Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1742: Fading memory

   As if responding to Qian Jiangyue, the human figure marked by the black mist raised his right hand, ignoring the spine sword on his chest, but reached out to grab the lantern held by Qian Cangyi's left hand. The goal of nothing has always been to carry a lantern.

   "It's awful." Qian Jiangyue reacted in an instant, Wuyou was stabbed not because he failed to avoid the attack in the dark, but because he deliberately exposed his flaws, the purpose is to get closer and **** the lantern. Qian Jiangyue stretched out her right hand, intending to help, but the blue silk thread covering her body quietly dissipated. His movements remained at the moment of reaching out, unable to release the iron chain, and could not help Qiancang Yi.

  Uran's right hand successfully touched the lantern. In an instant, thicker black fog poured out from the lantern, covering the interior of the car. He tried hard with his right hand and was about to grab it, but found that his right hand was holding a hole, as if the lantern was not a real thing, but an illusion. He turned his head to observe the environment inside the car, but found that the enemy in front had disappeared, replaced by the **** vortex that gradually approached.

"Is touching the lantern equivalent to taking a shortcut? You don't need to survive the movie, you only need to touch the lantern to go to the next movie." Wu You put down his right hand, "In this way, Cang Yi has not set a route to leave at all. , It seems like they have speculated that there is no end to this dream, and the actors trapped in it have only two choices to die immediately or die later."

   The **** vortex is getting closer and closer, and its diameter is getting bigger and bigger. It swallows everything on the way forward, whether it is the dark fog or the actors on the bus.

   Wuyou began to retreat and came to Hawkeye's position, watching Qian Jiangyue being swallowed by the **** vortex, and then he moved the five fingers of his right hand together in the shape of a knife, and then lifted it up.

Hawkeye is still, his eyes are still looking forward. Even if Steel Wings can take him away from the bus in just one second, but now he doesn’t even have half a second. To be precise, it’s even dangerous. Can't detect it. In the face of time-based skills, there is no way to fight against them unless they are prevented in advance.

"First solve one." Wu You waved his right hand, but finally stopped at Hawkeye's neck, without cutting it off, "Qian Jiangyue...Qian Jiangyue..." His tone was a little hesitant, "Why is it such a character? , There is no way to predict, and cheating is not easy to cheat."

   His right hand stopped at the back of Hawkeye's neck, and the small blue silk threads entangled and gathered on the side of his palm, making it stronger.

"If I kill Hawkeye, using the information Qian Jiangyue has, knowing that I have the skills of Pu'er and Immortal Wine, I might commit suicide directly, forcing me to resurrect Hawkeye. The problem is that in Cangyi's dream, the time-based skills The effective time of the skill is too short, for example, it directly eliminates the surrounding time from the root cause, or it is killing time." As he said, his head turned around, and finally, he stayed in the **** close at hand. At the center of the vortex, "He was able to do this when he fought Cang Yi before, but only the place where his body touched can have this effect, and now, in his dream, the effective range has become the entire dream state. Oh, thanks to the effect of Menghua."

Wu You put down his right hand and retracted his hand, "The lantern is definitely not an equipment and special props certified by the **** movie. It may be something obtained in the dark forest, and I am afraid that it has not been brought into the dreamland. It is just When Cang Yi entered the dream world, he had been using the power of the lantern, which caused Menghua to mistake this power for Cang Yi’s own power. The spear, spine sword and lantern just now were actually the products of the dream, not at all. entity."

   The Scarlet Vortex completely swallowed him, and at the same time, the eagle eye who had escaped by chance was swallowed.

   "Try directly on the main body next time."

  The last words echoed in the mutilated bus, but they were quickly swallowed by the **** whirlpool.


   咦咦—— 咦 —— 咦 ——

   The sound of the automatic fire alarm device awakened Qian Jiangyue from his sleep. Qian Jiangyue opened his eyes, and while sleeping on his side, he saw the dark night outside the window at a glance, then raised his eyes and glanced at the bedside table. The clock with night vision function displayed the current time:

   02:38, early morning.

   Qian Jiangyue decisively got up from the bed, feeling muddy in his mind, like a mass of paste. Because of the emergency, he didn't slowly sort out, but knocked on his head with his right hand, then turned and left the bedroom. He turned on the light in the living room, walked to the other bedroom, and slapped the door hard:

   "Hawkeye, wake up, Hawkeye!"

After yelling twice, he felt very strange, and muttered in a low voice, "Wait, who would be called Hawkeye?" Just as the question was asked, the memory of the **** movie slowly emerged in his mind, "No wonder... This is the movie world, and I'm playing other people."

   As time goes by, the vague memory gradually becomes clear.

   Qian Jiangyue's line of sight fell on the gap under the security door, and the faint white smoke was burrowing into the room through the gap. Seeing this scene, he turned and walked towards the TV cabinet and took two boxes of gas masks.

   At this time, the bedroom door opened, and Hawkeye stood at the door, supporting the edge of the door with his left hand, and said:

   "The Wings of Steel are useless. The scenery outside the window is fake, just like stickers. I let the Wings of Steel fly out. It's all black mist and nothing."

After    finished, he walked to the brown security door, "You have to get out of here quickly."

   Qian Jiangyue was stunned for a moment when he heard it, thinking of Hawkeye and his own skills, and then he walked towards the newly opened security door with a smoke mask.

   The two met at the door, Qian Jiangyue handed the smoke-proof mask to ~lightnovelpub.net~ Hawkeye opened the smoke-proof mask and put it on, and then waved his right hand outward to signal Qian Jiangyue to move away.

   Qian Jiangyue stepped back two steps, Steel Wings walked out of the bedroom, raised his right foot, grabbed the door lock **** and turned it, and then pulled it back. At the same time, Qian Jiangyue also put on the smoke mask.

   Thick white smoke poured in from the open gap, almost blocking the entire anti-theft door.

   "I will let Steel Wings go out and take a look." Hawkeye also took two steps back.

   "Let me try." Qian Jiangyue stepped forward instead. Then, he stretched out his right hand and flew out from his palm with the iron chain carrying the fist wind effect, and turned left after going out. The invisible wind blade around the iron chain blows the dense fog, and it disperses a lot of white smoke in a short time.

   Steel Wings, under the control of Hawkeye, quickly ran to the corridor to explore the way.

   "On the left, there is an escape route about 20 meters away, let's go." Hawkeye ran out first. Qian Jiangyue followed closely behind.

   Before the white smoke re-covered the corridor, the two ran to the top of the stairs and looked at the stairs that were still full of smoke.

   "26th floor." Hawkeye raised his head and glanced.

   "I always feel that I forgot something..." Qian Jiangyue frowned, "Forget it, leave here first!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:  shukeju mobile version reading URL: