resistance!"

"How much money to take, and how much to do."

"The extra time to do your own thing, when the time is right, fire him!"

Speaking of this, Qian Cangyi's left index finger pointed to Yao Tianhai.

Pop, pop, pop!

Yao Tianhai clapped his hands and didn't care at all, and then said in a relaxed tone:

"Well said, your plan is successful, and my money is much less."

"But you forgot a very important thing, I have been paying protection fees!"

Suddenly, the double door on the right side of the podium suddenly opened, and a dozen people wearing white masks, black uniforms and bright silver handcuffs rushed in.

Yao Tianhai pointed to Qian Cangyi with his left hand and said:

"It's that he and his accomplices are disturbing the order and want to kill me."

"This is evidence."

After speaking, he took out a few photos from his jacket pocket and threw them into the air.

The photo was flying in the air and flew towards the door. The content on it was a scene where the Qiancang and others killed Yao Tianhai.

This is Yao Tianhai's ultimate move.

Invincible shield, invincible spear!

"Do it!" Qian Jiangyue's eyes stunned, and the whole person rushed out, the target is Yao Tianhai.