Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1486: Only 1 chance

Qian Jiangyue's words were like a burst of thunder.

take this opportunity? How do they fight the admonition? The other actors together are not the opponents of the warning club, let alone them.

There are only 3 hall-level actors, all of whom are from the warning club, and with the unknown number of core actors from the warning club, the combat power is not at the same level at all. In the holiday year alone, you can kill all the people returning from hell, and maybe you haven't used all your strength.

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Zuanfeng frowned into Chuan, "We should avoid its sharp edges and wait until we gather enough strength--"

"--There is no time, it is an opportunity and a disaster. When the function returns to normal, the next target of the warning will be us. No, it is Cang Yi, the lower part of the movie. If there is no special situation, Cang Yi must be killed. There is no one. The actor can protect him, but he has no ability to protect him." Xiao Zufeng's words were interrupted by Qian Jiangyue.

When these words were spoken directly, the faces of every actor in the conference room were covered with sorrow.

Qiancang recalled his experience underground, and only felt a deep weakness. If he and the actors of the admonition club fight in a "fair" environment, the odds of winning are 0. If you want to win, you must be unfair. In the environment, moreover, he must have the advantage. However, in order to create a suitable environment, he must have the information advantage. However, now the situation is just the opposite. The party with the information advantage is the admonition.

"What can you do?" Hawkeye asked in a deep voice.

"Hall-level actors are strong, but they are not invincible. Zodiac can kill regardless of his name, but his own strength is not unfathomable; the fake year is very strong and incredible, but it is a pity that as long as he knows his real name, he can kill. He; As for nothing, I don’t know his situation for the time being, but one thing is certain, if an actor can kill him, Cang Yi must be among them. At present, we have no way, and other actors may not, because of the battle. The level is not just the actors themselves, it involves higher levels. The only thing we can do now is to wait for the arrangements of the **** movie." Qian Jiangyue pressed her hands on the table.

"What do you think?" Hawkeye turned his head and looked at Qian Cangyi.

Qiancang emptied his right hand, tapped the table a few times, and replied:

"At present, I really can only wait, everyone is tired, let's rest first."

After speaking, he stood up and walked to his room. When he reached the door of the room, he turned his head, looked at Qian Jiangyue, and said, "Qian Jiangyue, I have something to tell you. Are you free?"

Qian Jiangyue didn't answer right away, but turned to look at Qian Cangyi with the same expression in her eyes, as if she had already expected this.

Qian Cangyi didn't wait for Qian Jiangyue's answer, and opened the door to enter the bedroom.

Qian Jiangyue took the chair behind her with her right hand and walked to the room.

"Difficult..." Fable shook his head slightly.

"What if the **** movie doesn't interfere?" In the meeting room, the shadow play asked questions that no one wanted to answer.

In the bedroom, Qian Jiangyue waited for Qian Jiangyue to push in.

Qian Jiangyue opened the door and then closed it, but from the beginning to the end, he did not speak.

"Did the **** movie tell you something?" Qiancang was straight to the point.

"It is difficult to have a general in a peaceful age. For the same reason, actors who want to log in to the hall cannot follow the normal process. The **** movie did say a few words to me. It said that no matter what you want to do, the only way is to become the hall. Class actor, because the hall-level actor has privileges." Qian Jiangyue leaned back against the door and put his hands on his chest. Before Qian Cang could answer, he asked:

"Do you know how to become a grand actor?"

Qian Jiangyue raised an eyebrow, silently waiting for Qian Cangyi to say the answer.

"The crisis arose because of the admonition meeting, and the solution was to eliminate the admonition meeting. The most troubling thing about the admonition meeting was the three great actors. In other words, as long as they were killed, the crisis of the **** movie could be solved naturally. It seems...the new king will always step on the old king’s corpse to step on the steps.” Qiancang understood, but doing and saying are two different things. This road is rugged and uneven. If you are not careful, you will fall into a cliff. There is no vitality.

Qian Jiangyue nodded first, then shook his head, then closed his eyes and said:

"What you are talking about is only a part, but the other part is entangled with this part and cannot be separated. Essentially, we still need to deal with the final land. Of course, it is not to destroy the final land, but to find a way to the final land. The true path of the land."

Qiancangyi put his hands in his pants pockets, with a puzzled expression, repeating the words "True Road" in his mouth.

"I don't know, but one thing is certain..." After this, Qian Jiangyue turned his head and looked at the snow-white wall, slightly lost, "...If we don't follow the requirements of the **** movie, we will definitely die, and soon ."

"Why didn't you just say these things directly?" Qiancang blinked.

"Do you really intend to let them together?" Qian Jiangyue asked back, with an unclear smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had heard a very funny joke, "Cang Yi, do you remember the original intention of our team?"

Qiancang was taken aback for a moment, "survive."

"It will die." Qian Jiangyue exhorted in a very small voice, "And it may not be meaningful. They joined the team because of you in the shadow puppet show. Therefore, I hope you will tell them about this matter. Captain." At this point, he stretched out his right index finger and pointed to Qiancangyi.

"You still have something to hide from me?" Qiancang realized something.

"I was also deceived." Qian Jiangyue had something in her words. After saying this, she didn't mean to continue speaking down.

"It has something to do with your skills?" Qian Cangyi linked Qian Jiangyue's changes with what happened before.

"That's it... I'm tired." Qian Jiangyue turned around and opened the door and walked out of the room.

Qiancang didn't stop him, because he also needed someone to wait. When the door was closed, he sat on the bed and lay down slowly.

What can change a person in an instant?

The figure of Pu'er emerged in Qiancangyi's mind. The peculiar skills possessed during the holiday may be able to permanently change a person, but the changed person may fall into an extremely morbid psychology and be incompatible with the surrounding environment, but Qian Jiangyue’s changes are different. , His change did not give rise to the idea of ​​"This person is not Qian Jiangyue", but the idea of ​​"What has he experienced?" ~lightnovelpub.net~ This person is still this person, he is still him, and the problem is natural Appearing on Qian Jiangyue himself, what is it that makes him give up his pretense and choose not to continue to live in the present?

As soon as the money warehouse goes deep into the memory, the details are connected bit by bit.

At first, Qian Jiangyue thought that he was schizophrenic and the reasons were more complicated. However, after Quanyun Apartment, he understood that Nanyuan was another soul and had nothing to do with him, and the reason why this happened was because his soul was Combination of other souls.

The purpose of these people is to escape the control of the **** movie, an attempt to escape the **** movie, and it turned out to be a failure.

"What he wants is his self-identification, that is,'Where do I... belong'? Does he belong to the final place?"

Qiancang stared at the ceiling blankly, and suddenly felt that the complexity of the matter was a level higher.

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