Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1361: Weight of memory

Ran Ya's body was much lighter than Qian Cangyi expected. Qian Cangyi had carried Ran Ya on his back before. He knew that Ran Ya's body could never be so light, but now the situation is too urgent and he has no time to think carefully. .

Running back along the **** footprints, Qiancangyi soon came to the place where countless old people were bound again. At this time, the fear effect created by gaze had ended.

The screaming stopped abruptly, and the old people around seemed to be alive, slowly rotating their bodies, looking in the direction where Qian Cangyi and Ran Ya were.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Ran Ya held her forehead with her left hand, with a confused expression. She didn't know why she was here or what happened just now. Then she looked up at Qian Cangyi's back and asked:

"Who are you? Why are you holding my hand?"

While speaking, she tried to break free.

As soon as Qiancang heard Ran Ya's voice, he squeezed his right hand, "There is no time to explain."

Ran Ya no longer exerted any force. After knowing that she could not break free, she began to look at the surrounding environment.

Qiancang glanced back, his gaze crossed Ran Ya and looked in the direction of the circular mirror.

The restored Shi Yiling was chasing, with a vigorous pace, and the tied old man became an obstacle to Shi Yiling's progress at this time. Shi Yiling stretched his hands forward and pushed these old people aside. The old people collided and made a harsh scream again. After Shi Yiling passed by, the old man returned to the original place without making any harsh sounds.

As soon as Qiancang looked forward, there was endless darkness, and the light of the helmet lamp could not penetrate at all.

"Where are we going?" Ran Ya's voice trembled. Everything around her was quite unfamiliar to her. She felt like she had fallen into hell.

"Escape here." Qiancang replied, but didn't turn his head.

The purple-red rope began to rotate slowly, and the parts that bound the old man’s body also began to move, seeming to be unraveling. This subtle change is usually difficult to find, but when all the purple-red ropes change at the same time, you can see that something is wrong at a glance. .

Qiancang Yi was keenly aware of this.

Could it be that……

Qiancang couldn't help but start to imagine the next situation. After the endless old people were untied, they would surround them. There were old people in all directions, and there was no way to escape.

Then, he raised his head and saw the purple-red rope, an idea flashed through his mind-climb up!

"We have to go up." Qiancangyi's left index finger pointed upward.

Ran Ya looked up, her face full of puzzlement.

As soon as Qiancang stopped, he pulled Ranya to his side and said:

"Climb up, we have no other way."

"Remember, don't let go."

After speaking, he walked behind Ran Ya, slowly squatted down, and then lifted Ran Ya with both hands. Because of the weight loss, he was quite relaxed.

Ran Ya looked at the weird old man in front of her, her hands spread out, and she did not want to climb up along the old man's body.

"Trust me!" Qiancang yelled.

Ran Ya was still very hesitant, but the old man slowly turned around, and started to scratch with both hands. Seeing this scene, Ran Ya kicked her feet towards the old man, trying to retreat with the help of the rebound.

Qiancang frowned, his tone was serious, and said:

"Ran Ya, if you don't want to die, just do what I say, I won't hurt you."

During the safe period, of course he was able to slowly figure out ways to persuade and advance bit by bit, but now, it is not safe from any angle.

The weird old man who was unbound, Shi Yiling who was chasing him, could not see the end of the dark space, none of them had anything to do with safety.

Ran Ya, who was trying to stay away from the old man, heard what Qian Cang said. She looked around and looked around. Just now, she resisted all this because of her own fear of darkness and the unknown instinct. Now, she Choose between instinct and reason.

"You, what is your name?" Ran Ya asked softly.

"Liang Ping." Qian Cangyi quickly replied.

"I see." Ran Ya didn't ask any more, but climbed up according to Qian Cangyi's request. During the period, the old man who slowly turned around tried to catch Ran Ya, but was stopped by Qian Cangyi.

After Ran Ya grabbed the purple rope, she began to climb up, and the speed was very fast. When Qiancang saw it, she backed a few steps, and after a sprint, she also ran to the purple rope.

"Don't wait for me." When Qian Cang saw Ran Ya intending to stop and wait for him, Qian Cang hurriedly called out.

The current situation is not an exaggeration to describe it as a race against time. Although Shi Yiling was delayed, her long legs were still there, especially the time when the two were talking, which brought Shi Yiling closer.

Qian Cangyi used his hands and climbed quickly. He felt that his body was lighter. At this time, he also understood why Ran Ya could climb so easily. The body of a 10-year-old child was indeed 10-year-old strength, but after losing weight, It's much easier to get up.

"Be careful!" Ran Ya reminded.

Qiancang turned his head and saw a Shi Yiling stretched out his big hand and grabbed it at his location. The speed was not fast, but he came not far in front of him in the blink of an eye.

In desperation, Qiancang used the guide of the Time Tomb, Shi Yiling’s white slender fingers stayed in front of him, he seized the time to climb up, the previous use of Hezerac’s gaze has consumed a lot of vitality. Continue to consume at this time, the body has already appeared uncomfortable reaction.

At the same time that the skill effect ended, Qian Cangyi had already climbed out of Shi Yi Ling's big hand.

"Don't stop!" Qiancang pair Ran Ya shouted ~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, Shi Yiling retracted his hand and grabbed Qiancangyi again, but Qiancangyi had already crawled out of the attack range.

The two continued to climb up.

The old man at the bottom of the rope had already untied, surrounded the rope where Qiancang No. 1 was, and gradually piled up together. Shi Yiling stepped on the old man's body and grabbed it with both hands.

"Will you continue to climb?" Ran Ya looked down, her eyes full of fear.

"Yes." Qiancang nodded.

Shi Yiling couldn't catch the two of them, and began to shake the rope, the rope began to tremble, and then began to shake a lot. In this case, the two of them couldn't continue to climb up. Not only that, the strange old people gathered from a distance More and more, under the pile of Arhat-like piles, Shi Yi Ling is also getting higher and higher.

"What shall we do?" Ran Ya shouted.

Qian Cangyi was about to answer, but saw a face turning around the rope. This face was exactly the same as his face. There were three pairs of eyes on his face. It was Shi Yiling who had drilled out of the round mirror before. It was different. The thing is that Shi Yiling's body is made up of white mist, and a mist tail that looks like a comet tail is dragged along the flight path.

"Liang Ping." Shi Yiling shouted.

Qian Cangyi didn't answer, but looked at Shi Yiling warily.

"Liang Ping." Shi Yiling yelled again, not as if calling someone, as if she just liked this feeling.

"Ah!" a painful cry came from above.

Qian Cang looked up and found that Ran Ya made a fist with her right hand, punching her fist hard against her temple, with full force every time.

"Liang Ping." Shi Yiling slowly flew towards Ran Ya, the white mist surrounding Ran Ya.

"Save me...Save me!" Ran Ya looked panicked, lowered her head and asked Qian Cangyi for help.


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