Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1363: fly

As soon as Qian Cang noticed this, if he didn't do something, he would end up almost like the dead Fan Yuantang. The problem is that now he is in the air, even if he wants to do something, he can't do it.

Time passed by, and Shi Yiling's eyes were full of expectation below, as if she couldn't wait to taste the delicious memories of the two.

Qiancang lowered his head and saw Ran Ya's face in a coma. Her lovely ruddy face had been replaced by paleness. If Ran Ya were to change into mourning clothes, no one would think that Ran Ya was still alive.

"Still...can't it be saved?"

A familiar feeling of powerlessness rose from the bottom of my heart.

Regardless of whether it is considered from the perspective of scoring or purely from the perspective of personal will, Qian Cangyi wants to save Ran Ya, but now he can't even see his chance of surviving.

From the beginning of the **** movie forcing actors to perform according to the script, Qiancang had a bad feeling. The facts are just as he expected. Forcibly entering the green iron gate can indeed know the secrets of Volo Village, but it will also put himself in danger.

Mandatory participation in movies...

Mandatory to perform according to the script...


Qian Cangyi frowned slightly on his right eyebrow, and his aversion to **** movies resurfaced.

Whether it is to make actors appear in movies for money, or the so-called invasion, it is not something Qiancangyi wants to do. He doesn't care about it at all.

Qiancang took a deep breath. Before his body fell on Shi Yiling's palm, he raised his right foot, ready to kick Ran Ya to the outside of the group of corpses. Although it could not save Ran Ya, at least he could let Ran Ya go again. Live a little longer.

In the process of gradual falling, his body changed to the condition of the head and the feet, and the same was true for Ran Ya.

When his right foot was about to exert force, he felt Ran Ya flying upwards, like a corpse floating in the attic.

"and many more……"

As soon as Qiancang retracted his right foot, he thought of another way to escape, so he stretched out his hands and hugged Ran Ya tightly, letting his body fall freely, and was caught by Shi Yiling.

The tall Shi Yiling grabbed the two of them in his hands, as if to prevent the previous situation from reappearing, Shi Yiling started to **** the memory non-stop.

When Qiancang saw this, he forcibly twisted her body to bring Ran Ya closer to Shi Yiling.

Shi Yiling ignored this small change, and the three pairs of eyes began to turn.

The white ribbon representing memory flew out from Ran Ya's ear and flew towards Shi Yiling's ear.

"Hey hey, after working hard for so long, the result is not the same?" Shi Yiling without a body floated down, wantonly mocking, "Liang Ping, I think you will die soon. By the way, I will tell you something that will make you die. Obviously, the reason why we are still staying in Voluo Village is because we can only imitate the body with the original memory, and cannot replace it."

"Those who have been ingested by our memories are in a state of inactivation. As long as ordinary people with memories approach, they will be attracted by memories. However, don't think you can resurrect them. They are already dead. There is only one value left, and we must be sure to look forward to them."

"Okay, you can die with peace of mind."

After Shi Yiling finished speaking, she was no longer interested in Qiancangyi, and flew in the direction where the round mirror was.

Qiancang's eyes were firm, but he didn't answer. He had been feeling the change in the weight of Ran Ya that he was holding.

Even if he was grasped by Shi Yiling's big hands, he could still feel that Ran Ya's body weight was lightening little by little.

"Liang Ping, Liang Ping."

Suddenly, Ran Ya actually started to speak, although her voice was very soft, but because Qiancang Yi was very close, she could hear her clearly.

"I regret it, I should have let you go at that time... I'm sorry..."

Ran Ya's voice became lighter and lighter, and at last she could only see her lips moving, and she couldn't hear her voice clearly.

Qiancangyi could feel that Ran Ya's body temperature was decreasing, and her weight was too light to feel. Then, as if crossing the limit, Ran Ya's body no longer had weight, but began to produce buoyancy.

Not enough, wait.

hold on……

"Sorry, Ran Ya." Qian Cang said softly.

The upward force is getting stronger and stronger.

It's now!

Qiancang slowly raised his head and looked at Shi Yiling's three pairs of eyes, calmly and confidently.

Hezerak's gaze.

The scene just now repeats itself again. Even with the recovery of the vitality biscuit, the reduction of vitality still has a great impact on the body.

Qiancang snorted, his nosebleeds slowly flowed out, and his head was a little dizzy.

The horror fantasy created by the eyes above his head eroded everything except Qiancangyi.

After the skill took effect, Shi Yiling shook his hands and fell into a state of extreme panic.

Qiancang hugged Ran Ya tightly, and his body slowly floated up following Ran Ya's body. At first, the speed was not fast, but it kept accelerating.

"Be scared, Ran Ya, if you can still feel the fear, it means you are not dead yet."

Qian Cangyi whispered in Ran Ya's ear.

The bodies of the two continued to float up, but Ran Ya did not move. Although there was a slight movement of the body, it was completely different from the previous fear, and it was more like the inactivated state mentioned by Shi Yiling.

The skill effect ends.

"Still can't..." Qian Cang sighed as soon as he looked at Ran Ya's pale face, then he let go of his hands and adjusted Ran Ya's posture so that Ran Ya lay flat, while he stood on Ran Ya's body.

There was a sound of breaking through the air. At this time, the two had not completely escaped from Shi Yiling's attack range, and Shi Yiling could still touch them.

Qian Cang caught a glimpse of the palm of Shi Yiling's pounce, he quickly squatted down, and then leaped high, and Ran Ya below also slowed down because of his strength.

Shi Yiling waved a big hand, but did not catch the two of them. Although its hand is large, it is also very thin. However, this grasp is not the end. Its other pale hand has already waved over, and the goal is The position where Qiancang is about to fall, this position is also the position where Ran Ya is about to rise~lightnovelpub.net~ Catch him! "The bodyless Shi Yiling who left just now has noticed that something is wrong, and is coming.

Shi Yiling, who was grabbing towards Qian Cang Yi, clenched his fists, and then opened it. In his expectant eyes, there was only the reflection of the palm of his hand, and there was no trace of Qian Cang Yi.

Shi Yiling looked up and found that Ran Ya's body was still floating upwards, farther and farther away, but it did not see Qian Cangyi's figure.

Qiancangyi seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Shi Yiling was stunned, completely unable to understand the situation before him.

"Don't worry about it, just grab the girl!" Shi Yiling who rushed over hurriedly shouted. However, time was too late, and Ran Ya had risen to a position beyond Shi Yiling's reach.

In fact, Qiancang was hanging on Ran Ya at this time. The reason Shi Yiling couldn't see him was all because of the effect of the invisible cloak.

Not long ago, the cooling time of the invisible cloak had improved, but there was no suitable time, so Qiancangyi was useless.

The moment Shi Yiling caught it, Qian Cang used the guide of the Time Tomb. The moment he fell, he did not repeat the previous actions and stepped on Ran Ya downwards, but instead used Shi Yiling's hand as a pedal. Throwing Ran Ya to a high place, speed up Ran Ya's ascent.

When the skill effect ended, he jumped up from Shi Yiling's hand again, hung on Ran Ya's body, and also used the invisible cloak.

The fleeting opportunity to escape was firmly grasped by Qiancangyi.

A few seconds later, Qian Cangyi's figure gradually emerged. He looked down at the bottom with cold eyes. Then, he raised his head, looked up at the darkness, and shouted:

"Fly, Ran Ya, let us leave this hell."



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