Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1776: Find the master

The gray of the world faded away, and the emerald green reappeared before his eyes.

Qian Jiangyue, Shadow Play, and Xiao Zuanfeng leaned against each other. The three of them looked down at the ground with their hands hanging on their sides. Then, the three of them shook their bodies almost at the same time, and their sleepy expressions returned to normal. The three of them looked back for their teammates. After seeing their teammates and finding that the other party was not abnormal, they were relieved.

"Just said something to me during the holiday." Qian Jiangyue said.

"Me too, he doesn't want us to wake him up." The shadow play nodded.

"What the enemy doesn't want us to do, we naturally have to do it, and the sooner the better." Qian Jiangyue's mouth raised up, "Since I want to negotiate terms, why not discuss it in the first place?"

"Look over there." Xiao Zuanfeng pointed to the front with his right hand. Qian Jiangyue and Shadow Puppets turned their heads and looked at them. In the woods, one tree is one-third higher than the others, which is very unique. This unusual tree, the three of them had never seen before, obviously abnormal.

"Let's go take a look." Qian Jiangyue took the lead and walked, with shadow puppets and Xiao Zuanfeng following him.

The three quickly approached, and as the distance gradually approached, the number of bones gradually increased, as if stepping into a suicide sanctuary. It was no longer branches and green leaves that blocked the view, but a stiff corpse. The corpse was hung on the rope. I don't know whether it was caused by the wind or the rope itself. Most of the corpses were rotating at different angular speeds. Some were fast and some were slow, like a clockwork.

As it goes deeper, the distance between the corpses becomes more spacious. However, the reason for the spaciousness is not the decrease in the number of corpses, but because there are some empty nooses on the branches. These nooses are also slowly rotating to form a circle. The rope trembles slightly under the breeze, as if welcoming the three people.

In the dark corner behind the three people, the slender shadows moved between the branches and gradually approached the three people. Because of the obstructing of sight, the three people still failed to notice that these unusual shadows were approaching even if there was a certain amount of lighting.

"Why haven't you arrived for so long?" Xiao Zuanfeng's expression gradually became uneasy. He took out the mineral water bottle, squatted on the ground, unscrewed the bottle cap with his right hand, and poured the water in the bottle on the ground, "I will try Can you—"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly felt suffocation from his neck, and there was also a very strange pulling force from the back, like someone pinching his neck and dragging it towards the back.

Qian Jiangyue and the shadow play heard the abnormal noise, and immediately turned their heads, and the bright light fell on Xiao Zufeng, illuminating the latter's surroundings. Beside Xiao Zuanfeng, the shadow under his feet was pinched by another unknown shadow and dragged him towards the back. In addition, there were two other shadows around to help, trying to suppress Xiao Zuanfeng’s. Action, don't let him struggle.

Qian Jiangyue stretched out her left hand, and the iron chain flew out of her palm, entangled Xiao Zuanfeng's wrist, and then grabbed the iron chain with both hands to hold Xiao Zuanfeng. The shadow puppetry melted into the shadow and quickly approached the small diamond wind. Under the lighting, the shadow of the shadow puppetry quickly approached Xiao Zuanfeng. After that, with a fist and a kick, the shadow trying to control Xiao Zuanfeng was kicked away, and the two beaten shadows lay in pain. He was motionless on the ground, as if he had passed out in a coma, and when the rest of the shadow pinched Xiao Zuanfeng's neck saw it, he immediately released his hand and fled to the other side of the forest.

"Cough cough cough." Xiao Zuanfeng squatted on the ground and inhaled sharply, "Thanks, thank you."

The body of the shadow puppet emerged from the shadow, but she maintained the posture of grasping something in her hand. She looked at Xiao Zufeng and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Xiao Zuanfeng wiped the corners of his mouth with his right hand, stood up, looked at the shadow play, and said: "It's okay, but speaking of it, without you, these shadows might not be able to deal with it at all."

The shadow play had a serious face, and she shook her head gently, "No, if it weren't for me, these shadows would probably not appear."

"Huh?" Xiao Zuanfeng blinked, thinking about the meaning in the shadow puppet drama, "It is indeed possible. In this way, my skills and Qian Jiangyue's skills...No, my skills are different. Mirror ghost seems to be different. They are not the same creatures as ours. As for Qian Jiangyue’s skills, is it possible that they are too special to be copied?"

Qian Jiangyue retracted the iron chain, "I don't know, in short, the appearance of these shadows has brought us clues, don't you think? Shadow puppets." After saying that, his gaze fell on the right side of the shadow puppets. In the lighting of the light, the shadow puppet is pinching the air in her hands, but her shadow is pinching the neck of another shadow. It turns out that there are other shadows who want to attack her and Qian Jiangyue just now, although because of her performance they make you want to. The shadow who was about to attack escaped, but she still caught a shadow.

"The Lord of Shadows." Xiao Zuanfeng read the name of the shadow puppet skill. Combining his own skills, he knows that when naming many skills, they are likely to choose the most essential nouns. Although sometimes they are not accurate, most of the time they fit the effects of skills, such as his The mirror teacher, at the beginning, the negative effects were obvious, but once you trade with the mirror ghost, the original negative effects are directly reversed. The mirror ghost becomes a helper, and the trapped person can swallow the vitality through the mirror ghost. Similarly, the Lord of Shadows may also be a future name. In fact, it has already begun to show that you can seal the opponent's skills by pressing and holding the shadow, even if you only need to remove it. However, the ability to seal the actor's skills is just a matter of listening. Already make people jealous.

"I will let it lead the way." The shadow play looked at the shadow at her feet, "You follow me." After speaking, her body merged into the shadow. Then, the shadow controlled by the shadow play began to move, but it did not move towards the tall tree. Go in the opposite direction instead. Qian Jiangyue and Xiao Zuanfeng looked at each other, and then followed the shadow play.

"It turns out that you need to go in the opposite direction to get there. This is very similar to a mirror. It seems that although Menghua can't use the power of a mirror ghost, she can borrow the characteristics of a mirror." Xiao Zuanfeng thoughtfully. .

"It is possible ~lightnovelpub.net~ Qian Jiangyue took a few steps and then looked back. In his line of sight, although he was walking away from him, what he saw in his eyes was that he was getting closer and closer to the high tree. You will be able to reach your destination in about 3 minutes.

Soon, the shadow play emerged from the shadows, her right hand was pinched tightly, and after holding it for two seconds, she released her hand. Qian Jiangyue and Xiao Zuanfeng walked to both sides of the shadow puppet show, and the three looked forward together.

In the woods, a clearing with a radius of about 3 meters appeared. In the center of the clearing, a dream tree grew. The thick trunk of the dream tree spiraled upwards, reaching the boundless sky without limits. At the root of the tree trunk, a man wearing a black cloak and a rainbow mask is surrounded by numerous small trunks, as if trapped in the center of a dream tree. Upon closer inspection, you can find that the small trunks that make up the thick trunks grew out of the man’s body. It seems that the root of the dream tree is the trapped man. This man is exactly the holiday the three are looking for.

Qian Jiangyue didn't say much, her right hand stretched out, and the iron chain with fist wind effect flew out towards the holiday at the bottom of the trunk.

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