Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1304: Surprise

A script appeared in Qian Cangyi's mind. There were not many pages, but the content inside was very intriguing.

Qian Cangyi's prince, after experiencing tonight's events, chose to resign.

As a general worker, the prince’s resignation process is very simple. As long as there is no shortage of workers and it is not a weekend, he can leave after settlement on the same day, even three days in advance.

Now is the peak season for recruitment, and Baidianhui Electronics Factory is not short of people.

"Let's go!" Qiancang stood up and glanced up at the camera in the corner, but he ignored it because in the script, the prince he played had left safely.

"You go back to the dormitory first, I'll pass later." Qian Jiangyue still looked out the window.

"No, although the rice paper is'dead', I still feel a little worried, try not to act alone." Qiancang shook his head.

Qian Jiangyue did not insist, and walked towards the stairs.

In the rest of the time, the two packed their belongings, made a request for resignation, filled out the resignation form, handed in work clothes, and returned the keys to the dormitory. They were busy until three o'clock in the afternoon, and finally they were able to leave completely.

The two stood in front of the security room, opened the suitcase and let the security check.

"Sure." The security nodded.

Qian Cangyi and Qian Jiangyue walked out of the gate of the living quarters. From now on, Baidianhui Electronics Factory has nothing to do with their roles.

As for what happened last night, Hell Movies and Interbank will deal with it, and the roles of the two will not be involved.

According to the requirements of the script, Qian Cangyi's prince would stop and turn his head to look at Baidianhui Electronics Factory.

When Qiancang stopped, Qian Jiangyue also stopped.

"Why, reluctant?" Qian Jiangyue said the script's lines in a relaxed tone.

"No, I don't know the answer to a question. Since Yao Tianhai is dead, the jumping incident shouldn't happen again, right?" Qian Cang looked at the dormitory building of Baidianhui Electronics Factory.

As soon as the question was spoken, a dark shadow fell quickly on the upper floors of the dormitory building and hit the ground with a loud noise.

The prince’s question was answered.

After the security guard in the security room heard the sound, one guard was left behind, and the remaining two guards ran to the place where the sound was made.

"Well...it seems you already know the answer. If you change it to everyone, whether it is Yao Tianhai or other people, they will only get tired and tired." Qian Jiangyue crossed her hands and ten fingers behind her head, "Yes. Now, what are your plans for the future?"

"Travel first, and then learn how to make pastries. I have always wanted to open my own cake shop." Qiancang said the prince's thoughts.

"I can't see it, but it's good. I don't know yet. Just leave it alone and have a big meal first!" Qian Jiangyue dragged the suitcase and ran.

[Actor Qian Jiangyue, survive! 】

As soon as Qiancang took out the black card and took a look, his frown stretched out, and then followed Qian Jiangyue's footsteps.

[Actor Cang Yi, survive! 】

The two returning from **** have left the movie world, but the movie world is still running.

The security guard who rushed to the corpse took control of the surroundings. At this moment, not far from the security guard, a thin black line suddenly appeared in the space.

The thin line did not stop until it reached the height of a person. Then, the thin line began to expand and became a two-dimensional plane. It didn't stop until it became a human-shaped silhouette.

Then, the two-dimensional plane began to expand and became a three-dimensional person. Then, the three-dimensional human body gradually changed its facial features and physical characteristics. In the end, it became rice paper, but the body was covered with cracks, like a shattered mirror.

The rice paper opened his eyes, knelt on one leg, and looked up the information of the **** movie in his mind.

"Are all alive?" A smile was raised from the corner of Xuan paper's mouth, "Journey back from hell? It's a really interesting team, but they do have the spirit to warn members that they don't possess."

"If any of the three is a member of the admonition club, they should seize the opportunity to escape. It seems that I blamed them."

"The harvest from this movie is pretty good."

Speaking of this, the rice paper closed his eyes, opened his hands, raised his head slightly, feeling the heat of the air.

[Active Skill: Long Base Space]

[Skill Description 1: The actor can select multiple space base point pairs. 】

[The connection path between any pair of base points can be twisted arbitrarily, and the substance attached to it can follow the connection path to change, but it will not be destroyed. The selected position of the base point pair must be the position that the entity has actually reached, and the length of the distortion needs to be limited by the real length of the space. 】

[Note: The twistable length is usually less than 10 times the real length of the space, and it will change according to different time and space. 】

[Note: When the selected distance of the base point pair is close to 0, the actor can enter the base point to walk, and the walking distance is limited by the real length of the space. 】

[The more the base point logarithm, the higher the life force consumed, the longer the maintenance time, the higher the life force consumed. 】

[Skill Description 2: Make the length of the distorted space close to the length of the real space. After use, the distorted spaces will melt into each other, leaving only the space close to the length of the real space. The matter remaining in the distorted space will not dissolve, but will accumulate in the real The length of the space. 】

[Actors can choose the effect that is approaching, the stronger the effect, the more vitality it consumes. 】

[Actors can choose the direction of approach. 】

[Each basis point pair is eliminated, a small amount of vitality can be restored from the ablated space. 】

[Note: The destructive power of this skill's effect on itself will not be weakened. 】

[Skill Description 3: After the actor enters the movie world, a single base point can be selected as the original base point. A single base point cannot be paired with the rest of the base points, and will always exist until the actor leaves the movie world. 】

[An actor can consume a huge amount of vitality, let himself traverse the real path, and jump back to the original base point. 】

[After the jump, the actor will enter a state of weakness for 12 hours, and no skill effects in the long base space can be used during this period. 】

[Note: The jumping process is not necessarily successful~lightnovelpub.net~ If there are no special circumstances, the success rate is 63%, the failure rate is 39%, and another 1% is unknowable. 】

As the rice paper left, his role fell backward, making a slight noise.

After hearing the sound, the security guard turned his head and saw the body left by the rice paper, but was not surprised.


As soon as Qiancang opened his eyes, he inserted his right hand into his pocket, and the black card belonging to Yao Tianhai appeared in his hand, with 8.88 million funds in it.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth, then sat up from the bed.

"Xuan paper, should it be dead, right?"

He quickly entered the **** movie and wanted to watch the bulletin provided by the **** movie. Then, he saw the friend application sent by the rice paper, and at the same time, the news of Xiaozhufeng and Qianjiangyue lit up.

The smile on Qiancang's face gradually disappeared, and then he clicked OK.