Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1464: Lurking

Panic spreads underground, and the air is full of death.

Qiancang Yi held the cave wall with his left hand to maintain his balance. The shaking degree became bigger and bigger, and the fine small stones rolled down to the ground.

"Mysterious building." Qian Jiangyue said.

"Huh?" Qiancang blinked.

"That human-shaped building also exists underground. If you are right, then it can definitely be carried over." Qian Jiangyue gasped after speaking.

"You must go back." Hawkeye said.

"But..." The shadow play looked at Qian Cangyi.

"No way, you have to gamble." Qiancang sighed. Under the power of this disaster, the battle between Yuzhongjian and the warning society has stopped. They also wanted to escape from the ground, so they would look around. Exit, in this way, it is easy to encounter the **** return from the corner, if the actor is not kind, there may be conflicts.

"Does it work?" Qi Yue was very suspicious.

"Try it first, we don't have time to waste." The rice paper looked up, then walked to the entrance of the cave. He once again used his skills to remove the stone, and then poked his head out to observe the situation outside, "No one, no fairy wine. Up."

"Dead?" Wutong asked.

"I don't know, I should." The rice paper shook his head.

"I still remember the location." Hawkeye came to the rice paper, "I will use the eagle spirit to show the way."

"Oh? Yes." Xuan paper raised his eyebrows and took the lead to walk out, Hawkeye followed behind him.

After all the actors returned to the underground space, the rice paper regained their skills. After that, the eagle spirit appeared, turned around, and landed on the ground.

"There?" The right index finger of the rice paper pointed at Ying Ling.

"Yes." Hawkeye nodded solemnly.

The rice paper stepped out with his right foot and was about to run, but suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Qi Yue, and said:

"You come with me, uh... protect me."

When Qi Yue heard this, his face was puzzled, completely puzzled, "Protect you?" He pointed his right index finger to his chin, "Are you kidding me?"

"Hurry up." Xuan paper was too lazy to explain.

"I'll go together." Wutong thought of something and took a step forward.

Seeing Wutong with him, Qi Yue was no longer afraid and walked over.

The rice paper had no objection, and rushed to the location of the eagle spirit. Then, using the long base space, the stones pressed on the mysterious building were removed a little bit.

As soon as Qiancang knew the idea of ​​rice paper, the fairy wine disappeared. Things were definitely not as simple as imagined. With the sun's heart by his side, it might be able to pull a little bit of hatred.

The ground was shaking more and more severely, loud noises came from the huge stones behind, and some actors tried to open a way to open a passage to the underground space. At the same time, the mysterious building has exposed a white body. Even if it is hit and buried by a huge stone, there is no trace of damage on the surface of the building, except for the remaining part of the dirt, which looks a little messy.

"Why can't I get in?" The rice paper furrowed his brows, and suddenly, a stone fell from above and fell at his feet, scaring him to avoid immediately.

"Head, the entrance is on the head." Hawkeye said, Qiancangyi had detailed his experience in the mysterious world.

"Isn't it kidding me?" The rice paper whispered. Although his mouth was unhappy, he did not hesitate to move. After ten seconds, the mysterious humanoid structure showed its head, but there was no exit.

The rice paper turned his head to look at Eagle Eye, with a puzzled expression, and his right thumb stretched out, pointing to the mysterious building.

Hawkeye did not answer, and walked forward to the position of the left ear of the mysterious building, put his hands on it, and began to explore.

At this time, Qiancangyi and others have already walked.

"No?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

"Does it have to do with people?" As soon as Qian Cang said his thoughts, he had forgotten what happened at that time, so now he just proposed a possibility.

"Qi Yue." Xiao Zuanfeng said.

"Qi Yue, come here and get down." Hawkeye turned his head and said, Qi Yue.

Qi Yue ran over.

"This." Hawkeye pointed to the location he had just found.

Qi Yue stretched out his right hand and handed "The Funeral of the Sun" to Yingyan.

Hawkeye waved his hand, "Take it for a try."

Qi Yue nodded, stretched out his hands, touched the location pointed by the eagle eye, and put his hands on the mysterious building.

