Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1775: discuss

   What happened during the brief coma due to collapse?

   Qian Jiangyue didn't know, he only knew that he had survived. In the extremely quiet enclosed space, he fumbled forward little by little, painful memories that should have been forgotten, gradually occupying his mind. Before that movie, he was not afraid of the dark, nor the narrow crypts, until, he experienced the feeling of a person waiting silently for death in despair.

After    reached the end, his hands were up and he touched a heavy boulder. He took a deep breath, increased his strength, and the boulder remained motionless. Seeing this scene, he adjusted his angle and extended his right hand. The iron chain with fist wind effect flew out of his palm and hit the boulder with a deafening noise. However, the boulder remained intact, and there was no obvious crack on the surface. .

   "It has passed. If you guessed correctly, it should be a dream here, but why did I experience it?"

   Qian Jiangyue found a place to sit down, and he could easily recall from the dark forest to the present memory.

   "Could it be said that this is the defense method of the holiday? Create a dream zone, the only difference is...this place is not a dream, but a nightmare-like existence."

   Quiet, extremely quiet, in this unusual silence, the sound of breathing and heartbeat are getting louder and louder.

Qian Jiangyue swallowed and looked around vigilantly. The light of the helmet lamp provided the only illumination, which was as reassuring as a beacon in the dark, but in the light beam, some weird shadows flashed by from time to time. But when Qian Jiangyue took a closer look, there was nothing. It seemed that those unusual shadows were just hallucinations.

   Time passed by every minute.

   Qian Jiangyue felt that he was breathing fast, and his palms were covered with sweat. It was supposed to be a nervous reaction, but it made him even more exhausted. It is very difficult for him to move his fingers even now.

The past is repeating itself. He knows what will happen next. He will call for help when he is hungry and cold. Then, when no one responds, the call for help becomes cursing and then into prayer. In the end, he will lie on the ground and laugh like a madman. same.

Drowsiness flooded like a tide. Qian Jiangyue tried hard to resist this drowsiness, but it was useless. His eyes closed slowly, but after closing, his thinking became very clear, knowing where he was and what happened to him. , Just can't move. In a trance, a violent tremor came from below, the entire crypt was trembling, the hard rock cracked, and the air was dusty.

Qian Jiangyue felt that his back was pressed by a heavy object. He slowly opened his eyes. In the dimness, he saw a bright light in front of him. Under the bright light, a person was looking at him. He couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but he felt very familiar.

"Everything has its legitimacy, Qian Jiangyue, you know in your heart that you are an outsider, a predator, and your birth is neither reasonable nor reasonable, and even more illegal. You owe me what you owe me. "A gentle voice came from the other party's mouth, but he was familiar with it but hadn't heard it for a long time-Nan Yuan, the real Yi Cunling.

Qian Jiangyue supported the ground with both hands and tried to get up. The small rubble slipped from behind him and fell to the ground, "Oh, it doesn't matter, I have never regarded myself as a good person, and I don't want others to regard me as a good person. Even though I do I thought it was you who saved me at the time, but think about it carefully, if it was so, you wouldn’t stop telling it, so it’s definitely not you."

Nan Yuan stretched his right hand to his back, took out a rainbow mask and put it on. The black cloak slowly fell from above and applied to Nan Yuan's body. In an instant, Nan Yuan's body shape changed, becoming thinner and becoming thinner. Another person.

   "Fake New Year." Qian Jiangyue breathed, the light in his eyes turned from fear into anger.

"Is it all worth it?" asked the holiday, "for what did you wake your teammates from their dreams? You don't seem to think about their feelings, just want to use their power to achieve your goals. Your teammates do you know?"

   Qian Jiangyue raised his left hand and pressed the side of his head, "What is your ability?"

   "Put yourself in and think about it, if other people do this to you, how would you react?" The New Year looked up at the top, as if looking at the sky, but it seemed to be looking at a deeper place.

   Qian Jiangyue smiled and spread his hands, "It should be very happy." After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and the iron chain with fist-like effect flew out of his palm.

   The iron chain hits the holiday, but it passes through the middle, it seems that there is no body in the holiday.

   "I hope you won't regret it." As soon as the voice fell, the body of the holiday became like a whirlpool, gathering in the middle until it disappeared completely. With the disappearance of the holiday, the entire crypt has become a gray world.


   "Shadow play?" Xiao Zuanfeng blinked, "Qian Jiangyue?"

   In the woods, the two people in front of them disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving no trace.

   "What's going on..." The little drill wind stopped, and his eyes fell on the shadow in front of him. The next second, the shadow walked out of the tree trunk and gradually became a real entity. An inexplicable black mist rose from the ground, covering the physical shadow. When the black mist dissipated, a familiar face appeared in front of Xiao Zuanfeng.

   "Cang Yi?" Xiao Zuanfeng looked at the companion in front of him, his eyes fell on the star lantern, "You...you shouldn't be here."

   "It's too late to give up now." The other party exhorted.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Zuanfeng frowned slightly. In his eyes, the teammates in front began to become abnormal, and there were many small diamond-shaped lenses on his face. These lenses seemed to merge with the flesh to form a new existence~www. lightnovelpub.net~You are not Cangyi. "Xiao Zuifeng's tone is very affirmative, "Are you a holiday?" Even if you can snoop on the memory, but without cooperating with the amnesia, the effect is not outstanding. "

   In fact, he judged that the Cang Yi in front of him was not the real Cang Yi, and mainly relied on the effect of exchanging half of his soul with the mirror ghost. Although he would be affected by the dream flower, the mirror ghost would not. Deception, concealment, and misleading, under the influence of his eyes, he has become very good at this aspect, as if he learned to use it naturally.

   Cang Yi, whose face was covered with mirror fragments, took out a rainbow mask from behind and put on it, "I will kill him." A slightly hoarse voice sounded in the woods, "Like last time."

   Xiao Zuanfeng gritted his teeth and clenched his right hand, "Are you threatening me?"

   "We can make a deal." The holiday had his hands behind his back.

   Xiao Zuanfeng shook his head and refused directly: "It doesn't make sense..." He took a deep breath and added, "...It doesn't make sense."

   Hearing the words of Xiao Zuifeng, he seemed to perceive something during the holiday, "What do you know?"

   Xiao Zuanfeng just looked at the holiday with a deep gaze. The secret in his heart seemed to be unable to be said because of certain taboos, even obvious hints.

   The figure of the new year disappeared, and the world became a hazy gray, covering everything.


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