Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1741: Role swap

   A pile of blue silk thread appeared in the part where the black mist squeezed in. The silk thread wrapped the black mist and pushed it outward. The black mist leaves the humanoid area under the action of the silk thread. However, after the black mist leaves, the blue silk thread still does not stop, but spews out like water in the shower head and is mixed in the black mist. The blue thread spread quickly, blending with the black fog, and at first glance, it looked like lightning in a dark cloud.

   "What the **** is that lantern!" Wuyou raised his hand to block the place where the blue thread gushed out.

   Qiancang did not speak, and fired again.

   The silver bullet flew out from the muzzle, stirring the black fog in the bus, but this time, the bullet did not fly smoothly. The blue thread mixed in the black fog began to change when the trigger was pulled. When the bullet flew out, the blue silk thread was broken into countless short threads. Then, the short threads were bent and joined together to form a circle. After the silver bullet touched the circle, it stopped moving forward, but stayed in place. After that, the black mist gathered from the front of the bullet gushed out, but this time it failed to enter Wuyou's body.

   In this short moment, Wuyou moved away, trying to avoid the bullet's route.

   Qiancang frowned slightly when he looked at the place where the bullet was stagnant, and suddenly, the blue silk thread that formed the circle began to melt, just like when cotton thread burned, it quickly disappeared without a trace. The bullet continued to advance, but failed to hit the humanoid area where there was nothing. Instead, it flew by wiping his arm and hit the rear window. A bullet-sized hole appeared in the middle of the car window, and cracks occurred around the hole, but there was no sign of spreading.

   Wu has the arm position where the bullet has been grazed, and a bunch of blue silk threads are splashed, but the number is not as large as the first time.

After the blue silk thread leaves the wayward area, it mixes with the black mist again and spreads rapidly. Soon, the mixed part of the two spreads to Qian Jiangyue’s head. After touching the mixed part of the black mist and blue silk thread, it was originally still The moving Qian Jiangyue blinked and looked at all this in surprise, but there was only black mist in his eyes, and no blue threads. After the blue silk thread touched Qian Jiangyue, it moved down quickly, seeming to automatically cover the whole body.

   Qiancangyi and Wuyou noticed Qian Jiangyue's changes at the same time, and turned to look at Qian Jiangyue.

   "Cang..." Qian Jiangyue said, but as soon as he spoke, Qiancang pointed his gun at him, and then pulled the trigger.

   The third bullet flew out of the muzzle.

   Qian Jiangyue’s pupils shrank suddenly, however, the mixed part now only covers his head, not the whole body. He can't release the chain defense, nor can he avoid it. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and the words left before Mrs. left appeared in his mind. Although the new skill effect is attached to the seventh connection, it can be released separately, and one of the effects is the bone shrinking effect. He doesn't know the effect, but there is no doubt that it will definitely make his head deviate from its original position.

However, no matter how fast the reaction is, he can't catch up with the speed of the bullet. However, in addition to him, there are others who noticed that he was attacked. Because of the "key", it is impossible for him to let him now. dead. Therefore, when the bullet approached Qian Jiangyue’s forehead, the same situation as the previous one, the blue silk threads mixed in the black mist formed a circle, causing the bullet to stagnate.

   With this short gap, the blue silk thread that touched Qian Jiangyue covered his whole body. Then, in addition to the head, Qian Jiangyue's joints began to fold automatically, her body quickly shrank, and her head moved down.

   The blue silk thread that blocked the bullet quickly melted, and the bullet flew over Qian Jiangyue's hair and hit the car window.

   "Eh, Qian Jiangyue." Wuyou said, "Cang Yi's weakness is the lantern in his left hand. You can quickly kill it, or you will die."

After evading the bullet, Qian Jiangyue canceled his skills and his body quickly returned to normal. Then, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the noise coming from, frowning slightly. The situation was already weird enough. Now that Wuyou said that, he feels the enemy even more. Completely misplaced with teammates.

   Qiancangyi did not hesitate because the bullets did not take effect one after another, he turned the muzzle and aimed at Hawkeye. There are three people in total. Since the attempt to kill two people failed, the remaining target is naturally the third person.

   Qian Jiangyue saw this scene, and before he could think about it, he stretched out his right hand, but after the iron chain showed a head from his palm, he stopped moving forward. Seeing Wu You, he lifted his right hand slightly and snapped his fingers. In an instant, the blue thread mixed in the black mist gathered on the iron chain. Under the influence of the blue silk thread, the iron chain quickly moved forward in the black fog, like a blue lightning, and finally smoothly hit the pistol in Qiancang's hand.

   "The weakness is the lantern." Wuyou was a little angry.

Qian Jiangyue did not answer. Of course he knew that Wuyou was right, but the problem was that Wuyou was an enemy, not a teammate. If Qiancangyi could contend with Wuyou because he carried the lantern, he would knock off the lantern, which meant the end of the three-person relationship life.

   The muzzle deviated from the original target, even if Qiancang's index finger still pulled the trigger, the bullet could only penetrate the roof of the car. However, the strength of the iron chain does not stop there. When Qian Jiangyue uses the seventh connection, it also has a fist effect on the iron chain, which is full of strength. Qiancangyi's right hand continued to turn outwards until he couldn't hold the pistol before letting go.

"Don't you care about the lives and deaths of other people? I will let you experience a lifetime of **** movies, and let you know how difficult it is to live." Qian Cang's sharp gaze swept over the three of them~lightnovelpub.net~ his right hand stretched towards the stillness. The unmoving driver.

   "Wake up!" Qian Jiangyue gritted his teeth.

   "It seems that he regards you as the zodiac and the holiday, but isn't this just right? The cornerstone of our cooperation has become stronger." Wuyou seemed very satisfied with this situation.

   Qiancang inserted his right hand into the driver’s neck, piercing his five fingers into the driver’s body, grasping the spine, and then lifted the entire spine upwards. The driver's spine became a sword-like weapon. Then, as soon as Qiancang lifted the spine sword, he stepped forward and thrust out his right hand forcefully.

   "What are you going to do, Qian Jiangyue." Wuyou took a step back and didn't intend to move forward.

   "Let him kill you." Qian Jiangyue switches the effect of the skill and activates the dark night.

  In an instant, the inside and outside of the bus were pitch black, and nothing was clear. Except Qian Jiangyue, there was no light in everyone's eyes.

   There was a muffled hum, it was a dead voice.

   "Success... Did you succeed?" Although Qian Jiangyue didn't believe it, he still cancelled the effect of the skill. In the carriage, the human-shaped area in the black fog was stabbed by the spine sword, and the black fog was drilling into the human-shaped area from the gap in the spine. However, what Qian Jiangyue could not see was that the blue silk thread was overflowing from the spine sword and mixed in the black mist. After that, the blue silk thread tried to penetrate Qiancangyi's skin into his body as if consciously.


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