Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1568: The truth no one knows

In the passage behind the crack, as soon as the money warehouse stopped and looked ahead, a large number of three-dimensional texts rotated and collided in the passage, as if following a certain rule, or as the meaning expressed in the brain container in the tank, belonging to password.

Although he had learned about the situation in the passage from Hawkeye, he still felt a little surprised when he saw it for the first time, as if he had come into a completely strange world. If it hadn’t been for Hawkeye that he had already explored it, he would definitely have played twelve. Divided into the spirit, beware of the strange dangers that may appear at any time.

He continued to move forward, Ren Ping's three-dimensional text passed through his body, and soon, a wall with a red phone appeared at the end of the passage, but it was slightly different from what Hawkeye described. There was no pink in the brown container next to the phone. The brain, replaced by four peaches. On the ground, the black suitcase lay quietly, with the dead brain in the tank placed above it.

"It seems that Hawkeye has prepared everything just now, and after that, he is ready to implement his plan."

Qiancang reached out and picked up the red microphone and placed it in his ear.

"Are you ready?" Wan Jie's voice appeared.

Qiancang was silent, a thought flashed in his mind, and then he asked in a cautious and suspicious voice:

"Late catastrophe, isn't there a way to continue this world without killing me? For example, the fourth option."

He is testing the night robbery. Since there is no way to confirm from the eagle eye, he might as well try to use the information gap between the two parties to expose the night robbery.

Although there are tricks in it, sudden inquiries can easily break through the opponent's heart. The only drawback is that the eagle eye has already entered.

The other side fell into a brief silence, seeming to be thinking, and it seemed to be simply understanding the meaning of the question. About two seconds later, Wan Jie's voice came from the microphone: "Cang Yi? It's you, there are only two options. , Are you too cautious?"

Qiancang frowned and could only give up temporarily. He sighed slightly and was about to hang up the phone, but at this time Wan Jie stopped him.

"Cang Yi." Wan Jie's voice became very serious.

Qiancang immediately put the microphone to his ear.

"Little madam, let me tell you a word: Losing does not necessarily mean failure." Wan Jie's voice echoed in the passage.

Losing does not necessarily mean failure?

Qian Cangyi repeated it in his mind, but didn't understand the meaning. He looked down at the ground and asked softly, "Are there any more?"

"Yes!" Wan Jie's answer was simple, "Also: Good luck to you!"

After speaking, a busy tone came.

As soon as Qiancang put down the microphone, he originally planned to think about whether there is a third option, but he had to turn his attention to what Wan Jie had just said.

"Lost" does it mean the right to belong to this final path? It seems that this is the only way to think about it, but what does "failure" mean? It means that I can still get what I want, but through other means.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, calming his slightly excited heart. Although the words of the night robbery sounded very mysterious, as if they were hiding key information, in the current uncertain situation, there is no way to get a reliable guess. It is better to keep it in mind and consider it together when the time is right.


At the same time, outside the crack, behind the waterfall.

Eagle Eye and Yang Fan stood opposite each other. The former looked at the latter’s face, but the focus was not focused. It seemed that he was not looking at the person "Yang Fan" but the forces behind him. The latter looked at the pistol in both hands of the former, but his eyes did not have the slightest fear, but a little confused.

"Before killing me, can you make me understand?" Yang Fan broke the silence and spoke first, "Although Cang Yi wanted to tell me just now, but I didn't understand it. According to him, there is a force limiting it. I, this power, is probably the power that allows you to live safely to the present and the power that can destroy the world, but is there really no other way? Indeed, I am not innocent, but what about other people? Those innocent people , They are also victims in the plan."

Hawkeye stretched out his left hand, threw the black pistol in front of Yang Fan, and then said, "Pick it up."

Yang Fan's expression changed slightly, and he slowly bent over, but his eyes kept staring at Hawkeye's right hand. Finally, until he held the pistol with his right hand, Hawkeye still did not move.

