Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1502: Buddha Fury

"Shall we go inside to shelter from the rain?"

The suggestion in his ear awakened Hawkeye, he blinked, and then looked around.

"Didn't the weather forecast say that it is sunny?" The other person's tone was impatient.

"No one really believes the weather forecast?"

"The weather forecast is quite accurate in the short term."

Hawkeye looked around and counted him. There were four people, three men and one woman. They gathered together in the mountains as donkeys.

Suddenly, some pictures flashed in his mind, accompanied by summary explanations.

According to the original plan, the four of them should have arrived at the next resting place, but there was an "accident" in the middle. The rain caused a landslide. Although no one was injured, the falling rocks blocked the way. The return journey was too far. When hesitated, a new road appeared on the mountain. Judging from the direction, it might even be a shortcut, so a group of people proceeded along the "short path" and finally came to a deserted temple.

"Xia Feng, why don't you speak? Are you planning to stay or go back?" The woman named Zhou Xinyu turned her head and looked at Yingyan.

Raindrops fell on Hawkeye's shoulders. He raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky, then turned his head back and said:

"I feel there is a problem with the temple."

Hawkeye expressed his opinion.

"I also think there is a problem, but they don't believe it!" Shan Yuesheng pushed down the rimless glasses with his right middle finger.

"What can be the problem? Could it be that there is a drug cartel inside? It's the 21st century now, can we still encounter ghosts?" Liu Kai spread his hands, with disdain in his impatient tone.

At this time, the test sound of the **** movie appeared in Hawkeye's mind.

[Actor Eagle Eye, the movie world you are currently in, "The Fury of Buddha" is the path movie world, and the next stop is not a transit station. There is a passage to the next movie world at the exit of Baiqu Temple, please go as soon as possible. 】

[Reminder: There are hidden passages in the temple, be careful not to be killed. 】

[Overall progress: 10%]

[Progress of the warning meeting: 10%]

[Current progress: 1%]

Any reminders? Since the temple has a secret passage, and it is specifically stated, it obviously means that I cannot leave by normal means, so I must enter the temple.

Hawkeye's expression was calm, and he said loudly to the three of them:

"I changed my attention. In fact, it's not the problem with the temple, but the weather. Anyway, there is no village in front of you, no shop behind, and it is still raining in the sky. It's better to rest first, and then leave after regaining energy."

After Shan Yuesheng heard this, he was stunned and said, "You changed too quickly, right? It doesn't matter if it rains, anyway, we brought an umbrella."

"It's not the umbrella." Hawkeye shook his head, "but there is a problem with this mountain."

"I also think there is a problem with this mountain, otherwise, why would the landslide suddenly?" Liu Kai agreed very much.

"Huh?" Shan Yuesheng touched the back of his head with his right hand, looking puzzled.

"Xia Feng is afraid that we will encounter a landslide again. Last time it was because we were lucky, but not the next time." Zhou Xinyu saw Hawkeye's resignation and immediately helped explain.

"Indeed." Shan Yuesheng had to accept this.

"Go in and rest first." Yingyan took the lead to walk into Baiqu Temple.


The bonfire ignited in the middle of the hall, and the flames at the bottom climbed up the firewood to dissipate the cold moisture. Then, a slight crackling sounded from the center of the bonfire, and some sparks jumped out at the same time.

Hawkeye sat on the stacked futons, his right hand propped his chin in thought.

His character Xia Feng was originally a taciturn person, so he didn't arouse any suspicion. In fact, he is now not only thinking about the hints of the **** movie, but also using the eagle spirit to observe the situation in Baiqu Temple.

The bald eagle hovered over the Baiqu Temple, and the inside of the temple was unobstructed, but every room exuded the black air, which was emptied and ethereal, sometimes condensed into human form, sometimes scattered into a ball, and got into the cracks of the stones. Outside the Baiqu Temple, there was dense fog. After diving into the dense fog, the bald eagle completely lost its direction and continued to fly forward for a few seconds before returning to the Baiqu Temple.

The four have been trapped in Baiqu Temple!

As night fell, the white fish belly on the horizon gradually turned into a deep blue. After that, the blue became deeper and deeper, until it became black like ink.

There is no star in the sky, and the moon is blocked by dark clouds. The only bright place in the entire Baiqu Temple is the main hall.

"Don’t you think it’s weird? If there is a Baiqu Temple on this mountain, it should have been developed into a tourist area long ago, and it would not have been abandoned as such." Shan Yuesheng brought up the topic, breaking the uneasy feeling. Silent atmosphere.

"How can I make a tourist area if there is no road?" Liu Kai asked back.

"No, the scale of this temple is not small. Reasonable development can drive the local economy. As for the road, we only need to expand the road where we came in. You can also sell something along the way. The scenery here is good and it is a selling point in itself, but it needs A landmark building provides a goal for tourists." Shan Yuesheng said while shaking his head.

Before others could answer, he stood up and walked towards the depths of the hall. In the eyes of others, it was not as if he was walking into the darkness, but as if he was gradually being swallowed by the darkness.

Suddenly, the flashlight lit up in the dark.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Xinyu also stood up.

Yingyan watched Shan Yuesheng silently, his eyesight was very good, and when the flashlight was on, he looked at the list of things Yue Sheng was doing at a glance. At this time, Shan Yuesheng was slowly wiping the dust on the Buddha statue, because it had not been cleaned for a long time, and the Buddha statue was covered with a thick layer of ash, so much so that even the outline of the face could not be seen clearly.

Shan Yuesheng turned his head and looked at Zhou Xinyu by the bonfire, and replied:

"Wipe the dust, I always feel it is looking at me."

After speaking, he clapped his hands.

"It?" Zhou Xinyu didn't understand.

"This Buddha statue." Shan Yuesheng pointed his right thumb behind him.

"Really? Don't scare me." Liu Kai shrank his neck.

"It just feels." Shan Yuesheng turned his head and looked at the Buddha statue behind him.

Hawkeye stood up and walked towards the Buddha statue.

In the hints of the **** movie, this movie is called "The Fury of Buddha". Just now Shan Yuesheng said "it is looking at me", which probably refers to the statue of Buddha, and there is a possibility that there is a connection between the two.

As for the secret path, Eagle Eye has considered using Eagle Spirit to check it bit by bit, but Baiqu Temple is not small and may not have enough vitality. After all, there is still care not to be killed later, and the information that Eagle Spirit sends back is still in detail. Can't compare with himself, in the end, he still has to find the secret path by himself.

Yingyan came to Shan Yuesheng's side and looked at the tall Buddha statue in front of him. The dust on the face of this Buddha statue has been wiped clean, revealing a somewhat faded appearance.

The Buddha's eyes looked at the lower right ~lightnovelpub.net~ eyes were half open, with a faint smile on his kind face, the orchid finger with his right hand, and a faded 7-story pagoda on his left.

"What kind of Buddha is this, do you know?" Zhou Xinyu asked Yingyan.

"I don't know." Yingyan shook his head. He didn't know much about this aspect. The Buddha statue in front of him had many similarities, but it was not marked enough.

At this time, Shan Yuesheng walked towards the middle of the hall, the largest Buddha statue in the hall.

Eagle Eye summoned Eagle Spirit, looked behind him, and then followed Shan Yuesheng. As soon as he turned around, a shocking scene came from Eagle Spirit's eyes, and the Buddha statue's eyes moved to the center.

"Did the eyes of the Buddha statue move just now?" Zhou Xinyu asked cautiously.

"Huh?" Shan Yuesheng stopped and turned his head.

"Really?" Liu Kai also hurried over.

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