Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 168: Selfish

"Okay." Wutong sighed.

Seeing Wutong agreed, Qian Cangyi stopped talking, and returned to the kitchen. At this time, Qian Jiangyue had another bowl of rice, and it seemed that he planned to continue eating.

Wutong helped Shiliting to serve bowls of rice and many dishes.

"Eat some, you will be hungry." Wutong showed a gentle smile.

Shiliting gave a hum, took the bowl and chopsticks, and began to eat.

At this time, Shiliting was sitting alone in the living room for dinner, while the other three were sitting at the dining table. None of them spoke. The only sound in the room was the TV that kept playing the latest hot news.

After dinner, Wutong left with Shiliting, or more accurately, returned to Du Yixuan's home.

"I feel that we have become bad guys." Qian Jiangyue put down the bowls and chopsticks.

"It's okay, I thought of a friend who did almost the same to newcomers. He basically didn't say anything. Maybe he has seen too many dead newcomers. It feels like a waste of time." Qiancang shook his head and continued. eat.

Qian Jiangyue didn’t answer when he heard Qiancangichi’s words. Instead, he placed the chopsticks on the left side of the dining table and the bowl on the right side of the dining table. “The actors in **** movies are also human beings, although they have been playing different roles, but It is still human in nature, therefore, human nature is an unavoidable issue."

"Huh?" Qiancang stopped the action in his hand.

"The chopsticks on the left and the bowl on the right represent the two extremes of human nature, the left is the self-interested extreme, and the right is the altruistic extreme." Qian Jiangyue grabbed a handful of rice here, and then spilled it between the chopsticks and the bowl. There are a lot of numbers in the middle, and a few at the ends. "Most people are in the middle. When thinking about problems, some people are more selfish, some people are more holistic, and no matter which side they extend, they have There will only be fewer and fewer people with this kind of personality. If it is represented by a pattern, it is a pattern of a normal function."

"So?" Qiancang put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Among these people, which character do you think is more likely to survive?" Qian Jiangyue asked with a smile.

"It's hard to say, there are too few people, but I have seen the humanity of the people very close to the chopsticks or very close to the bowl. In terms of survival rate... there is not much difference between the people in the middle, right? Personal ability." Qian Cang smiled and said his answer.

"That's right. Whether it is more self-interested or more altruistic, it has something to do with ability. However, people with poor ability, whether self-interested or altruistic, don't seem to be very popular, and their survivability is obviously very low, so we can The default ability is very strong, at least higher than ordinary people, now? Which side do you think is easier to survive?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

"You speak first." Qian Cangyi answered Qian Jiangyue's words in Ankang Park.

"Since you don't want to answer, forget it." Qian Jiangyue laughed and put the dishes back.

"It's not unwilling. There are too many conditions for survival. If you just give two options in this simplified process, I can't express my thoughts at all." Qiancang picked up the chopsticks and started to eat again.

"Oh?" Qian Jiangyue blinked, interested in Qian Cangyi's words, "Can you tell me?"

"From a personal point of view, on a large scale, the probability of egoism being able to survive is definitely greater than that of altruism, unless there is some kind of force to balance the relationship between these two aspects. For example, there will be less rewards for egoism and more rewards for altruism. One point, but if humans are viewed as a whole, then individual altruistic behavior is undoubtedly more beneficial to the whole. At this time..." Qian Jiangyue interrupted Qian Jiangyue before he finished speaking.

"Only consider the individual." Qian Jiangyue said.

"In fact, most of the time, the individual and the whole don't need to be separated. You are forcibly creating problems." Qiancang didn't answer after he finished speaking, obviously he has lost interest in Qian Jiangyue's question.

As soon as the Qiancang finished eating, the two of them did not speak any more.

The night came quickly, both of them sat on the sofa, the laptops were still on the table, and countless news emerged from the "heard group", but most of them were asking anonymously, and occasionally some members of the group were discussing Unfortunately, most of them are ordinary conjectures without much meaning.

"Prepare some candles, just in case." Qian Cangyi said.

Because this is Yi Tianlei's room, Qiancang asked Qian Jiangyue, if there is one, he doesn't need to buy it again.

"Yi Tianlei has these essential supplies at home, I'll get them." Qian Jiangyue stood up and walked to the kitchen.

The hour hand of the wall clock kept turning and quickly pointed to 12 o'clock.

Because both of them slept in the afternoon, they were in good spirits.

About half an hour later, the lights flashed suddenly and then went out, but unlike last night, even the computer screen and the TV screen were turned off this time. UU看书www.uukanshuu. The whole room of com was dark, without a trace of light.

The two reached out and caught the same flashlight, and at the same time released their hands.

"Something is wrong, let me take it." Qian Jiangyue's voice sounded.

"Yes." As soon as Qian Cang knew that it was not the time to argue, instead of wasting time, he might as well let Qian Jiangyue turn on the flashlight first, and then take it by himself.

Qian Jiangyue got the flashlight and pushed the switch, but the whole room was still dark and there was no light. "Is it broken?" He reopened it several times, "No, I have tried it just now, it's good, you Try candles."

Qian Cangyi's hand fumbled on the table, one hand touched the lighter, the other hand touched a damp object, which felt very much like frozen pork just taken out of the refrigerator.

Is there anything that feels like this on the table?

Qiancang thought.

At the same time, the hand he held the lighter also pressed the switch of the lighter, but there was still no flame, but the hand felt the heat.

"The lighter is also not good, but I feel the temperature of the flame, maybe our vision has been affected." Qian Cang said, at this time he also confirmed that there is no object on the table that feels like this, so... He released his hands at the same time.

However, Qian Jiangyue did not respond.

"Qian Jiangyue?" Qian Cang yelled, and stood up at the same time.

In an environment where you can’t see your five fingers, you can only rely on hearing and touch to identify directions. Even if you have a topographic map of the entire room in your mind, the distance you walk is not necessarily the same as the distance you feel in your mind.

There was still no response, as if Qian Jiangyue was not in the room at all.

Boom boom boom boom.

Strange sounds came into the ears, not loud, but very harsh.