Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1463: Real killer

"I don't know." Qian Cang shook his head slightly, not only to answer the question about rice paper, but also to tell his teammates that it was okay.

Xuan paper is indeed not a member of the return from hell, but at this moment, it is impossible for him to tell the admonition club immediately, because his purpose is not just to be a running dog of the admonition club, he has his own ideas, even the ideas of the admonition club. That's what he really wants.

"You know." The rice paper grinned.

"I don't know much." Qiancang changed his mouth.

"You bet that I can’t say it, right? I don’t say it is worth it, and it’s worthless if I say it. Therefore, it must be in the right place, at least when it is admonished that I can’t help it. Now, obviously No." Xuan paper made this point clear.

"What are you going to do?" Qiancang's breathing was much smoother.

"Wait, let me take care of it first." The rice paper shook his head, then looked down at the ground, "The warning will always be looking for time to be actors, and even give preferential treatment, and your skills have a high priority. If, The skills of the leader of the admonition are related to time. No matter what he intends to do, your skills can restrain him. It's like... it's like a super power that can eliminate other people's super powers.

Qiancang glanced at Jiang Ling, "How are they?"

Jiang Ling understood what Qian Cangyi meant, and healed the wounded first. There is no need to worry about things here. "There is no life-threatening for the time being, but it's just for the time being..."

"...Thank you." Qiancang nodded.

"No, it should be." Jiang Li shook his head.

Qiancang looked at the rice paper again, "What are you going to do?"

"It's still a question. Of course it is to help you. When you and the admonition will stalemate, I will have the status of a lone wolf to say a few words." The tone of the rice paper is casual, like a joke.

"I think your idea is very good." Qian Cangyi didn't say much. Even if the rice paper lied, at this time, he can't do anything to him, and there is no need to confront him.

Actors who make enemies everywhere are admonition clubs, not their friendly actors whose primary purpose is to survive.

At this time, in the underground space, Xianjiu gasped, her left hand had disappeared.

"You are very courageous." The low voice echoed in the underground space.

Xianjiu was silent and looked around, holding the blue yo-yo tightly with his right hand.

"What kind of death do you like?" The low voice came again, this time in her ears.

Xianjiu threw out his right hand, swiped the blue yo-yo, traversed an arc, and returned to her hand without encountering any obstacles on the way.

"Do you know who you are against?" A low voice appeared right in front of Xianjiu.

Xianjiu hurriedly took a step back, but in the process of retreating, she lost a part of the sole of her foot and staggered. She would have fallen over, but she was forcibly supported by her. Strangely, the missing part of the sole of the foot did not flow out a drop. blood.

"Run, don't you want to live?" The low voice came behind Xianjiu again.

"If you die, I can live." Xianjiu's voice was hoarse, and his momentum did not fall.

"Are you a traitor?" The low voice pointed this out.

"Zodiac can't get along with you, right? He's also a liar." Xianjiu laughed.

"Sincere liar." The low voice seemed to appreciate it.

"Interesting, does it affect you if you kill Sun Heart? Even if this world is all vampires, you can easily survive?" Blood flowed from the corner of Xianjiu's mouth, but she ignored it. At this time, she had no treatment. He didn't take the opportunity to sneak attack.

"You can't understand, this is different from the past, we are ready to declare war." The low voice pointed out directly.

"Cut." Xianjiu snorted disdainfully. It's one thing to win a fight, but it's another thing to talk about food.

"Rewind time, slow down time, speed up time, and time shields. Your skills have a lot of effects, so I don't want to develop them? For example, jumping time, I think you have great potential." The deep voice revolved around the fairy wine.

Xianjiu's right finger knuckles were white and trembling slightly, and it seemed that they could no longer be maintained.

"Use it, use it to show me, yes, come on, I'm here, kill me, the admonition will be gone, you will become the hero of the actor, the **** movie will also reward you, maybe let you go back, or Let you choose a world to live for 10,000 years, come and kill me." The low voice directly provoked, and didn't put the fairy wine in his eyes at all.

When Xianjiu heard these words, instead of being angry, he laughed, but a little helpless in his smile, "You can underestimate me, but don't underestimate my determination. Since I dare to come out, I naturally have something to spare. "

"Then show it to me." The low voice didn't care at all.

Xianjiu slowly closed her eyes and threw her right hand upwards. After the blue yo-yo reached the edge of the rope, it flew upwards, then disappeared out of thin air, and then she continued to fall backwards.

"I still want to take the opportunity to explore my information, which really disappoints me." After speaking in a low voice, he stopped speaking.

Before the fairy wine landed, her legs suddenly disappeared, and then in the first half of her life, the head disappeared at the last moment when she landed, and there were no traces in the entire underground space.

At this time, close to the surface, in a hidden place, in a cube glass cabinet, a blue yo-yo appeared out of thin air, still spinning.

After seeing the blue yo-yo, the black-clothed teenager standing by the glass cabinet immediately ran to the largest blue-yellow tent holding the glass cabinet. He rushed into the tent. There were two men and a woman sitting at the round table discussing. Behind the person is a whiteboard filled with numbers.

"Xianjiu she..." The black-clothed boy placed the glass case on the round table in a low tone.

"Don't worry, as long as you keep this yo-yo~lightnovelpub.net~, she may still come alive. Of course, the premise is that the warning club has been destroyed by us." The curly-haired woman sitting at the round table comforted.

"Thanks to Xianjiu, we can get the first-hand information." The man with the haircut looked at the blue yo-yo in a daze.

"Since the blue yo-yo has come back, the bomb can also be activated, and all key nodes are prepared. We will activate after confirmation. In addition, we have to hurry and leave here. After all, the amount is not small." The bearded man stood up and held hands with both hands. Close to the desktop, "action!"

In the underground space, under the treatment of Gracilaria's disdain, the fable has already been awakened. As for Qian Jiangyue, he soon woke up. After all, he did not have much serious injuries. Although he looked scary, the main reason for the coma was the consumption of vitality. Too much, but even if I wake up, I can’t go to war right away, and I have to be helped even when I walk.

"He is awake." Jiang Ling called out.

Qi Yue leaned forward immediately, and saw that the fable whose face was recessed by a quarter of it slowly opened his eyes, but he could only open his right eye, not his left eye at all.

"To be honest, he is not dead here, he can be called Xiaoqiang." Xuan paper vomited.

Suddenly, a shock came.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zuanfeng asked.

After a few seconds, the tremor disappeared. Just as everyone looked at each other, the tremor came again, and this time, it was even stronger.

"Oh, it was sold." The rice paper punched the cave wall with his right hand.

"Who?" Qiancang asked.

"Sword in the fish, you don't think they are any good things, do you? They are essentially the same as the admonition meeting, but strictly speaking, when the admonition meeting has not been destroyed, they can barely be regarded as'good'." Xuan paper showed a sad face. , "Don't worry about this, let's think about how to escape!"


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