Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1501: Dinner two

"Thank you brother." The girl didn't worry about the beans anymore.

Suddenly, the woman said, "You are much more cheerful than before."

The fable's action paused, his expression stiffened, and then returned to normal.

Damn, was this character formerly autistic? Wait, will I be seen through if I am so cheerful? Probably not? They don't look like they found out my true identity, why don't they be ruthless?

The fable put down his chopsticks calmly, and then replied in an extremely impatient tone:

"Can you stop talking about it while eating?"

In order to match his tone, he stared at the woman's white eyes, his eyes furious.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire table became solidified, the woman's right hand holding the food stopped in place, and the girl bowed her head to eat.

After a few seconds passed, the girl made the move of putting down the chopsticks, said "I'm finished", and ran away like she was running away.

The fable also put down the chopsticks, although his face maintained a serious expression, but his heart was overwhelmed.

As for such an exaggeration? Am I going too far? Do you want to comfort me? Do you want to play to the end?

The fable is hesitant in his heart.

"Uuuuu..." The woman cried suddenly, she cried very sadly, but there were no tears on her face.

Squeaking, the sound of the door opening came from the direction of the living room, followed by heavy footsteps.

"What's the matter?" A hoarse male voice came from the living room.

The fable slowly turned his head and saw a middle-aged man wearing a mirror frame coming. Like the other two, the middle-aged man’s eyes had no pupils, only white eyes and a pale complexion. Although he looked the same as a human, he had nothing at all. The human breath is more like ghosts or evil spirits.

Actually there is more?

The fable is a bit stunned and feels strange in his heart. So far, except that he can't see the dinner, everything is similar to ordinary people's daily life, which makes him suspect that his character is mentally ill.

The middle-aged man sat in the girl’s position, then turned his head to look at the fable, and said:

"Turn on the TV."


Fable turned his head and looked at the wall opposite the sofa, without seeing the TV at all.

"I'll go." The woman wiped her eyes with her right hand and was about to stand up, but was held down by the middle-aged man.

"Go ahead, won't the TV turn on?" The middle-aged man's voice was deafening, as if yelling.

Because of the hint of the **** movie, the fable did not intend to hold on, he slowly stood up, and then walked to the wall opposite the sofa.

If there is a TV, the dust traces should be different...

Fable thought in his heart, but his eyes swept back and forth across the wall, but no suspicious traces were found.

It's over. Usually, the sofa is directly opposite to the TV, but the ghost knows where the TV switch is? Lower right corner? side? the following?

Fable stopped, intending to change his mind again. He originally leaned against the wall, then turned to face the bedroom, and then moved on. On the way, he left a word:

"Don't watch TV while eating!"

The tone is calm and confident, as if he is the master of this family.

After speaking, he continued to walk forward, but his heart couldn't help speeding up.

At exactly this moment, the Hell Movie cue sounded.

[Actor's Fable, 15 minutes have passed. 】

Only 15 minutes? Although I thought it was only 10 minutes past, I can be surprised by telling me how good 30 minutes have passed. After all, the flow of time in this world may be different.

The fable spit in my heart.

At the dining table, the man and the woman were all stunned. What the fable said just now seems to be unacceptable to them.

Fable came to the bedroom door, opened the door, walked in, closed the door, and locked it. Then, he put his ear to the door, eavesdropped on the movement outside, and after making sure that there was no strange noise outside, he leaned against the door. Relieved.

Time passed by, and soon, the reminder of the **** movie sounded again.

[Actor's Fable, 25 minutes have passed. 】

The fable begins to count down in my mind:

"300, I hope there will be no more changes."

"298, it's only the first movie world, it shouldn't be that difficult."

"295, I don’t know how Cangyi and the others are? By the way, the admonition meeting is too fast, can we really catch up? No, we can definitely catch up. The Hell Movie may arrange for other actors and admonition to meet , The location should be... Node Movie World, which is probably the case."




"I can't count accurately, maybe there are only 100 seconds left?"

The knock on the door suddenly sounded from behind.

The fable stopped counting, turned around quickly, and took another two steps back. He looked alert and fixed his eyes on the slightly shaking door.

"Brother, do you have an apple?" the girl's voice came.

The parable calmed down and waited for two seconds before answering:


He didn't say much, said too much, and made many mistakes, and there was no need to take risks at the last minute.

Thank you for your "caring", please don't come to me again!

The fable puts hands together, praying in my heart.


He walked slowly to the door and listened carefully, but the knock on the door sounded again, only this time, it was not the voice of a girl, but the voice of a man.

"Open the door, I have something to tell you."

The parable hummed, took two steps back, and replied:

"What's the matter straightforward."

He didn't plan to open the door at all, and finally hid back to the bedroom. Didn't he take the initiative to open the door to lead the wolf into the room? What's more, from the analysis of the man's tone, it may have been seen through.

"I asked your mother and your sister just now. It was weird when you were eating just now. I asked you, did you get sick?" the man's voice came.

Got sick? Is it really the same as I thought?

The fable is somewhat unexpected, but it is impossible to open the door.

"No," he replied loudly, confidently.

"I ask you, what dishes do you have tonight?" the man continued to ask.

"I don't remember, I have a bad memory." The fable is casual.

"You must be treated if you are sick. Open the door soon!" The man's tone became serious, and at the same time he kept pushing the door.

"Key." The woman's voice came.

Fable's pupils shrank suddenly, glanced at the desk, hurriedly ran over and pushed the desk over to block the door.

[Actor's Fable, there are 10 seconds left to open the channel, now the countdown is 9 or 8...]

The reminder of the **** movie sounded again, and the countdown started this time directly, which made Fable even more determined to block the door.

"Hurry up, hurry up." The fable kept urging.

"You won't open the door again--" The man's voice stopped abruptly.

Suddenly, blood leaked from the gap between the ceiling and the wall, and the room and the furniture in it were decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that everything was about to collapse.

"What's the matter?" The fable was unacceptable for a while.


Because of the strange changes in the room, the door that could hold for a few seconds was completely broken.

The fable ran to the depths of the room, and then, using the new effect of the 100-meter race to make the mark generate a phantom, the process of generation is a process of gradual materialization of the phantom. The whole process is very fast, only half a second, and then he lets The phantom stayed in the middle of the room.

The room is only this big, and he can instantly move to the mark or phantom position, so that ~lightnovelpub.net~ no matter where the passage is, he can enter instantly.

The man rushed in, his face covered with blue veins, only the white of his eyes became completely black, and then he ran straight to the phantom in the middle of the room.

【……1, the channel is open, please enter as soon as possible. 】

A blood-red vortex appeared at the door with a radius of only 10 cm.

The moment the fable saw the blood red vortex, he activated the skill and his body fell backwards. The next second, he returned to the marked position, which was also the blood red vortex position.

In less than half a second, the blood red vortex quickly expanded to a radius of 1 meter, gradually devouring the fable.

On the other side, after the man grabbed the phantom, the phantom disappeared quickly. Then, he looked back at the door and happened to see the smug smile on the fable's face.

The fable raised his right hand, his index finger and **** were brought together, pointing to the temple, and then he waved his right hand forward, leaving a sentence of "No See", which was completely swallowed by the blood red vortex.

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