Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1667: Dreamland

   "You should be happy for her." The employees in front also noticed the disappearance of the shadow puppets. Compared with Qian Jiangyue's worried expression, their faces were only relaxed and calm and indifferent.

   Qian Jiangyue looked at the two, and said something that had not been said:

   "Have you ever thought that the reason why I am different from you is precisely because I am suspicious of my dreamland."

   uses his own peculiarities to prove the correctness of his words. Even if his guess has no basis, relying on identity is more important, but it can enhance a lot of persuasiveness.

   The only two employees left were taken aback for a moment, and then they retorted, "So what?"

   Qian Jiangyue frowned.

The employee who retorted continued: "I know what you want to say, dreamland is fake, dreamland does not exist, and we are all deceived. To be honest, who cares about this? We already knew our own when we came to the dark forest. In the end, I will definitely die in the forest, but I don’t know what kind of death method I will use, but I have seen 5 kinds of death."

   Before Qian Jiangyue could speak, the employee took a step forward, spread his hands, and continued to tell his inner thoughts:

"Do you want to say that we can go back alive? It's true, what if I go back? I still have no money and no status. Maybe my wife has remarried, and the child already has someone else's surname. It will still be for them if I go back. Burden. Is home a beautiful place? If I choose between dream and reality, I will choose dream no matter when I am!"

   This employee just finished speaking, another employee immediately went on to say:

"Do you doubt dreamland, is it because you have never experienced it? That kind of feeling that you can do whatever you want, but everything is reasonable and reasonable, is almost the same as the real world. No, the real world is not as good as dreamland at all, and you are not even qualified to play it Compared with each other, it is not worthy."

   said, his eyes looked at the place where the shadow puppets disappeared, his eyes full of envy.

The employee who spoke first lightly patted the latter on the shoulder, and muttered: "Forget it, let him go." Then, he looked at Qian Jiangyue: "I said something awkward, even if you return to the real world, It’s not much better than it is now. Life is still bumping into walls and everything goes wrong. The only time that makes you happy may only be when you are dreaming. Besides, you are not that important. Without you, the world will be destroyed, or the earth will stop. Turn? Think about it yourself, it's your own business anyway."

   After the two employees finished speaking, they turned and left and continued upward along the tree path.

Qian Jiangyue gritted his teeth lightly, but did not refute. Although he will not run into a wall everywhere in life, it is indeed not that important for him to return to the real world. At least, information about soul splicing cannot be obtained from the real world, and From another perspective, the so-called real world is also the movie world of **** movies. Perhaps someday, the world in which I live will become the same as other movie worlds, full of dangers.

  The only question now is whether dreamland is really the same as the employees' fantasy, a world that can make people intoxicated.

Qian Jiangyue looked at the backs of the two employees, took another look at the place where the shadow play disappeared, and then turned to look at Menghe not far away. Although he seems to have other choices now, there is actually only one, no matter what. , It is impossible for him to give up his teammates and escape alone, unless... his teammates are willing to stay in their dreamland.

   The battle between the return from **** and the admonition club, if he was asked to evaluate, he would only give one result-no doubt he would lose!

The gap between the two parties is not only the hard power itself, but also the resources, intelligence, etc., the simplest example, if you want to kill anyone on the way back from hell, you only need to spend 100,000 pieces in exchange for Gazing Eyes. Two special props are enough for this remnant, but there is no way to prevent them from returning to hell. Of course, the goals of the two sides are different, which makes it almost impossible to happen, but it is also possible to see the big difference from a small perspective.

   If you want to win on the way back from hell, you can only have a little chance if the time and place are right and the people are good.

"Speaking of which, how is their situation so similar to the actors?" Qian Jiangyue noticed this, "Except for the fact that real life is not going well, entering the dark forest can be regarded as being selected by the **** movie, and the encounter in the dark forest can be Seen as participating in a movie, it is also almost impossible to return to the real world. If they are not so nostalgic for the real world... Then, wait, it turns out that the grand actors can leave forever, but what about after leaving? Memory and ability Will it be eliminated? Will the resources be eliminated? After working hard in the movie world for so long, there is still nothing left?

  Perhaps, returning to the real world forever, not as good as imagined, but because the movie world is too dangerous, making the boringness of the real world precious. For the actors who participated in the previous movies, the real world is indeed the best home, but when the actor's level reaches a certain level, in addition to danger, you can also see opportunities in **** movies. "

   Qian Jiangyue followed the back of the employees in front, and the vague thoughts in his mind gradually formed.

   If the result of the meeting is to be defeated, then a dream that is as long as the life span, or even several times the normal life span, and almost indistinguishable from the real world, is also a choice. The only thing that needs to be confirmed is whether this dream is really as good as the employees say, after all, there are nightmares in addition to sweet dreams.

   As time went by, one employee in front disappeared again. The only one left ignored Qian Jiangyue and moved forward. After 5 minutes, the employee finally disappeared in the sand.

  In an instant, Qian Jiangyue was alone on the spacious tree path. He stopped and didn't walk again. After looking up at the top, he ran at full speed on the tree path, as if using the last remaining time to get to the end of the tree path to take a look. After about half an hour, the tree path finally reached the end. Although the height and distance were not as good as the visual situation, the tree path no longer circled the trunk.

There is an entrance on the right side of    Tree Road. Through this entrance, you can enter the inside of the tree trunk. To be precise, it is an open circular and spacious platform, the size of which is similar to that of the tree trunk. Above the platform, the air seems thicker and heavier, forming an area similar to a magnifying glass structure. Standing on the platform and looking up, you can see the situation of the branches above.

   After the branches are enlarged, the familiar colorful petals can be seen among the emerald green. At the ends of the branches, there are countless dream flowers. The petals of the dream flowers swing slightly with the petals, glowing with vitality.

   "Could it be that this is the source of dream flowers? Or do you need so many dream flowers to open or create dreams?" Qian Jiangyue was full of questions, standing in the center of the platform, looking around.

Suddenly, he felt a splitting headache, as if something was about to come out of his temples. He clenched his teeth ~lightnovelpub.net~ and quickly pressed his temples with both hands. The whole pain process lasted for about 3 seconds, and then, pain A lot of relief.

   "What's the matter? The head seems to be split."

He opened his eyes again and looked up at the canopy again. Only this time, the appearance of the canopy has become completely different. The dream flowers that originally grew on the ends of the branches have all disappeared, replaced by the corpses hanging on the branches. The corpses are densely packed. Endless, like stars in the sky, what's even stranger is that the face of the corpse is full of contented smiles.

   The next second, the scene on the tree canopy changed back to what it was when I first saw it. The beautiful scenery is refreshing. However, after this scene lasts for two seconds, the field of vision splits from the middle, like a torn photo. What you see on the left is a beautiful fantasy, and what you see on the right is a cruel reality. Then, the two scenes overlap, and the corpse is hung on the dream flower.

   Qian Jiangyue took a big breath. He raised his right hand and was surprised to find that his fingers were turning into fine sand and flowing to the ground, like an old hourglass. Seeing this scene, he knew that he was about to fall asleep, so he straightened his back and looked forward, neither expecting nor afraid, but waiting for this moment in a reciprocal manner.

   Everything in front of her eyes turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and a warm and kind feeling rose from the bottom of her heart, and then enveloped her whole body.

   "Qian Jiangyue, why did you come? You are the only one missing."


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