Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1587: False is true

Zodiac's words made Nayun very surprised. Even if it is as strong as a hall-level actor, it is essentially the same as a low-level actor, but also requires intrigue, but with a higher rank and a more ruthless attack.

"Are you still helping them?" When Nayun said this, his right hand clenched, and the veins violent in his fist.

If the Zodiac intends to go to war, no matter who the opponent is, he will stand on the side of the Zodiac, even if it is a mortal battle, he will never back down. All this is to repay the life-saving grace.

Even now, he still remembers the scene clearly. It was a formal movie with a high mortality rate. There were as many as 50 actors in the film. He also had expectations for the cooperation of actors. However, he did not expect that he would become a bait without knowing it and fell into a dead end. situation. When he prayed for the coming of the gods, Zodiac appeared and rescued him. After that, the two survived safely, and in the end only two survived in this movie.

At that time, Zodiac was already a hall-level actor, and as a hall-level actor, he did not need to participate in a formal movie. The reason why he appeared at that time was only to test a conjecture.

When he was disappointed in "people" and even desperate, Zodiac stretched out his right hand to him and said this:

"There is no need to hate them. This is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. If you feel desperate, you can follow me. I have one thing I want to do, and I just lack helpers."

From then on, he has been following the zodiac until now.

Although Nayun was extremely angry, the Zodiac did not express too much, just replied plainly:

"If I don't help them, they will kill me..."

A very common sentence, but it can't conceal the helplessness and hardship in it.

Nayun knew that whether it was a holiday or nothing, it was no longer a "normal person." The normal here is not only normal in strength, but also normal in psychology. Strictly speaking, Fake Nian and Wuyou are very paranoid in thought, just like big actors have their own unique temperament, which is hard for ordinary people to understand.

"...And, I really need them." Huang Dao added.

"What is their plan?" Nayun asked again. In fact, he had asked this question no less than a hundred times. However, Zodiac never answered it directly, and he did not ask him not to ask again.

From the perspective of "silence and leaks", he knew that he was not appropriate. However, his inquiries were often just casual questions. In fact, he did not expect the Zodiac to answer the questions. Moreover, in many cases, even if the Zodiac spoke, he May not understand.

After asking, cross her fingers with Yun's hands, rest her head behind her head, and prepare to stretch her waist. He didn't intend for the ecliptic to answer at all, nor did he think that the ecliptic would answer.

"Big dream." Zodiac said softly.

"What?" Nayun was stunned, turning his head to look at the zodiac. He heard what the zodiac said, but didn't understand the meaning.

"I have always tried to change the actor's situation by changing the external environment, but it is very difficult to achieve this. With human strength, when the local **** movie is the opponent, the success rate is zero. Therefore, the holiday is nothing. If you want to change the way, since you can't change the outside world, it's better to create a big dream that can accommodate actors." Zodiac looked at the head of the person in the front seat, his eyes slightly confused.

"Accommodating the actor's big dream?" Nayun repeated this sentence.

"Similar to the virtual world, if a person enters the virtual world from birth, then this world is the real world for him, and the big dream can create the actor's ideal world. Similarly, if the actor lives in the big dream After a lifetime, then this world is his real world, even better than the real world." Zodiac explained.

"You lie to yourself?" Na Yun was stunned.

"What is truth? What is false? For most people, false is often more addictive than true. Believe me, as long as you experience it once, you will never think that living in a big dream is deceiving yourself. "The zodiacal voice increased, and the tone became serious.

Nayun turned his head, looked at the profile of Zodiac, and noticed something in his heart.

Why is the zodiac so certain, has he experienced it?

A thought came to Nayun's mind.

"That dream is true." Huang Dao added.

"You talked a little bit today." Nayun blinked. He was a little surprised. In the past, no matter what plan was implemented, the ecliptic almost always stopped. Even if he was willing to explain, he would never have such a big reaction.

Zodiac closed his eyes and didn't continue speaking. He pinched the ring on his right index finger with his left index finger and thumb and turned it around.

This is a bright black ring with many star patterns engraved on the surface, as if engraving a magnificent picture of the universe on it, which is very shocking.

With a bang, the train shook back and forth twice like a cassette, and then moved forward slowly with a cracking sound. Even if it is rusty, this old "behemoth" can still explode for the last time.

Nayun turned his head and glanced at the direction he came, and said:

"It looks like Jingzhe has been dealt with."

Having said that, he turned his head back and asked:

"Speaking of which, there are actors who can be faster than us? Why can we suddenly exceed so much progress? Is it related to the **** movie?"

He is very puzzled that other actors have exceeded the progress of the admonition meeting. At least relying on the actor's personal strength is almost impossible.

Zodiac opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling, and said:

"I'm afraid it's a'shortcut', and more than one actor passed us through a short cut. Since we can sneak away, there are reasons for the **** movie to arrange a short cut, but it is not important. I have made arrangements for this, and the time is almost up."

While talking ~lightnovelpub.net~ Two drops of blood and tears flowed down the face of the zodiac, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Your eyes." Nayun was already familiar with it. He raised his right finger and pointed at his own eyes.

Just as Cang Yi's skills would burden his body, so Zodiac's skills also affected his eyes. The more powerful, the more terrifying the side effects. Although some skills seem to have no obvious side effects, such as Pu'er’s "Return to the Soul and Corpse", the damage caused by such skills is spiritual damage, and even **** movies are difficult to repair, because of this degree of damage. Trauma, repair itself is a modification of the actor's own spirit.

After hearing Nayun's words, Zodiac reached into his pants pocket and touched with his left hand, but found that he did not carry it.

"Here." Nayun handed over a piece of toilet paper.

"Thank you." Zodiac took the toilet paper and wiped the blood stains off his face. Then, he put the blood stained toilet paper in his trouser pocket and continued:

"Whether it is for us, the **** movie, or other actors, this matter must have a result. Therefore, the **** movie may not spend much effort to interfere with this plan. Soon, all the actors who are still alive, They will all be directed to the same movie world. By that time, everything will be clear. After that, the actors will return to the original route and continue the next game, or, in other words, go alone."

The warm sunlight shines in from the window of the car and spills into the body of the "behemoth". As the train continues to move forward, the sunlight leaves square marks on the ground.

About a few hundred meters from the front of the train, a **** vortex appeared on the route of the train. Soon, the train drove into the **** vortex. However, strangely, when the train was completely swallowed by the **** vortex, the **** vortex did not disappear. Dozens of black iron chains were drilled out of it, and the iron chains were twisted and twisted to completely block the blood red vortex.