Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1505: Buddha Fury Four

At the entrance of Baiqu Temple, Shan Yuesheng looked in a daze. Just now, he wanted to leave the main entrance. After going out, there was only a vast white mist in front of him. No matter how long he walked inside, he would return to the original place. Only now did he realize that he seemed to have gone the wrong way.

"I remember, Xia Feng followed the spider spirit to that direction." Shan Yuesheng turned his head and looked in the direction in his memory, his desperate eyes lit up with hope.

Driven by death threats, he marched alone in the dark. The light of the flashlight is his only support now.

Soon, he came back to the vicinity of the hall again, "I remember it was here."

He turned his head and looked at the road that Hawkeye had walked before, speeding up a little bit, "Yes, it is here. I was here to separate from Xia Feng before, looking in this direction... Wait, I remember what he said about the secret path. So, it should be the secret road that left Baiqu Temple. By the way, as long as I find this secret road, I can also leave, and maybe Xia Feng is still waiting for me."

Having said this, he felt a chill in his back, as if something was approaching, he held the flashlight in his right hand, took a deep breath, gathered the courage to turn around, and yelled:


However, there was nothing behind him.

Shan Yuesheng sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his left hand, "Don't be nervous, Shan Yuesheng, it will be fine..."

Although he was comforting himself, Shan Yuesheng himself didn't believe these words.

He adjusted his breathing and continued to move forward. Soon, he came to another courtyard. The structure of the other courtyard was similar to the word "Hui", divided into single and multiple rooms.

"This should be where the monk lives. It seems to be called a squatter?"

"If there is a secret tunnel in Baiqu Temple, it might be in the room of the abbot of the temple, after all..."

Shan Yuesheng's breathing quickened and ran towards the nearest room. After pushing the room away, he simply scanned the situation in the room and found that unlike the abbot's room, he would not go in.

According to this method, he quickly checked the entire squatter, but did not find the abbot's room, so he could only leave temporarily.

Moving on along the corridor, a different light suddenly appeared in his eyes. It was not the cold light of a flashlight, but the warm yellow light of a candle.


Shan Yuesheng saw a two-story building, and the warm yellow light just came from the second floor of the building.

"It's so luxurious, it's probably the abbot's room."

He felt his heart beating faster and ran over quickly.


The door of the room was pushed open by Shan Yuesheng. The first floor is mostly furniture such as tables, chairs and tea sets, which are neatly arranged, concise and not simple. Opposite it is a storage cabinet rack, and behind the cabinet rack is the staircase leading to the second floor.

Shan Yuesheng went up to the second floor and saw the tidy but unclean room of the abbot. He just took a step forward. The antique Babu bed shook slightly, and the black book table beside the bed was lit by candles. A warm yellow light was emitted, but at this time, Shan Yuesheng could not feel the warmth at all, instead he felt fear in his heart.

He wanted to leave here, but at the same time he turned around, he saw the warm yellow candlelight turning into faint green in the corner of his eyes, exuding a deep chill.

"Master, what's your order to find a disciple?"

"Hui Jue, the teacher already knows what you are doing." A slightly hoarse voice sounded in the room.

"The disciple doesn't understand..."

"Don't understand? You won't understand such a shameful thing!"

"...Disciple, I really don't understand."

"What's the matter with begging for a child!"

"Master, which temple did not send the son Guanyin?"

"Hui Jue, do you really want to make things clear for your teacher? You deceive the Liang family women and use the secret path to do things that are difficult. Do you think that you can cross the sea and sit back and relax? If it is spread out, Baiqu Temple will definitely be ashamed!"

"Master, it turns out that you are talking about this. Alas, it's no wonder that if you don't know the inside story, even an eminent monk like Master will misunderstand the disciple. In fact, the disciple does this not for himself, but for the female benefactor."


"Master, don't be angry. Let the disciple finish speaking first. When the time comes, the master will decide on his own. Although the master has not asked about miscellaneous matters a long time ago, he must know that most of the people who come to ask for children are women, and there are even some noble people. Why? The six characters mean that they have no heirs and no status. Without children, these poor people get blinded every day, but who is to blame? The flute does not make a sound, is the flute broken? Or is the person who plays the flute dull? If the flute is not broken, why not change someone?"

"That's someone's housework!"

"Yes, what the Master said is, but, Master, you have also said that the monks take compassion as their heart, and if the disciples can do a little bit of effort, they will definitely help them, so that they can accumulate some merit."


"Master, these words are not made up by the disciple, but the female donor personally said."


"What if the female donor's family also knew about it?"

"Okay, Huijue, in the past few years, you have become more articulate!"

"It's all good taught by the master."

"Ahem, because the teacher is not arguing with you, you should go back today and tell you that those brothers and sisters, all those who know about this, will come to the precepts hall tomorrow, and if they don't come, they will be sent directly to the government."

"Master, you..."


"The disciple retire."

At this point, the sound disappeared and the green candlelight went out.

Shan Yuesheng was astonished in his heart. He didn't expect that Baiqu Temple would still have such a past. A few seconds later, he reacted, begging for a child is probably the reason why Baiqu Temple has become what it is now.

"Wait, if I figure this out, will I be able to leave Baiqu Temple? The Commandment Hall... I don't know what happened after Huijue went to the Commandment Hall. Moreover, his excuse is quite strange... …"

The new discovery made Shan Yuesheng feel better. He looked back at the candlelight and went downstairs to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the holding house, the flashlight's light began to flicker.

