Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1414: Someone has to stand up

Kuanwang City, late at night.

Rong Xiujie stretched out his right hand and touched the mirror. In the mirror, he had panda eyes, unshaven beard, and greasy hair. He hadn't washed for a few days, and he looked extremely decadent.

However, at the age of 30 this year, he was originally full of vigor, and it only takes half a month for him to become like this.

Half a month ago, he had a happy family, he was active at work, and he looked good every day. Aside from something wrong with the sun in the sky, nothing could affect his mood, even his boss who was always troubled by him. Until... he saw his wife and daughter lying in the iron cabinet in the morgue.

His wife and daughter were killed!

For the next week, he dreamed of his wife and daughter every night, and at first it was a warm and happy family scene, but in a blink of an eye, his wife and daughter's complexion turned pale to the extreme, without the slightest breath of life, palms The temperature is also chilling.

The nightmare is like this day after day, entwining him like a nightmare, making him sleepless all night, making him worse and worse, making him more and more irritable, but the murderer hasn’t caught it yet, let him even more. What is incomprehensible is that there seems to be no progress in the case, and the person in charge of the case does not care whether there is progress.

Too many people died.

Rong Xiujie thought things would get better, but this was just the beginning. A week later, his parents, who should have enjoyed their old age, were also killed at home.

The gangsters were found robbing the house, so they killed them. The person in charge of the case told Rong Xiujie this way, but Rong Xiujie didn't care about the reason anymore. He just wanted to go back to the past and take his family away.

Later, he learned that, I don’t know when this happened, and such things happened more and more, but there was no idea of ​​governance. At that time, doubts arose in his heart, but he was deeply trapped in the grief of the death of his family. He drank his sorrows until yesterday, when he went home in the middle of the night and met three robbers. Afterwards, because he was drunk, he didn't know what happened, but there was a picture deeply in his mind, inside the human body. A blazing flame came out, just like a special effects picture in a movie.

Rong Xiujie took out the electric shaver and began to shave his beard.

"I remember I didn't do anything last night, I just touched them. It should be said that they touched me, and then I started to catch fire. Usually I touched others and it was fine. Only them were the only ones who had trouble. Maybe it was because these gangsters were a little different. , Could it be that they are really the vampires mentioned in the'rumor'?"

Rong Xiujie put down the electric shaver, bent her head again, washed her face, "Go out and try again today."

He needs to make certain things. If it really does what he thinks, then he will make the most important decision in his life.

after an hour.

Wearing a black sweater, Rong Xiujie hid a 5mm solid steel pipe in the forearm of his right hand. At the same time, he tried the newly bought butterfly knife again. After the blade was opened, the blade easily cut the skin. After everything was ready, he opened the door and walked out. He first bought a bottle of beer. After opening it, he poured a little on himself. Then, he deliberately chose a place where there were no street lights or damaged street lights.

The night was very quiet. Rong Xiujie felt like a mouse wandering in a sea of ​​shadows with no one. The car whistle sounded from time to time reminded him of his true identity, but he immediately sank into the sea of ​​shadows. I found that I like this feeling, like a fish returning to the water.

At this time, he felt that he was not a prey, but a hunter.

At the corner ahead, laughter came, as if discussing "taste".

"Tsk tusk, it's really boring. They are all ugly middle-aged. If only there was a young girl full of youth and vitality."

"Dreaming about you."

"There is no girl, just give me a young one. Although they don't get on the news very much now, they all seem to know something and they don't come out at night. I remember a lot of people passing by here for supper."

"Isn't it? They are all human beings."

"I tried the blood bag last time and almost vomited. The taste is really awful."

"You wouldn't drink it straight away? At least add some sugar, honey, and other things like spicy chili sauce."

Rong Xiujie found that he heard very clearly, and his ears seemed to be more sensitive than usual. He calmly held the steel pipe hidden in his forearm in his hand, but did not fully expose it. He continued to move forward, and when he reached the corner, his muscles were tight. As long as there was anything wrong with the two bad youths, he would do it. However, before doing it, he would try the other side first. Will not ignite spontaneously, if not, teach them again, or just run away.

Two unscrupulous youths stopped talking. One of them was wearing earrings and a black leather jacket. The other had purple hair, a nose ring, and a metal dog tag hanging around his neck. They looked at Rong Xiujie's profile, their eyes widened, as if shining light.

Rong Xiujie glanced at it and moved on.

The bad youth followed Rong Xiujie~lightnovelpub.net~ One of the youths touched the back pocket with his right hand.

Rong Xiujie deliberately turned into an alley without street lights, and then he slowed down.

"Hey, wait." The young man with purple hair ran over quickly and stopped Rong Xiujie.

Rong Xiujie stopped and asked, "What do you want to do?" At the same time, she turned around and leaned against the wall.

"Nothing, it's just..." The young man wearing ear studs ran two steps quickly, and the dagger in his hand directly pierced Rong Xiujie.

Rong Xiujie was shocked when he saw this scene, and quickly raised the steel pipe in his right hand to block the dagger, and then lifted his left foot to kick, but the opponent's reaction and speed were faster than him.

At this moment, Rong Xiujie found that instead of being nervous, he felt a sense of excitement. Now that his adrenaline is soaring, he just wants to have a fight. Now, he has made up his mind that even if the two young people in front of him will not spontaneously ignite, he does not intend. To escape, but to teach these two young people well, even...killing can be, or being killed, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, anyway, in this world, there is nothing worthy of his nostalgia.

Seeing this, the purple-haired youth rushed directly to Rong Xiujie. Seeing this, the earring youth also attacked.

Rong Xiujie raised his right hand. After the young man with purple hair hugs him, he touched the head of the young man with purple hair with his left hand.

The dagger of the Studded Youth had also arrived at this time, but his movements suddenly stopped.

Curly flames spurted out of the purple-haired youth, and then the flames completely covered the purple-haired youth, and in less than a second, the purple-haired youth turned into black gray.

When Rong Xiujie saw this scene, the stone in his heart finally fell. Then, he looked at the young man with earrings, and then couldn't help laughing, his grinning expression in the shadow of the flame looked extremely terrifying.


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