"You...what do you mean?" Yang Fan was puzzled.

"You are right. There are still many innocent people in this world, so I decided to give them a chance. Since you are standing here now, you will take this opportunity instead of them." Hawkeye slowly Raised his right hand and pointed his gun at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan bit his lip lightly, frowning his brows into a "chuan" character, but instead of aiming the pistol at the front like an eagle eye, he raised his hands, and then said:

"If you kill me, it will make you feel better, even if it makes you hesitate for a second, it's worth the money."

Hawkeye pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew past Yang Fan's ear, hitting the stone wall behind him, and knocking out a trace of sparks.

Sweat dripped from Yang Fan's forehead, and his breathing was fast.

"You are just worried that I will use'ability'. You think you have no chance of winning. I won't use it this time. You can kill me as long as you have the ability." Hawkeye opened his mouth and said his thoughts.

"Why do you want to do this?" Yang Fan squinted slightly, "Does this do you any good? Or is it just trying to fool me?"

"I said I will convince you. If you lose, then you will do what I ask." Hawkeye moved his muzzle to show his intention.

"Just for this?" Yang Fan couldn't believe it.

"A person can have multiple identities at the same time, but sometimes, these identities conflict with each other. I was born in this world, but I have gradually separated from life. I have been thinking for a long time, which identity is the one that truly belongs to me, I think , Both are, but there is always an identity that needs to say goodbye to it. To whom? I have to think about it, but I can only find a representative. Since you think that you are just a tool, I think it's perfect to be a microphone. With a small smile at the corner of Hawkeye's mouth, his eyes drenched, and he added, "If you kill me, everyone can survive!"

Yang Fan's expression changed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Pong! Pong!

Two guns sounded.

The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Yingyan maintained his original gun-holding posture, and Yang Fan, with his left hand tightly covering the mouth of his right hand, his pistol had fallen two meters away.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Yang Fan gasped deeply.

"You are still not convinced, why don't you try again?" Yingyan put down his pistol and walked towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan gritted his teeth, ran to the black pistol, stretched out his left hand, and successfully grasped the handle of the gun.

During this process, Hawkeye did not intervene in any way~lightnovelpub.net~ However, after Yang Fan held the handle of the gun, he fired again, and the target was still the hand holding the gun.

At the same time, Yang Fan also shot at the last moment.

The bullet hit the eagle eye, but only grazed the left arm of the eagle eye, leaving a burn mark.

Yang Fan glanced at Eagle Eye, then looked down at his numb hands. In a short time, he could no longer shoot, "I lost."

"Did you lose? Why don't you try harder?" Hawkeye went on, and the blood flowed down his arm, gathered at the end of his finger, and then dripped to the ground. "I don't know how to experience this situation in order to find your secret. How many times have you given up just by hurting your hands? Don’t you want to save your family and friends? How about using your mouth? Your feet are fine, or thinking of a trick to insult me? Don’t give up, Yang Fan, this is your last Opportunity."

Speaking of the back, Hawkeye's voice is getting colder and colder, making people shudder.

If Qiancangyi is here, although he will not intervene, he will definitely be shocked. The eagle eye in his heart will indeed torture people, but he has a very clear purpose for doing this kind of thing. Generally, torturing people is to ask the surviving intelligence, but now, the torture of the eagle eye to Yang Fan is not Asking for information is more like venting your inner anger, the hottest vengeance that has been hidden deep in your heart.

Hawkeye stopped in front of Yang Fan, condescendingly looking down at Yang Fan.

Suddenly, Yang Fan moved, and the power of the muscles all over his body exploded at the same time, and the whole person leaped towards the prey like a cheetah. No, more accurately, it was the trapped beast that was forced to desperation, fighting to the death.

He knew that Hawkeye did not intend to kill him, so he could use this opportunity to sneak attack, close combat events, he has not fallen, although his hands are numb, but Hawkeye's left hand has also been injured, the possibility of winning is not Is zero.