Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1310: Invisible monster

After going around a few turns, the fable rushed to the cavity of the cave away from home. There should have been dwarves on standby in the cavity, but at this time there was no one.

All kinds of materials were scattered on the ground. Near the entrance, the two-color house lay motionless on the ground, half of the body color was dyed red and blue.

The fable rushed over, gently hugged the head of the two-color house, and then patted it twice.

"Two-color house, wake up."

His shout seemed to work.

Shuang Se Zhai slowly opened her eyes, then her body shrank into a ball, covering her eyes with her hands, shaking constantly.

"What happened?"

Although the fable asked this, he knew that the two-color house in front of him could not speak human words.

Therefore, he can only expect Shuangse Zhai to point out the problem for him.

However, the performance of the two-color house was beyond his expectation, and the shrunken two-color house suddenly ran to the exit of the cave away from home. When the fable was at a loss, the two-color house suddenly stopped and then fell straight to the ground.

The fable rushed over, this time, failed to wake up the two-color house.

"It's a bit scary..."

The fable swallowed, glanced at the entrance of the cave, and then at the cavity.

Because the production line needs to be erected in the cave away from home, there are many wooden objects in the cave. Some iron nails are used at the joints of these wooden products, but the number is not large.

The level of technological development in the main world is not high, and it contains some magical elements. Disasters can happen at any time, and it is difficult for the aborigines to develop. Panfeng Village is an example.

The production line made by Fable mainly relies on manpower and is not efficient, but as long as everything is taken care of, there is no need to worry about the follow-up production process, just wait.

He saw the wooden shelf used to produce first aid spray at a glance. When viewed separately, it can be considered as five bowls for pounding medicine, but they can work at the same time.

The instrument behind the wooden bracket is a dispenser that can dispense the potion according to a certain ratio.

These instruments are all made with the help of Qibu, and then let the dwarf help to make them.

Now, the top of the instrument was covered with red, unidentified liquid, and it looked abnormally bloody.

Fable approached and took a few glances, confirming that the instrument was not damaged, and felt relieved. Then, he placed his gaze behind the hollow, and a strange circular sacrificial pattern caught his attention.

The overall structure of the pattern is two concentric circles, the diameter of the outer circle is about two meters, the diameter of the inner circle is about 1.6 meters, and the gap between the concentric circles is drawn with 16 distinctive symbols.

Some symbols are like the word "enter", and some symbols have no meaning at all, like doodles, and they don't understand the meaning at all.

Five oval stones are placed in the center of the pattern, and each stone has a different color.

"How can there be an altar?"

The fable's heart trembled and he became more nervous.

Now it was not for him to continue to explore, nor to leave, as if he had been driven to a desperate situation.


The fable took a deep breath, and just as he was hesitating, a bald eagle flew out from the depths of the cavity, which was the eagle-eye pet waterfall.

His attention was attracted by the bald eagle. When the waterfall flew above the fable, it suddenly fell straight down. The fable hugged the waterfall and looked down.

The white feathers on the waterfall have been dyed red, as if they were injured.

A cry came from the waterfall's mouth, and then the waterfall tilted its head and closed his eyes.


The fable's breathing began to quicken.


Suddenly a small but harsh sound came from the corner behind, a red-haired hamster was staring at the fable, his dark eyes motionless, as if he had seen a terrible monster.

There was a thud in the fable's heart.

He couldn't help taking two steps back, and glanced back secretly.

"This hamster is a pet of the little wind? I remember calling the sky."

The fable whispered a little, and then yelled:


The hamster moved his head suddenly, then rushed towards the fable.

Just as the fable was fully guarded, the hamster named Sky suddenly fell to the ground, and then his body twitched constantly, and his mouth still made a piercing strange sound.

"What happened?"

The fable put the waterfall on the ground and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Speaking of which, where's Enze?"

The fable is a bit curious.

Enze is his pet, and his species is red panda.

While he was searching around, Enze helped the wall of the cave walk to the hollow, then knelt on his legs and began to bow down.

Climb forward with every bow.


The fable ran over, but Enze's reaction was different from what the fable predicted.

Enze's hair stood upright, roaring at the fable.

Fable stopped, blinked, and said:

"It's me, your master!"

Even if he said this, Enze still did not change his attitude. When the fable wanted to approach, Enze turned and ran away and ran out of the cave.

Fable hurried to catch up, and he hugged Enze.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the cave, the sound was very soft, but it was abnormal.

The fable did not speak, but slowly backed away.

Then, he saw the salted egg yolk and black horns approaching, but as before, a dog and a cat did not touch the ground on all fours, but used their feet to support their bodies like humans. , He was about to hide, but the salted egg yolk saw him.

After Salted Egg Yolk saw the fable, his forelimbs landed immediately, and then he "barked" Black Horn, and a dog and a cat ran out of the cave.

"What is going on?" Fable hesitated.

At this time, Enze, who was struggling, finally broke free from the fable, fell to the ground, and then ran into the cave.

Fable looked at Enze's back, did not chase it, but turned and ran out of the cave.

"Grass, leave here first!"

He was in a mess now, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

When he ran out of the cave away from home, the warm sun shone on him, but it did not make him feel the slightest warmth. Now his heart is still as cold as ice water.

Fable shook his body, and then walked towards Panfeng Village, but he did not take a few steps, but was frightened by a scene not far away.

I saw the salted egg yolk opened his big mouth and held the black corner in his mouth. Then, the corner of the salted egg yolk's mouth was pulled back, his eyes gradually crazy, and a weird smile appeared.

Because of the pulling of the corners of the mouth, the red liquid dripped to the ground, as if the faucet was not closed tightly.

The fable froze in place, just as he was at a loss, a strange sound came from the cave away from home behind him, like a demon wind slapped against the window, and like a terrible monster dragging the dead animal.

"It's better... or go offline first."

As the voice behind him grew louder, Fable decisively called up the selection menu, and then clicked the offline button.

Then, he slowly faded in the main world, and disappeared completely after two seconds.

The parable of detachment from the main world gasped:

"Oh my god, are those pets so good?"