Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1465: First confrontation (thanks to leader Li

From the beginning, the purpose of returning from **** was to escape, at least, without direct contact with the leader of the warning society, but now, not only are they directly contacted, but they are all locked in mysterious buildings, even if they fly to the sky, they can’t escape.

"Will Qi Yue not die? If he dies, the **** movie should remind us, and "The Funeral of the Sun" is also gone." The shadow puppet shows a possibility, and as a result, she just finished speaking, the **** movie reminds us. The sound rang in everyone's minds.

[Epic plot update: Will the sun rise as usual? 】

[The heart of the last sun has died, the sun is about to fall into darkness, and Eternal Night will come to the world. The world belongs to vampires, but the story is not over, and humans will not succumb. 】

[All actors will receive the "Witness's Sunset" badge. 】

[The epic plot opens: whose doomsday? 】

[The conflict between vampires and humans will be on the stage, who will win the final victory? The actors can choose their own faction. If you choose the vampire camp, you can return to the main world after killing 1,000 humans; if you choose the human camp, you can return to the main world by killing 200 vampires. 】

"I'll just talk about it..." The shadow play blinked.

The movie "The Funeral of the Sun" is basically over. There is basically no difficulty in choosing a camp. There are indeed many actors, but there are more humans in the world.

"There is a problem." Hawkeye summoned Hawkeye, and then let the Eagle spirit rush into the blood pool, "Qi Yue is not in it...wait, the blood pool has no bottom."

"There is no bottom?" Qian Jiangyue leaned forward, placing his right palm on the top of the blood pool and letting the chain fall. After a few seconds, he retracted the chain, "I don't know if there is a bottom, but I didn't touch it."

"Will Qi Yue fall in?" Wutong was inclined to this possibility.

"Cang Yi just said..." The shadow play looked at Qian Cangyi.

Qian Cangyi did not answer. He knew that the other actors could not see, and only he could see the other actors' traces, and even only some clues could be detected. However, for the rest of the actors, they could not detect anything, as if they did not exist at all. , The only moment that can be noticed is the moment of being attacked, and by then, there is no time to escape.

"I believe in Cang Yi." Xiao Zuanfeng's tone was firm.

"It's not a question of believing, well, if what Cang Yi said is true, what are you going to do? Wait..." Xuan paper looked at Xiao Zuifeng, "...I remember your skills, come on, let us Take it in and hide."

Xiao Zuanfeng glanced at him and said, "There are too many people, and it's not safe there."

"I don't understand. Since he is so powerful, why don't he do it directly?" Jiang Li didn't understand it very much.

Jiang Ling's problem reminded Qian Cang of Xianjiu, "There are many possibilities, but I think the biggest possibility is... to play with us."

"Toying?" Jiang Ling showed a disgusted expression on her face, and she thought of Pu'er.

"It is not ruled out that there are other reasons." Qian Cangyi did not say dead.

For a while, everyone chose to be silent. As the notice of the Hell movie sounded, it also showed that Qi Yue was indeed dead. Unlike last time, there was no turning point this time. Qi Yue could no longer survive.

"Huh." A muffled hum sounded.

Qiancang looked in the direction of the sound, and the fable woke up again. Although he had woken up before, he was injured too badly and fell asleep in the middle.

Jiang Ling squatted beside the fable, checked it a little, and then said softly:

"Fable, Qi Yue, he is dead."

After hearing the fable, his eyebrows trembled slightly and his eyes were excited, but due to the serious deformation of the face, he couldn't speak normally.

"The situation is very serious now. We are all trapped in the mysterious building. We don't know what will happen next." Jiang Li continued.

Qian Jiangyue walked to the fable, and when he came to the fable, a voice stopped him.

"Your right hand." Qian Cang pointed at Qian Jiangyue.

"Right hand?" Qian Jiangyue lowered her head and found that her right hand had disappeared.

"What's going on?" The shadow play was nervous. Although she didn't pay special attention, she was sure that no one was close to Qian Jiangyue just now. What's more terrifying is that Qian Jiangyue didn't even notice it.

Qian Jiangyue's eyes were horrified, and he was terribly scared. Just now, he planned to comfort the fable. Now, all the words have been swallowed and reorganized.

"Cang Yi, what did you see?" Hawkeye asked.

"No, I didn't see anything, no, now I see a little bit of his traces, traces of his passing, he is here, he is brewing fear, he likes this feeling." Qian Cang gasped slightly, at this time At this moment, he found that he could understand the other person's thoughts, it was a kind of arrogance, a kind of arrogance, a feeling of higher life overlooking lower life.

"Does it hurt?" Wutong asked Qian Jiangyue.

"The pain is not strong, but..." Qian Jiangyue looked around, but found nothing. Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly turned to look at Qian Cangyi, "...it's you, Cangyi, his goal..."

The moment Qiancang heard this, he suddenly found that everything around was muted~lightnovelpub.net~ or slow motion. Unlike when using skills, the air does not feel sticky, but everything is slowed down. , Just like a movie playing at 0.25 times speed, immediately afterwards, the sound of chewing came from below. In this extremely short moment, Qiancang activated the leader of the Time Tomb.

Everything stopped completely, the air was sticky, and the heart seemed to be pinched by a big hand.

Qiancang looked down at his back and found that a small piece of meat had been bitten off from his calf. There was a cloud of blue mist where he touched his calf, and the mist condensed into a big mouth in a blood basin.

this is!

Qian Cangyi was both scared and excited in his heart. Although his calf was bitten off a bit, he found traces of the opponent.

The scene of cutting the blue silk thread just now reappeared in his mind. At this moment, he looked at the blue mist and had a thought in his heart, what would happen if I touched this blue mist?

This is a risky idea, but it is not without reason. It was swallowed before because no skills were used. Now, the leader of the Time Tomb has been activated, and his skills can kill time. The opponent's skills are almost always related to time. , Which means that trying to touch is not to die, but to gamble.

Time is fleeting.

Qiancangyi's left hand with fingers close together, and he cuts towards the blue mist like a knife. After encountering the left hand, the blue mist instantly spreads, revealing a human-like mouth, but this mouth is composed of blue silk threads.

Just as Qiancangyi was preparing for the next move, his surroundings were suddenly filled with blue silk threads, and he was unable to move.

what happened?

When Qiancang was puzzled, the blue mouth on the calf had disappeared.

Then, the blue thread quickly dissipated, and time began to flow again.

"...It's you, it must be you." Qian Jiangyue's words were only now finished.


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