Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1576: sublimation

As soon as Qiancang raised his head, he felt a distinctive sense of oppression, as if the whole sky would fall down soon, even if he knew he was absolutely safe now, he could not help shaking.

An explosion sounded in the depths of the soul, and the red sky as the background gradually turned into black. The black and the red surrounding the three-dimensional text were intertwined with each other, spinning constantly like a vortex. The center of the vortex slowly lit up with a suffocating red light, and the red light gradually became brighter and deeper, forming a red sphere, just like a new sun being born. A red light beam shoots out from directly below the sphere. After hitting the ground, the red light spreads out. Any objects encountered along the way are covered with a red film, whether it is a forest or a city, humans or animals, all are in the red light. Under the coverage.

At this moment, the astronauts who were staying in the space station looked at the red earth outside the window with horror. They had received the news twelve hours ago, but they were in outer space and could only wait for the result.

"Maybe we will be the only human beings left." An astronaut turned his head and looked at his companion next to him, with a tragic look in his eyes. Then, his right hand clenched a fist straight out, as if he wanted to boost morale at this most desperate moment.

The companion opened her eyes wide, her expression still frozen, and she hadn't recovered from the horror just now. Two seconds later, she also stretched out her fisted right hand, "For humanity!"

The fists of the two collided together, and there was not much sensationalism. At this moment, they had already made a promise. If humans are extinct, as the only remaining humans, they will shoulder the task of creating a new world. Although the possibility of success is slim, this is the only hope.

Outside the transparent window, a faint red light gradually lit up, and its diameter rapidly expanded. When it came to the space station, it was already the size of the window. All of this happened in less than one second. After the red light hit the space station, it instantly covered everything in the space station with a red film, including the undivided fists.

"It seems we are not immune."

The astronaut retracted his right hand, with a helpless smile on his face.

For a while, no one answered the call.

Despair covers the ground and the sky.

At the same time, in the secret room of the base where the brain aggregates in the tank were stored, emotional words appeared on the large white screen continuously. The words appeared for 1 second and were immediately covered by new words.


"I'm coming!"

"I'm dancing, can you see it? I'm dancing!"


"Hahaha, hahaha!"

The staff below looked at the text on the screen, and some raised their hands and shouted loudly, seeming to want to vent all the resentment and grievances in their hearts at this moment. They are not like ordinary people outside, at least in the end. It can be crazy once in twelve hours; some cover their faces with hands and cry with a low headache. No matter how many wishes and dreams there are, they will stop and end at this moment.

The final intracranial meeting.

"He's a liar!" The first speaker trembled with anger.

"No, I think he is a lunatic." The second speaker smiled, as if this was the only way to fight despair in the doomsday.

"You kept attacking and angered him, which is extremely stupid!" The third speaker shook his head and sighed, helplessly lamenting the stupidity of his companion.

"If you bombed earlier, it wouldn't be the case. It's not that you have been worried about the impact!" The fourth spokesperson also regretted, but he regretted not directly bombing after determining the position of the Hawkeye.

"I should have thought that when he said he didn't care about anyone, I should have guessed that he has been lying to us." The fifth speaker wanted to threaten, but it didn't work.

"Oh, it's a pity that we have too little time, or maybe we can really find a way from Hawkeye's accomplices. He doesn't care about other people, but he definitely cares about helping his accomplices. They must have had a fateful relationship before." The spokesperson sighed softly, expressing helplessness.

"Actually, I suspected that there was a'ship ticket', but I didn't expect that Hawkeye would really be able to do this. He blew up the'ship' directly." The seventh speaker still insisted on his idea, but there was no time to go. confirm.

The recorder of the meeting still chose to record the content of the meeting. The only difference was that he expressed his opinion this time.

"I have an idea." The recorder has the right to express his opinions, but he has never used it before because he thinks it is unnecessary. This is the quality he has been cultivated from birth. Silence is golden, "Eagle Eye Deliberately deceive us, on the one hand, he can get what he wants, on the other hand, he may intend to steal your last twelve hours."

After saying this, he stopped speaking.

The seven meeting participants fell silent. The actual situation is exactly as the recorder said. The most precious twelve hours of their lives were all wasted on Hawkeye.

At the same time, the roof of the villa area in the metropolitan area.

Yang Fan stared blankly at the red film on his wife and daughter~lightnovelpub.net~ He gritted his teeth and reached out to remove the red film from his wife and daughter, but instead made his daughter's hand hurt.

"You calm down, it hurts Jiajia." Yang Fan's wife held Jiajia in her arms.

Jia Jia shrank in the arms of Yang Fan's wife, avoiding her father's hands.

"Impossible, he clearly promised me, he clearly promised me..." Yang Fan lost his eyes and kept repeating the same sentence, "...Impossible!"

"Either he forgot, or he lied to you." Yang Fan's wife said her thoughts.

"No, it is impossible for him to forget, and it is impossible for Hawkeye to forget." Yang Fan shook his head repeatedly.

Yang Fan’s wife looked at her husband with love and compassion in her eyes. She stretched out her right hand and gently stroked Yang Fan’s side face, “It’s okay, at least our family is together now. I used to worry about seeing your boss or colleague almost every day. I'm afraid they will tell me that you will never come back."

Hearing his wife's words, Yang Fan's emotions broke down completely, and tears couldn't stop streaming down.

"What's wrong with Dad? Did Jia Jia make you angry? Don't cry. Don't cry." Jia Jia stretched out her small round hand and gently wiped the tears on Yang Fan's face.

Yang Fan reached out and hugged his wife and daughter tightly, without saying a word.

At this moment, he finally understood why Hawkeye still chose to let him go even if he repeatedly attacked and caused trouble many times. Keeping him alive is not for Hawkeye's benevolence, but for him to experience the pain and torture of falling into despair, and experience the "righteousness" he has brought. This feeling is exactly what Hawkeye has experienced. And letting him come back is a reward for him, allowing him to stay with his family at the last moment in his life.

The red light beam in the distance gradually faded until it disappeared completely. The red film penetrated into the human body, and the family of three stood still at the same time, like a stone sculpture.

The end is coming!