Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1627: Countermeasures

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"Kill him?" Huadie paused, "Xianglong, instead of killing him now, it is better to prepare for his counterattack after resurrection. With special items and equipment restricted, the Zodiac can only rely on his own skills. Most of the skills that can avoid death or resurrection either require release time or are passively triggered. On the other hand, if you kill him now, you will lose the current good situation, so we have to change our goal."

After speaking, she pointed her right hand to the left hand held by Zodiac. At this time, the ecliptic was flashing with blue arcs, and his body was trembling slightly, but his left hand remained motionless, as if there was a mysterious force controlling it.

"Reincarnation Dream Flower." Jieze's face appeared on the wall on the left, and his voice came from inside the wall. Because of the wall's obstruction, the voice was very slight, but it didn't affect hearing clearly.

Xianglong nodded, raised his rifle, and aimed at the left hand of Zodiac. In the sight, the spiral petals of the reincarnation dream flower can be seen clearly from the fingers. Then, Xianglong pulled the trigger, and the bullet opened a path to the reincarnation dream flower from the citrus swallowtail, successfully hitting the ecliptic finger , Just as the bullet was about to move on, a warm yellow light flashed and bounced the bullet away. The effect of the special props used just now still exists.

Although the power grid made by Citrus Swallowtail can block special props and equipment, it only prevents actors from using them when restricted, instead of directly clearing the used special props, and passively triggered equipment can still take effect. This is also the reason why the Zodiac was not unconscious after being electrocuted, and there was no danger to his life. The equipment he was wearing was still protecting him.

Even though the inclination of **** movies is very obvious, it is still impossible to violate the "custom rules" when targeting the warning club. After all, the leader of the warning club is currently the only three hall-level actors, occupying most of them. Fans.

This situation is like in the popular vote, the first place leads the second place by twice the number of votes. Even if the organizer deliberately lifts the players behind, or even provides a channel to swipe the votes, because the number of votes is too wide, it can only sneak a little bit. If the number of votes is pulled back, it is absolutely impossible to double the number of votes directly. In the same way, the new skills acquired by the sword of the fish butterfly can only be partially targeted, and cannot be nullified. Otherwise, it may cause an avalanche-like result, and this is not the situation that the **** movie wants to see.

In any case, the **** movie can't do anything too outrageous. From the beginning to the end, its purpose is to use actors to kill actors, even including issuing "wanted orders" and providing accurate locations, which are all admonished and executed. Sun’s funeral and countermeasures in the event of an early departure.

"No!" Xianglong gritted his teeth and did not shoot again.

Huadie did not answer right away, but manipulated the rest of the citrus swallowtails to fill up the path created by the bullets to prevent loopholes in the power grid. After finishing the protection, she said:

"Don't you find it strange?"

She looked across the ecliptic and looked at Li Shijiu who was not far behind the ecliptic, an "ordinary" girl. However, in this strange underground passage, the "ordinary" girl itself is very unusual, and the biggest problem is , She is still alive.

"I remember that she was an ordinary person who was directly pulled in by the "Wandering Dao", but she vomited a meatball from her mouth just now, and also let the meatball eat her own body. More importantly, the zodiac didn't kill her right away. It stands to reason that, based on the character of the zodiac, after confirming that she is an unrelated person, she will be killed directly to prevent accidents." After that, Huadie fell into deep thought, instead of thinking about how to destroy the reincarnation dream. flower.

"At such a critical moment, what do you still want to do?" Xianglong asked back, his voice loud and loud. After all, Huadie’s approach at this time is almost like ordinary people when facing the attack of the gangster, thinking about not running away immediately, but thinking about why the gangster wants to kill himself, it is very weird and incomprehensible.

"Xianglong, calm down. We still have a back hand. Don’t worry. Faster handover does not necessarily mean that you can get full marks in the test. There are new years and nothing in the test. We must be cautious. We must not make big mistakes. The reason why Huadie Paying attention to this point may have her thoughts. Since the Zodiac is currently not responding, and we cannot directly hurt him for the time being, it is not a problem to waste more than ten seconds." Jie Ze appeared to persuade.

"Since that girl has a problem, just kill her." Xianglong adjusted his position and raised his rifle again, but this time the target was changed to Li Shijiu.

Huadie didn't stop it. She really wanted to give it a try. In the face of the unknown, the actor may need to step by step, but in the face of ordinary people, you don't need to be too cautious, unless you need to play a role in the movie. Obviously, this movie doesn't need it.

Li Shijiu was also attacked when the Citrus Swallowtail was passing by. Now she stays still because her body is still in a state of paralysis. Otherwise, even if she is very scared, she will run far away now, absolutely not mixing with the things in front of her. in. At this moment, she looked at her gunpoint, panicked in her heart, wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn't say a word.

An endless sense of despair rose from the bottom of her heart. Just as she was about to pray, the brass-colored bullet had flown, hitting the center of her eyebrows accurately, piercing the skull, and then flew out through the brain from behind. Brain plasma and blood dye the gray walls the color of death.

"It's done." Xiang Long sighed, as if he had put down a stone in his heart, "The following is—" He didn't finish his words. Suddenly, the rifle in his hand became several times heavier, and he almost couldn't hold it. For a second, a huge force pressed on his shoulders, directly causing him to kneel on the ground. The same situation also appeared on Huadie, even including Jieze who was hiding in the wall.

