Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1309: Respective choice

after one day.

   Qiancang Yi stood in front of the meeting room door, gently turned the doorknob, and pushed in.

   is different from yesterday. This time, except for him, the rest of the actors are already sitting on the chairs. As long as he is seated, today's topic can begin.

   "Come so early today?" Qian Cang smiled, alleviating the tension in the meeting room.

   After he sat down, he looked around and went directly to the topic:

   "What is your choice? If you don't plan to contact the admonition meeting, I will quit by myself. Now the journey back from **** has not been targeted, so I don't need to change my name.

   At this time, Hawkeye asked a question, his voice was calm and reassuring:

   "We have all made choices. The question is, what are your expectations? Do you want us to leave, or do you want us to be with you?"

   The other actors all turned to look at Qian Cangyi, waiting for the latter's answer.

   Qiancang looked down at his feet, and after about 3 seconds, he raised his head again:

"If it is something else, I hope you will be with me, but in the face of the admonition meeting, once the power of time is involved, your confrontation will be almost the same as death. Therefore, I hope you leave. This is my suggestion! "

   "I want you to live and achieve your goals."

   "There is no permanent banquet in the world. At the beginning, we got together to cooperate and increase the chance of survival, but with the admonition meeting, the team will become the target of attack, and you will be implicated by me instead."

   After speaking, Qiancang waited for everyone to answer.

   Qian Jiangyue stood up, walked to Qiancang's side, patted his shoulder with his left hand, then left, when he walked to the door, turned his head and said to Qiancangyi:

   "Don't think too much, I don't know what the purpose of the admonition meeting is, I only know that if it stands in front of me, I will trample it."

   "Furthermore, is an organization that needs to kill the same kind of organization really capable? At best, it's about the same as bullying elementary school students on the street."

   "By the way, Cang Yi, you seem to have forgotten one thing. You have never been the captain, and I am also one of the team builders."

After    finished, he opened the door and went out.

   Qian Cang looked at Qian Jiangyue's closed door, blinked, and then patted with both hands:

"That you--"

  As soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Hawkeye;

   "——Are they still human?"

   Qiancang was taken aback for a moment and replied:

   "Are you the actors of the admonishment club? It's a human... but..."

   Hawkeye stretched out his right hand to stop Qian Cangyi from continuing:

   "It’s okay to be a human."

   "I have something to do, let's go now."

   After speaking, Hawkeye also got up from his seat.

   After Hawkeye left, Fable glanced at the door and said, "Cool!"

   "Hawkey eye just wanted to say, can he kill a person?" The left and right index fingers of the shadow play began to circle.

   "It should mean that." Xiao Zuanfeng nodded.

   "What about you?" Qian Cang looked at the remaining three people.

   "Actually, we have already decided, we don't plan to leave." The shadow puppet said.

   "Why?" Qian Cangyi was a little curious.

   "Because avoidance can never solve the problem." Xiao Zuifeng said his thoughts.

   Qiancang smiled without answering.

   "Is it unexpected?" The fable asked.

   "No!" Qiancang shook his head, "Perhaps it is precisely because of this that we will walk together."

   His eyes are bright, and the corners of his mouth are smiling.


   A week later, the fable entered the main world.

   During this period, he has been speeding up the production line of first aid spray. On the one hand, it takes time to find raw materials, and on the other hand, it takes time to hire manpower.

   Previously, under the pressure of Qianjiangyue Devil King, the pet escaped from Panfeng Village and entered a mysterious cave.

   After Qiancangichi's rescue, a group of pets were finally rescued, and the newly discovered cave was also named Leaving Home Cave.

   With the continuous development of the dwarves hired by Fable, the Leaving Home Cave has been designed as a basic production line.

   The fable came near the cave away from home, and then he saw a strange scene.

   In the woods on the left, under a green camphor tree, the salted egg yolk and black horns are facing each other, but at this time the dog and cat are not supporting the ground on all fours, but supporting their body with their hind limbs that are not stout.

   Leaning against the salted egg yolk of the tree, the left front paw supported the trunk, the right front paw was inserted at the waist, and the right hind paw was placed diagonally in front of the left hind paw. At the same time, he nodded slowly, as if discussing something important.

The black corner on the opposite side of the salted egg yolk also made a similar posture. Then, black corner glanced at the fable, then dodged his eyes, lowered his front paw, and then "meow".

   The salted egg yolk that heard the meow also lowered his front paws, then looked back at the fable, and then ran deep into the dense forest.

   Black Horn hurriedly followed behind the salted egg yolk.

   "This is... what's going on?" The fable wanted to follow up, but in the blink of an eye, a cat and a dog had disappeared.

   Suddenly, there was a hairy feeling in the fable, and he was uncomfortable all over.

   The scene just now appeared in his mind from time to time. If you look at it abstractly, the dog and cat standing next to the tree are not like animals, but more like people, especially in their actions and expressions.

   Although he was very puzzled, he didn't think much about the fable. Now he has more important things to do.

   He continued to walk towards the cave away from home.

   Soon after, the hidden cave entrance appeared in front of him. He took a deep breath and took a step forward, but suddenly stopped and he felt an unknown breath.

   "Is it the Cone Soul Demon Stone?" The fable had to associate the unknown premonition in this regard ~ lightnovelpub.net~ After all, the Cone Soul Demon Stone is the biggest source of danger in the content currently explored. Of course, there is no danger now.

   The fable swallowed and walked into the home away from home**.

   There are various blue paw prints on the dark cave wall, some are dark, some are light, and there is a long drag mark on the side, as if some animal was dragged into the cave away from home.

   Fable squatted on the ground and sniffed gently.

   "It's the smell of blue thorn wine, what happened in it?"

   The premonition of the unknown became stronger and stronger, and the fable was a bit hesitant. Now it is too dangerous for him to go in. It would be better for people to go in together, but at this time he was the only one online.

   In addition, if this matter is known by Qian Jiangyue, it is natural to be ridiculed. In addition, death in the main world does not mean death, so the fable clenched his fists and slammed his guts a little.

   "It is estimated that some monster broke in."

   The fable leaned his body on his side and walked towards the hole step by step.

   As the distance deepens, the blue thorn wine becomes less and less, replaced by a red unknown liquid.

  The fable sniffed, and found that it was not blood, but there was a strange smell, the smell of urine, but it was mixed with a fresh breath.

   Then, there was a sorrowful cry from the depths of the cave.

   Fable's eyes widened, and he hurried over.

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