Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1306: Above survival

Qiancang said nothing, and the entire conference room fell into a brief silence.

His gaze swept across the faces of each actor, some lost in thought, some looked at him, but for a while, no one spoke.

Perhaps it was because of the atmosphere in the conference room that the pets became quiet again.

"Wow, in other words, Cang Yi, do you want to save all the actors?" Qian Jiangyue shook her right hand vacantly, and then tapped on the table, his tone full of ridicule.

At this time, everyone's eyes are on Qiancang One.

Qiancang shook his head and replied:

"Save all the actors? No, not save, I said, I just fight for the possibility of non-zero, so that all actors have one more choice."

"Some actors are accustomed to the life in **** movies, and if they return to the real world, they will not adapt. Some actors cannot bear the long-term pain. If they want to live this life safely, what I want to do is nothing more than let The actors can choose by themselves."

"I think that the purpose of human beings is to change the surrounding environment, and all the efforts of human beings in this life are to control themselves."

"Of course, it sounds simple, but so far, I have not found a way to achieve my goal until the warning will appear."

Having said that, Qiancang stopped as soon as he looked around.

The existence of the warning club is dangerous, but it also provides a clue.

If the admonishment is qualified to negotiate with the **** film, then it also means that he also has the opportunity.

"You don't want to join the admonition meeting, do you?" Fable opened his eyes wide.

"No, the admonishment's rules of conduct are contrary to my original intention. I just want to know why they are eligible for negotiation." Qian Cangyi shook his head firmly.

"I'm relieved." The fable breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't have the same idea as you. It doesn't matter whether I go back to the real world, whether I have been in a movie, or I have been in a certain movie world, I can. accept."

"Are you Mr. Random?" Qian Jiangyue glanced at the fable.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Random, how about you? Qian Jiangyue, what do you want?" Fable asked rhetorically while nodding his head.

"I..." Qian Jiangyue frowned, "Forget it, sooner or later you will know."

Speaking of this, Qian Jiangyue straightened her sleeves, put her hands and ten fingers across the table, and then said:

"What I wanted at first was freedom."

"From the time I was born, I raised my head and felt that I could see the end of the world clearly. Everyone and everything is full of boringness. I want to see a different world and feel the thrills and excitement."

"Later, I was selected by the **** movie. Whether it was struggling to survive or being betrayed, these setbacks couldn't stop me, but I didn't feel free."

"I always feel like I'm being pulled by a thread, and I'm a marionette."

"Until that movie, the movie named "The Corner" appeared, with Nan Yuan's betrayal, the hidden secret finally surfaced."

When he said this, he was interrupted by a fable.

"Who is Nan Yuan?" Fable looked at the upper left corner, and did not find any information about Nan Yuan in his mind.

"My...family." Qian Jiangyue looked at the ceiling, "Perhaps like countless families, they all think that the other party understands themselves and holds their true thoughts in their hearts until the conflict erupts."

"What do you mean? You and your relatives are also **** movie actors?" Fable touched the back of his head with his right hand, and couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

Qian Jiangyue glared at the fable, as if intending to ‘greet’ the fable, but was interrupted by Qian Cangyi’s opening in advance:

"The situation is more complicated. Nan Yuan's soul is attached to Qian Jiangyue. The two are considered to be a twin soul, but Nan Yuan is not an actor in a **** movie."

Hearing Qian Cangyi's words, the fable froze for a moment, showing a surprised expression, and then asked in a low voice:

"You mean Qian Jiangyue is mentally ill? I know Cang Yi you are suggesting this, I understand."

While speaking, Fable also nodded, very confident in his guess.

"It doesn't feel like it." Xiao Zuanfeng shook his head, "Mentally ill, the focus is on sick words. If Qian Jiangyue is sick, he will definitely be discovered by Cang Yi and others, which in turn shows that Qian Jiangyue knows the hiding and can distinguish between his imagination and reality ."

"Qian Jiangyue will explain later." Qian Cangyi said to the fable again.

The parable nodded, put his right hand on the left side of his lips, held the thumb on the left side of the index finger, and then pulled it to the right to make a zipper movement.

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath and continued with the previous words:

"A new soul is pieced together from a few souls. This is my source, my true life experience."

"My soul took possession of Nanyuan's body, and the dove occupied the magpie's nest and became the new owner."

"Does it sound amazing? It's like... "Frankenstein" story."

"At first I thought these 8 actors wanted to use this method to escape the control of the **** movie and live in a new world with a brand new identity. As a result, you have seen that I was selected by the **** movie again."

"Did they fail? Maybe they failed, but the **** movie didn't break me down. It seemed to acquiesce that I existed as a ‘new’ soul."

"What do I mean to **** movies? New guinea pigs? In addition, where does the power of the 8 actors reorganize their souls? These secrets buzz in my ears like mosquitoes all day."

"So, I changed my mind. The so-called freedom is not about myself, but about facing it calmly."

"On the way to the future, I will look for my own secrets. As for the results, it is not important at all."

"All this experience in the **** movie has far surpassed my life of more than 20 years. I don't feel a loss. What's more, there is nothing worthy of my nostalgia in the real world."

"This is my goal, the goal above survival."

Qian Jiangyue's voice became louder and louder, and the last sentence echoed in the conference room.

Now that I have been selected, then I will leave the original world.

This is Qian Jiangyue's attitude towards **** movies.

The fable opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but before he could say it, his eyes changed and he swallowed again.

The silence in the conference room did not last long before it was broken.

"Actually..." the shadow puppet theater opened, attracting everyone's attention, "I just wanted to survive until I can leave the **** movie, but then I have some new ideas about my own world."

"You know, there is a characteristic of my world. When a person reaches a certain age, about 50 years old, he will predict his death, and then begin to implement his own plan list."

"Maybe you think this is very beautiful, there will be no worry about old-age care, and when the time is up, it will be the end of life, but it doesn't make sense, doesn't it?

"How can one plan to die?"

Speaking of this, the tone of the shadow play was a little excited.

"Planned to die?" Qiancang Yi grasped the point.

The shadow play nodded and replied:

"Well, it seems that there is an invisible hand controlling everything. When the time is up, the person who loses value will die."

"Everyone accepts all this, and I am like this, because it has been like this since I was born~lightnovelpub.net~ However, after meeting you and communicating with you, I realized one thing, people, may die naturally, You may die from illness, accident, or war, but you shouldn’t be dying in such a planned way."

"People, everyone, are the same as when we are facing danger, and we will do everything we can to survive."

"Don't walk meekly into that good night, old age should burn and roar at sunset; roar, roar, and denounce the light's retreat."

"This is a poem that I happened to see in the movie world. When people know that they are about to die, they should desperately seek new life instead of going to death docilely like a predetermined procedure."

"I want to know the answer and use the power of **** movies."

The eyes of the shadow puppet show were sincere and hot, and she had never mentioned this idea to other players before.

At this time, when the members of the local prison returning team opened their hearts, the strange film between the members seemed to begin to dissolve.

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