"Crap!" Huadie yelled, her voice hoarse. In front of her, the Citrus Swallowtail was facing the same situation as her, even more serious. The Citrus Swallowtail that originally surrounded the ecliptic, was now covered in black on the ground. Like a randomly discarded specimen, although a dozen of them are still struggling to flap their wings, they have no effect. Contrary to the citrus swallowtail, the ecliptic at the center still maintains the same posture, because the previous citrus swallowtails surround He, so even though most of them have fallen to the ground, some have fallen on his head, shoulders, arms, and thighs. His body has not recovered from the paralysis, and the restriction effect of the power grid is still working.

"It seems that wasting a few seconds is a big problem." Xianglong gritted his teeth, shouted, and stood up with difficulty, but his feet kept trembling, and his knees seemed unable to bear the weight of his body.

"It's actually a gravitational field." Huadie gritted his teeth and frowned, "Damn, I deliberately forced the ecliptic to a place like an underground passage to prevent him from flying away directly. I didn't expect that this skill would still be activated. Why? It takes time to prepare? Or is it because we killed that girl just now? Or because we attacked Samsara Menghua, anyway, now first--"

"——Huadie, cancel skills." Jie Ze's voice came.

"What? If you cancel now--" Huadie was stunned for a moment.

"Water, water has passed towards you!" Zie Ze shouted.

Huadie looked down at the ground. Before, due to the counterattack of the ecliptic, the wall on the right had been destroyed, causing water to flow from the drain to the channel. However, due to the terrain, there were not many. However, the problem now is that it is close to Huadie. The water puddles of Die and Xianglong are not big, but there are citrus swallowtails inside. Although all the citrus swallows are on the ground, the grid formed still exists. If the puddles are near, the people who are electrified may become themselves. .

"--Can't cancel!" Huadie's eyes became firm. She knew the effects of her skills, even if she would face the dilemma of being restricted, but she believed that she could keep the skills effective by her will.

Compared with the holiday and nothing, the ecliptic is indeed weaker, but the weakness here is not weak in destructive power. The reason for its weakness is essentially because the ecliptic needs to appear in front, whether it is in the funeral of the sun or In the dark forest, the leader and admonishment will get the reincarnation dream flower, he must appear, and once the actor reveals his identity, the sense of oppression and threat will undoubtedly be much smaller. An assassin may appear in a car and at any time. The latter is undoubtedly even more unpreparable, but this does not mean that the ecliptic can be allowed to act at will.

The puddle with more than a dozen citrus swallowtails is still slowly advancing towards Huadie and Xianglong, but these two people cannot move at all because of the sudden increase in gravity. In a few seconds, the puddle will touch the two. People, and, over the ankle. At this time, three ice needles flew out from the lower part of the wall, piercing the wings of the citrus swallowtail butterfly in the puddle, and fixed the citrus swallowtail butterfly on the ground, but three were not enough.

"More!" Xianglong shouted.

Three more ice needles fixed the citrus swallowtail again, and within a second, there were three more. Although the number of each time is small, but with multiple releases, the ice needle successfully fixed all the citrus swallowtails moving towards the butterfly to the ground. In this way, even if the puddle moves to the bottom of the butterfly, it will not be charged, naturally. It will not force the butterfly to cancel the effect. Of course, using the skill multiple times in a row will consume a lot of vitality.

The water puddle moved smoothly to the soles of Huadie and Xianglong. Because of the power grid, Xianglong, who had been struggling to stand, knelt directly on the ground, pressing the palm of his left hand on the ground, and pressing the barrel of the rifle with his right hand. But Die's situation was much better. The puddles hardly affected her, except for making the soles of her shoes wetter.

"Let’s move the distance first~lightnovelpub.net~ Since it is a gravitational field, the range is definitely not large." Huadie shouted, but there is currently no good way. When the body cannot move, some special props And equipment is also unavailable. In addition, although they are the party who attacked, the Dark Forest will not give them the green light. When facing danger, they also have to use some hole cards, otherwise, they may not even be ordered to find a member of the warning club. , Let alone attack the latter.

"I'm moving, give me a few more seconds." Jie Ze's voice came.

"Great, then..." Huadie showed a joyful expression on her face, but when she found more and more puddles approaching her, she realized that the situation was not good, "...why is this? Obviously it's no longer useful. If there is too much water, even if it can form a power grid, the paralysis effect will be weakened, and it will not reach the level of the skill that I can cancel. Why does the zodiac do this?"

The puddles gathered on the bottom of Huadie’s feet little by little. Originally, because of the terrain, the water surface could not rise directly. However, there was a force that restricted the puddles to the feet of Huadie. As a result, the water surface was little by little. Becomes high, like jelly.

"Could it be—" Huadie's pupils shrank suddenly, and she quickly took a deep breath. She finally understood the purpose of the zodiac. However, the new attack also fell on her, and her body weight increased again, and she was even more exaggerated than before. His knees couldn't bear this level of weight at all, his upper body was lying directly on the ground, and his face was also on the ground. This pose was not a big problem, but there was a puddle 5 or 6 cm high on the bottom of her feet, and there was no problem at all to seal her nose and mouth.

A sense of suffocation came in an instant, which made Huadie very uncomfortable. Now her situation is like being pressed her head in the washbasin, and no accident, she will drown in the washbasin soon. She can't breathe!