"Why is there no battery now!" Shan Yuesheng took a flashlight twice. Just after the shot, the flashlight went out completely. "There seems to be a battery in the backpack." He turned to put down the backpack, unzipped the zipper, and started looking for it. After a while, He took out three AA batteries and replaced them, but the flashlight still did not light up.

"Bad...broken?" After Shan Yuesheng found this, he was a little stuttered. He quickly gave the battery a permutation and combination, and the result was still the same. He took a deep breath and took out the phone, but the phone was still the same as before and could not be turned on. At this time, he had lost all means of lighting.

"I remember that Zhou Xinyu and Liu Kai's flashlights are still in the main hall, and they should be found when they go back."

After thinking of this, Shan Yuesheng looked around and walked towards the hall along the route in his memory. Ten minutes later, he hurried back to the hall in a panic, almost falling down several times on the road. When his right foot just crossed the threshold, a dull bell suddenly rang, spreading throughout the Baiqu Temple, scaring him to shrink his neck.

The inside of the hall was pitch black, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it with five fingers out of sight. Shan Yuesheng could only fumble little by little, and finally touched the tent, but was frightened by the sound of the darkness.

"Hui Jue, are you crazy? You want to hide the body of the abbot in the Buddha statue. Do you know how many people come every day?"

this is……

Shan Yuesheng got in touch with the mentor-disciple argument he had heard before.

Could it be that Hye Kyaw killed the abbot? Hearing this, Huijue seemed to intend to hide the body inside the Buddha statue. The rest of the Buddha statues were too small to hide. The only place that could be hidden was the giant Buddha statue facing the gate.

"Fleeing arrows, the abbot is missing, it is inevitable to search all over the mountains, but it is easy to be found buried in the back mountains, hiding in the Buddha statue is the safest. Master, if this matter spreads out, you, me, and the entire Baiqu Temple, But it’s all over, so you have to keep an eye on it every day."

Uncle Master? The body of the abbot is inside the Buddha statue?

Shan Yuesheng opened his eyes wide and was shocked. Although he did not go to the Discipline Hall, there must be no doubt that there must have been an argument.

"My lord, there are 347 people in Baiqu Temple, none of them survived!"

"How could the huge Baiqu Temple be killed overnight? Could it be..."

grown ups? It is estimated that it was the investigator. Why did the people at Baiqu Temple all die overnight? Is it retribution? It doesn't feel right.

Shan Yuesheng continued to explore.

"My lord, all the brothers who stayed at Baiqu Temple last night... all..."

"How come? Show me quickly."

The investigator is also dead? It seems that this retribution does not distinguish between good and evil at all.

Shan Yuesheng took a breath.

"My lord, seven days have passed since the memorial service, do you really want to burn?"



Shan Yuesheng felt that the situation was not right, he sniffed, and smelled a scorching smell in his nose, and the hall that was originally invisible to the fingers gradually brightened.

The raging fire ignited almost at the same time in the hall, and the heat wave rushed in like a wave.

Shan Yuesheng almost felt suffocated, he coughed a few times, before he had time to think carefully, he staggered to the outside of the hall.

In a trance, he felt as if he heard a dull sound approaching him, but the situation was urgent and he didn't have the energy to think about the reason. A few seconds later, he successfully ran out of the main hall, but the situation outside was not much better than the main hall. The fire blazed into the sky, and the entire Baiqu Temple had become a sea of ​​flames.

Thick black smoke twisted and swayed in the firelight, like a crime burned by the fire, and gathered above the Baiqu Temple.

Cang Dang!

The beams of the main hall fell heavily and smashed on the floor. The fire became more and more serious, and the fire in the sky seemed to brighten the night. Soon, the majestic hall began to collapse, showing a landslide.

Shan Yuesheng looked around blankly. In this situation, unless he can fly into the sky, there is no way to escape.

The dull sound was getting closer, his left ear moved, and he turned his head, only to see a figure coming in the firelight. Because of the smoke, the lens was unknowingly filled with small gray particles.

"Xia Feng? Is that you, Xia Feng!" Shan Yuesheng wept with joy, Yingyan, who is the person he most wants to see now.

He took off his glasses, wiped them twice at random, and put them on again, looking at the figure, his happy expression instantly stiffened on his face.

The figures that came out of the flames were not the people he hoped to see, but Buddha statues. After the Buddha statues came out of the sea of ​​flames, their bodies were still burning with flames, as if with anger.

Suddenly, the half-opened eyes of the Buddha statue suddenly opened ~lightnovelpub.net~The bronze bell-like glasses stared at Shan Yuesheng.

Shan Yuesheng was scared to sit on the ground.

The statue of Buddha stepped forward, obviously unable to move a single stone, and at this time it was walking around like a living person.

Shan Yuesheng kicked his feet on the ground, backed back again and again, without taking a few steps, he found that his back seemed to hit the wall, he slowly turned his head, but saw a thin-faced Buddha standing behind him holding a Zen stick. This scene scared him almost out of breath, and quickly crawled away. The next second, the stone-like legs of a Buddha statue appeared in front of him. He slowly raised his head and found that he had nowhere to escape, and the Buddha statues of Baiqu Temple had surrounded him.

The thin-faced Buddha statue slowly raised the stick, like an executioner.

Shan Yuesheng folded his hands together and cried out:

"Please let me go. The matter of giving off the child has nothing to do with me. I just passed by, just passed by...Ah!"

The scream stopped abruptly.

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