Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 131: camouflage

Marshall opened the door a crack, looked outside, and opened the door completely after making sure that there was no one in the hallway.

In the corridor outside the door, the candlelight was shaking constantly, as if it could be extinguished at any time.

"Why is this oil lamp so poor?" Robert followed Marshall.

"Instead of worrying about this, you might as well think about where the lamp oil was obtained." Marshall didn't look back when he spoke. "Because of the language barrier, there is no point in catching it alive. There is no way to ask useful words from the fish population, so , If you encounter a murloc, you can hide if you can hide, and kill if you can't hide."

"Yeah." Robert nodded. "By the way, where did you get the lamp oil?"

"Do you think murlocs can use fish oil to light up lamps?" Marshall asked rhetorically, while leaning against the wall, quickly ran to the door of the next room.

"No, then..." Robert followed Marshall, but he didn't seem to realize what Marshall meant to say.

"Forget it, let me just say it straight. The oil lamp uses corpse oil. No matter what you think, for the murloc crew on the ghost ship, humans are always the easiest thing to obtain. After all, they have been hunting hunters. "Marshall said his conjecture, but he didn't take the time to verify it. After all, it is not important to guess right or wrong for this kind of thing.

"Okay." Robert looked away from the oil lamp.

"Come in." Marshall suddenly opened the room and hid in.

After the two entered the room, Marshall immediately closed the door, with a very quiet voice.

"Don't talk." Marshall made a'hush' gesture after speaking.

Soon, the sound of Da Da Da passed by the door.

After the sound went away, the two people began to carefully observe the layout of the room. On the side of the room, there is a large rectangular water tank. Above the water tank, there are three human-shaped skeletons, but these skeletons are the existence of missing arms and legs, and the missing parts seem to be hard hit by heavy objects.

Marshall walked in some, and found that the water in the tank was not clear, but rather muddy. It seemed that there was something mixed in it. In addition, there were some plants such as aquatic plants under the tank.

"What is this for?" Robert lightly touched the water in the tank with his hand, but his hand bounced back immediately, "What is the water in it?" He touched the water in the tank. There is a bit of cold on the fingers of her, and a little irritating feeling.

"We may have come to the murloc's bedroom, where they slept. These skeletons should be murloc ornaments, and we humans will also hang some animal skulls on the wall as an ornament." Marshall Looking at the closed door, there was an idea in my mind, "Maybe, we have a way to get past."

"What way?" Robert was very curious about what idea Marshall would say.

"I intend to make the murloc into a coat, which is different from the question type of the two of us. The murloc question type is much stronger than ours. If the interior is hollowed out, it may be able to get through." Marshall said.

"Like a wolf in sheep's clothing?" Robert shook his head. "No, it should be a sheep in wolf's clothing."

"Well, in short, let's try it first. First find a lone murloc to test. If the other party does not find out, then it can show that our plan is feasible. If it is found, we will consider other ways." Marshall said As soon as he finished speaking, a da da da sound came from outside the door.

"Ready." Marshall came to the door, with Robert standing behind him.

When the sound of footsteps reached the door, Marshall slammed the door open, and the long knife in his hand thrust forward forcefully.

Outside the door, the murloc's eyes were full of surprise, because it was so sudden that he could not react. After he saw clearly that it was a human in front of him, his gaze instantly changed from astonishment to anger, and took the trident in his hand to Marshall. Stabbed. At this time, Robert helped block the blow.

When the opponent was exhausted, Marshall twisted his hands and stabbed forward, and the murloc fell to the ground.

The two hurriedly pulled the dying murloc into the room.

"Be careful not to hurt your head." Marshall reminded Robert when he saw that Robert still wanted to continue to make up the knife.

After a few clicks, the murloc died completely. Although his eyes still revealed unwillingness, it could not change his ending.

Immediately afterwards, Marshall used a dagger to cut the murloc's body apart. The organs in the murloc's body were completely exposed to the two of them. Compared with humans, the position of the murloc's organs is completely different. For example, the heart is even more important. Close to where the gills are.

"You are tired, let me come." Robert suddenly volunteered at this moment.

"Be careful. Murloc's blood is weakly acidic. Although it is not harmful, if it is touched, it will still have a certain effect on the body. For example, it will be very itchy~lightnovelpub.net~ Marshall reminded him to sit down To the door.

Although it is a rest, we cannot relax our vigilance.

Even if it has been reminded, it is still very difficult to actually do it. Neither of them have much experience in dissecting this kind of thing, not to mention this difficult dissection for the first time.

After cutting out some internal organs, Robert walked aside, put down the dagger, and kept clasping his hands on the back of his hands, and soon his hands became red.

"I'll do the rest." Marshall used to cut off the excess fabric from the clothes, and then tied it to the palm of his hand to protect himself.

During this period, a murloc passed by the door of the room, but did not notice anything unusual in the room.

"Okay, almost done." Marshall put down the dagger in his hand. From seeing Captain David being stabbed to death until now, his spirit has been highly concentrated, and there is not much time to rest. At this time, he finished this heavy work. He felt a little dark in his eyes and almost fainted.

"Next, put the murloc's skin in the water tank and wash it. I will rest first." Marshall was lying on the ground. At this moment, he felt a little itchy in his hands and neck, but now this is the case. You can only wipe it at will.

Robert put the murloc skin into the water tank, and soon the water tank was stained red.

"Huh, Father Marshall, I still remember that when we were separated, I accused you of being cold-blooded, and now I think about it, if you are as entangled in faith and law as the priests I have seen before, maybe we are already dead now." Robert watched. Look at Marshall sitting resting by the wall.

"Don't soak for too long, you can take it out when it's almost done." Marshall changed the subject and didn't directly answer Robert's words.

Robert looked at it and took out the murloc skin.

"Finally finished." Robert laid the murloc skin on the ground.