Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1434: Last words

Thinking that he had been in close contact with the ecliptic, Qiancang felt scared for a while, and the other party seemed to have not tested it, just knew that he was an actor with time-based skills, and perhaps the actor who could be tested had not yet come to Kuanwang City. Or maybe it was for other reasons. In short, he still has the initiative now.

Qiancang looked at the door on the left and walked over. If Ji Tianzong left such a message in the first room, perhaps there will be more shocking, more useful, and more direct news later.

The black door was slowly pushed open, revealing a long and narrow room with red-brown lockers on both sides of the room. There are many small grids in the lockers, and each grid is pasted with a white note. There are black symbols on the paper, some resemble tadpoles, and some are side-by-side wavy symbols.

Qiancang Yi stepped his right foot into the room around his neck. He looked at the first drawer on the right hand side and gently opened it. There are 5 ellipsoidal objects in the drawer, the color is translucent black, choose a good angle and look carefully, you can see that there is a curled up caterpillar inside.

"What is this?" Qiancang reached out and picked up the black ball. Before he could observe it carefully, suddenly, the black ball began to melt, like a snowball placed in front of an electric heater. The money warehouse immediately let go of the situation, let the black ball fall back into the drawer, and then took two steps back to open the distance. Most of the black ball in the drawer had melted at this time, exposing the caterpillar-like creature in the center.

"Chirp, chirp." A sharp voice came from the caterpillar's mouth. In the center of the black ball, the caterpillar kept twisting, as if it had come alive. As the black ball melted completely, the caterpillar began to crawl in the drawer, but within a few seconds, the body became stiff, rolled to the right, and lay on its side. In the drawer.

As soon as Qiancang couldn't figure out what the caterpillar was and what was its use, he didn't plan to take a risk in such a place. Fortunately, he simply closed the drawer and opened the drawer below. There are also black **** in the drawer, but the number is seven, and the creature inside is not a caterpillar, like a butterfly. This time, Qiancangyi did not pick up the black ball again, but closed the drawer and opened the next drawer.

"They are all animals. The black ball feels a bit like amber. Are these creatures stored here deliberately?" Qiancang was not sure, but he knew that there was nothing he wanted in this room, so he asked Go ahead.

The next door is also a black door, but it is different from the previous one. This door is larger and thicker. There is a handle under the door that is easy to hold. The money bin tried it and found that it could not be pushed open. Then he bends slightly. At the waist, holding the handle with his right hand and pressing upwards, the black door slowly lifted, revealing a gap underneath.

"It's okay, it doesn't need a lot of strength." Qian Cangyi also held the handle with his left hand, using both hands together.

When the black door rose to the knee, a right hand painted with red nail polish quietly stretched out from the side of the door and grabbed Qian Cangyi's ankle. As soon as Qiancang felt a trembling coolness from his ankle, he immediately let go and at the same time backed up. However, the white right hand that grabbed the ankle didn't even retract, nor did Qiancang pull with Qiancang. Instead, he stretched it out. However, after a short delay, the black door, which had lost its strength, fell heavily, smashing his white arms to the ground.

As soon as Qiancang took this opportunity to pull away, his ankle was successfully rescued. The white arms were still struggling, Qian Cangyi wanted to take out the focus dagger and insert the palm of his hand that had just attacked him on the ground, but the focus dagger did not appear in his hand, as if missing. An ominous premonition rose from the bottom of Qian Cangyi's heart. He immediately used the leader of the Time Tomb. The familiar feeling of suffocation and stickiness came, and his white arms stopped moving.

Skills can still take effect!

Qiancangyi felt quite relieved, and at the same time had a certain understanding of his own situation. In all likelihood, the blood water he drank contained some special substance, which could even be compared to special props, and the world he currently lives in may be the middle ground between hallucinations and the world of movies.

"No wonder the vampire found Ji Tianzong. I am afraid that Ji Tianzong hid here for the last few days. After that, he left some news and didn't die until he left here."

Qiancang looked at the white arms on the ground, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He had no weapons in his hands. Moreover, he wanted to open the door and look at the situation behind the door. "Speaking..." He looked at the cabinet next to him. From the corner of his eyes, he saw someone behind him. He turned his head and saw a distorted face sticking out from behind the door. The facial features on his face were completely shifted. The two eyebrows were erected. On the forehead, the eyes were squeezed together vertically. , Staying in the original position of the left ear, the nose moved to the right side of the face, and a 45-degree curved shape, as for the mouth, it replaced the original position of the right ear.

Damn it!

Qiancang swallowed.

The woman walked out slowly from behind the black door, her mouth that had been crooked to the position of her ears slowly opened, blood flowed out of her mouth full of fangs, blood ran down the edge of her face, dripping onto the ground, and then her body fully appeared. In a glance at Qiancang. The woman in red didn't have a right hand, and then, she hopped and ran towards the money warehouse, her flowing black hair flying in the air.

Qiancang shuddered, turned around, bent over to grasp the black door handle, and at the same time stepped on the white palm of the ground with his right foot, and then forcefully lifted the black door. The moment he felt the coldness of the back of his neck, he activated the Time Tomb. The leader of, got into the gap under the black door and crawled to the other side.

After the skill time was over, there was a heavy banging sound from behind the black door, and then, in the gap that hadn't completely fallen, another white hand stretched out. Seeing this, Qiancang quickly grabbed the black door's handle to Push down hard.

"I wonder if Ji Tianzong met her?"

Qiancang had some surprise, and only after confirming that the woman could not open the black door did he have time to observe the room he was in now. According to the structure of the humanoid building, at this time he is in the position of the chest, which is the largest room.

In the middle of the chest room is a huge round blood pool, which occupies almost two-thirds of the entire room~lightnovelpub.net~ There is a black door on the left and right walls, and there are two black doors on the opposite wall. Hands and feet.

"Vampires seem to have an unusual relationship with humans. They are like the same species. The scene I saw in my dream that day was impressive."

Ji Tianzong's words appeared again.

"Underground, they used to live underground, why? Is there anything else underground? The entrance is in Kuanwang City, but I have no time."

When Qiancang heard this, he thought of the discovery of the previous fable in the villa of the Kingdom of Abundance. The vampire was carrying out excavation works underground, which happened to match Ji Tianzong's words.

Ji Tianzong's words appeared again.

"If you want to stop the funeral of the sun, you have to go underground, you must go!"

"What a surprise, vampires still stand on the human side, and they are still high-level vampires."

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