Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1771: First match

In the sight of the zodiac, only the debris from the branches was squeezed into a sphere. The two running people had already shifted their positions and returned to the rear about 50 meters. However, he had already expected this, and his sight was immediately positioned. Going to the rear, launching the skill again, only this time, a white ball of light with a radius of about ten meters appeared in the line of sight.

   Seeing this scene, the zodiac frowned slightly, did not stop activating the skills, still aiming at the original place.

   "Have you succeeded?" A vague question came to my ears.

   The zodiac did not immediately answer, adjusting his position, no longer on his head and feet. After that, he slowly flew in the direction of the white ball of light, and at the same time raised his right hand on his ear, and replied:

   "I don't know, maybe—"

   Before he could finish his words, he stood on his back, and his premonition of danger made him immediately turn to avoid him to the left. Even though his reaction was already very rapid, the unbearable severe pain still came from his right arm, making him snorted.

   Steel Wings?

   The zodiac descended rapidly, ignoring the wound, but grabbing this short gap to find the other side. He looked to the right and found nothing in his eyes except for the huge trees that are unique to the exit of the gloomy forest. At this moment, from the corner of his eyes, there was a metallic color that was incompatible with the woods, and this distinctive luster was quickly approaching. He looked down. Below, Steel Wings was accelerating upwards, and gradually closing his wings, and his eyes met the sharp eyes of Steel Wings. At this moment, he chose to use offense to defend.

   Neither one person nor one bird evaded the opponent's attack, but made the same choice. Before the other party succeeded, he solved the opponent. It seems to be a duel between man and bird, but it is actually a duel between man and man, because now the steel wings are being precisely controlled by the eagle eye. From quietly approaching to the second round of the sneak attack, the vision of the zodiac is perfectly stuck, like a shadow. The assassin in the game is hard to guard against.

The sharp and sharp beak of the Steel Wings aimed precisely at the head of the ecliptic, and directly used the simplest and most simple method to create wounds. However, suddenly, the metal body of the Steel Wings began to bend and became smooth in less than half a second. His body was covered with wrinkles, and then, with the bird as the center, all the surrounding metal squeezed towards the middle. Because of this suction force, the head of the Steel Wings also deviated from the original route. Even if the whole body still maintains the original direction, it has been Lost the proper accuracy. In the end, under the action of inertia, the beak of the steel wings still pierced the ecliptic, but the abdomen, not the head.

   Zodiac pain, a little lost, unable to maintain the flight state, the whole person fell down with the dead steel wings. During the fall, the Wings of Steel gradually disappeared. As the Wings of Steel disappeared, blood was constantly gushing from the wound with a thick water pipe in the abdomen of the zodiac. Two seconds later, the zodiac was covered with blood, like a blood man. Not all of this blood came from the wound in his abdomen, but part of it came from his right arm, which was half broken.

   At the same time, in the white ball of light, the eagle eye and the fable ran out of it, rushing to the tree hole ahead at a speed of a hundred meters. At a distance of about 2, 3 meters from the entrance of the cave, the two took off and jumped directly into the tree cave.


"That is?"

   Qiancang stared at the white ball of light that suddenly appeared in the distance. Although the white ball of light was not too big from his distance, it was definitely not a normal phenomenon in the gloomy forest.

   "I have seen it before. It may be the equipment called White Terror on the Eagle Eye, which can deprive the vision within a radius of 10 meters. Depending on the situation, the Eagle Eye should have encountered the ecliptic and have to rush over."

After speaking, he glanced around, looking for the next tree hole that could be moved, and found it on another giant branch, so he took a run-up and stood on the slightly protruding bark of the trunk with the help of a double jump. Go to another branch. Because of the relationship between giant trees, the tiny veins between the bark have become so wide that they can be used as temporary footholds.


   The body of the eagle eye and the fable jumped out of another tree hole, and then landed safely.

"How's it going?" Fable asked nervously. He could not forget the scene just now. If it weren't for the few tenths of a second, he might have become a ball of flesh now, even if it is described as a life-recovery. However, he never thought that the zodiac would appear in this way.

  Hawkeye stood up and looked up at the upper left. A distinctive green light flashed across it, and soon disappeared among the green leaves.

   He said, "The zodiac is still alive. Although it is injured, it is not fatal. We continue to act according to the original plan. The re-summoning of Steel Wings requires a cooldown, but it must be shorter than the time needed to activate the skill."

After    finished, he took the lead and ran forward. The fable followed him.

   Not far from the two of them, the ecliptic was lying in a pool of blood, his face pale, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in clouds, everything became very dim.

Death seems to be approaching quietly. If in normal times, such an injury is not even an injury to him. With special healing tools, he can recover almost instantly. However, it is different in the dark forest, in order to get the dream. Hua, along the way, not only has to face the danger of the dark forest, but also beware of the sneak attack by the sword in the fish. Most of the resources have been consumed.

Although he will not die, the lack of resources has made the tactics lose many possibilities, such as the fall just now, if he still has special items that can be recovered instantly, he can instantly recover his injuries and forcefully stare at the eagle eyes and fables~www. lightnovelpub.net~ This is a devastating blow to the latter.

   Soon, a green spear flew from above, pierced his chest, and nailed him to the ground.

The tail of the green spear shook gently, and then quickly melted, turning into a pool of green liquid covering the whole body of the eclipse, and finally gathered on the wound on the right arm and the wound on the abdomen. Under the cover of the green liquid, the two wounds gradually healed and knotted. Scab, the whole process took nearly a minute.

   "They ran away." The sound of nothing came into the ears of the ecliptic.

   Zodiac took a deep breath, sat up, put his right hand on his ear, and replied: "I will chase them."

   "No, there are only two people. They obviously want to lie to us. We return to Mengshu, and the rest of the actors on the way back from **** are probably on their way through the mirror world." Wuyou said his thoughts.

   Zodiac blinked and replied: "It may be too late."

"Why, you don't want to?" Wuyou's voice became severe. "Zodiac, let's not say that you have not been able to kill a person while occupying the best place. Even if you continue to chase, you have not investigated the more peripheral situation. Once you lose your geographical advantage, you are just an eagle-eyed target."

   The zodiac was silent for two seconds, and then replied, "Then go back to the dream tree." He paused and added, "I'm not good at fighting."


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