At the left ear of the mysterious building, the white faded, revealing a square double-opened black door, like a mechanism.

"Actually...really?" The rice paper was a little surprised.

At this time, the huge stone fell and fell to the ground, and the hard objects collided, the sound was deafening and made people's ears tremble.

Xuan paper took the lead in pushing open the black door and stepping into it.

Hawkeye followed closely, and the other actors immediately stepped into it.

"Have you all come in?" asked the rice paper.

The shadow puppetry glanced at it, and said, "It's all here, why?"

"Let's give in." Xuan paper stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers to the outside. The stone that had just been removed again blocked the exit, and then he closed the black door.

Qiancang looked at the layout of the room.

"This is the same as you said." Qian Jiangyue looked at the wall, with a self-portrait of the ancestor vampire hanging on it.

"Shi Yiling's mask is used." Qian Cang was expressionless.

"..." Qian Jiangyue hesitated to speak.

"Okay, now it should be..." Before he finished speaking on the rice paper, there was a sense of vibration from above, but it was very slight and had almost no effect. "...Let..." When he said this, there was a vibration from above. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger, but the sound is getting more and more dull. After a few seconds, the sound is almost inaudible, the shaking stopped completely, and there was silence all around, "...Qi Yue's restoration of the sun can be regarded as the end of the movie, maybe the movie When it's over, we will go back." At the end, he opened his hands and said in a relaxed tone.

"That's what I said." Qi Yue nodded.

"Go inside first, it's too crowded here." Qian Jiangyue pointed to another black gate.

A group of people passed through the narrow-necked room and came to the room with a circular blood pool in the center.

"Where is this place?" The rice paper looked at the blood pool, recalling the drawers in the room just now, "Could it be that this is a museum?"

"Maybe." Qian Jiangyue found a place to sit down, turned her head and looked at Qi Yue, her eyes deep, as if she was saying "I look forward to your performance."

"Cough cough." Qi Yue made a fake cough, attracting everyone's attention, "I'm about to start." He was a little embarrassed as everyone watched.

"Quickly." The rice paper urged.

Qi Yue closed his eyes, put "The Funeral of the Sun" on his chest with his right hand, and opened his left hand. A weak flame spurted from the pores and curled up against the skin. After that, the brightness increased and the light illuminated the entire room, becoming more and more dazzling. .

"It's dazzling." The shadow play blocked his eyes with his right hand~lightnovelpub.net~ and hid behind the black door connected with the mysterious building's arm.

The rest of the actors persisted for a few seconds and then chose to avoid it. With such a bright light, it would be hard to tolerate even with their eyes closed.

Above the surface, the eyes of the lost people bloomed with hope again. Just now, almost half of the sun returned to normal, but it soon dimmed again. Now, the sun is beginning to recover again. Even though the changes just now made many people feel disappointed, they are still looking forward to it now.

Behind the black door, Qiancang looked serious, and an unknown premonition enveloped him, but there was no suspicious movement around him.

Time passed by, and even if you were hiding behind the black door, you had to close your eyes.

Suddenly, the light disappeared.

"It's done?" Qiancang asked.

Qi Yue did not answer.

"Qi Yue?" The shout of rice paper came.

"Have you heard?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

Qiancang poked his head out and then walked out, but he didn't see Qi Yue's figure, as if Qi Yue had disappeared out of thin air.

"What's going on?" The rice paper looked around, "...inside the blood pool?" He squatted on the edge of the blood pool, staring at the blood pool.

"Will it be red..." The shadow play hesitated to say.

"No, it's dead." Qian Jiangyue shook his head.

"It's him!" As soon as Qian Cang looked at the place where Qi Yue ended the sun funeral, a blue silk thread fluttered in the air, and then gradually faded until it disappeared completely, "...the actor who killed Xianjiu is also here, He killed Qi Yue!"

"Wait, there is no one here at all." The rice paper took a deep breath, looking flustered.

"Is he right by our side?" Wutong looked around quickly, but only saw the air.

As soon as Qiancang stared at the surroundings, holding his breath, his right hand gradually clenched.


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