Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1780: Partial confluence

  The pointer gradually reversed, getting closer and closer to the time to open the door.

   Qiancangyi found his teammate, but he was hesitant to show up. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Wuyou to be nearby now, but if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it. In the face of an opponent who is admonished at this level, any relaxation may give the opponent a chance to strike a fatal blow, because as long as he thinks in another position, he will also seize any flaws exposed by the opponent.

In front of   , Qian Jiangyue, shadow play, and Xiao Zuanfeng are hiding in the recessed place where the branches and the trunk connect. It is similar to a hole, but it is not a tree hole that can connect to other locations. Inside the cave, Xiao Zuanfeng breathed heavily, Qian Jiangyue and the shadow puppet show serious faces, and they stared in one direction and watched.

Qiancangyi was able to find three people mainly by relying on mirrors. At the exit of the gloomy forest, the mirror is obviously not everywhere like leaves, it is a unique item. If you see a mirror, then at least it means that a small drill wind has appeared here. If you are lucky, it is likely to be nearby. In fact, he was looking in this direction because of the white light he had seen before. Considering that the actors who exited are almost only the two teams of Return to Hell and the Admonition Society, he concluded that it was the effect of the equipment on Hawkeye, but he did not expect that Yin Chanyang mistakenly found other teammates.

   He walked to the side of the hole, but didn't go in. He just looked at the three people and checked their situation.

Qian Jiangyue stood on the left, staring at the tree branches that crossed together in front of him. His expression was sometimes worried and sometimes relaxed. Although he was on guard, he put more energy on his own mind, even though Qian Cang first glanced at it. I found that Qian Jiangyue was very energetic, but after watching for a few more seconds, he found that Qian Jiangyue blinked too frequently, and his tired expression became more obvious, as if he still got up to work at six after staying up late.

Standing on the right is the shadow puppet show. She stared in another direction and looked attentively, patrolling back and forth. After a few seconds, she turned her head and glanced, as if she wanted to confirm the situation of the two behind her. When she found that there was no problem, she turned her head again. Come back, keep watching.

   Xiao Zuanfeng sat on the ground with his back against the cave wall, his left hand on the ground, and his right hand on his right knee. The breathing sounded from time to time, and the expression on his face was very tired, and he was worried.

   Inside the cave, Qian Jiangyue's voice came out.

   "In 10 minutes, the exit will open. With a little bit of wind, can you use the world in the mirror to rush over?" Qian Jiangyue asked, his gaze still staring forward.

Xiao Zuifeng closed his eyes, waited for two seconds, and replied: "It is barely possible, but can it succeed? After all, we were directly pulled out of the mirror world before. I am worried that the same situation will happen again, although it may be possible. Not necessarily. In addition, even if we don’t consider this point, will we just let us pass in the admonishment club’s behavior? Coupled with the information you have learned since childhood, I don’t think things are that simple."

   "How can I know if I don't try?" Qian Jiangyue asked back.

   Xiao Zuanfeng hesitated for two seconds, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the shadow play.

"Wait." The shadow play looked back at the two, with a serious tone, "Qian Jiangyue, I think Xiao Zufeng is right. Now we don't need to be so anxious. We have already done the first step to remove the other actors from their dreams. I think that most of the actors, who can live to the present, would not want to spend the rest of their lives in a dream. They are not necessarily our companions, but they must be the enemies of the warning club, and the warning will be affirmed. Knowing this, I am worried that they will set up traps. After all, the time and place of exit have been determined."

   "Huh?" Qian Jiangyue raised her eyebrows, "I know."

   "What?" The shadow play was taken aback.

"The trap you mentioned, I have already thought about it. In fact, the trap is also an opportunity to some extent. This forest does not belong to the admonition club, so the traps that the admonition will set are almost always to obtain special props in the movie world. , The effect is likely to be to make an area into a no-man’s land. In this way, they may choose to stay away from the trap. In other words, if they want to leave from the exit, this may be one of the few opportunities that do not have to face the warning meeting." Qian Jiangyue said His own thoughts are just that his tone is not certain, and he doesn't seem to have much confidence in his plan.

   Qiancang looked worried when he heard this, but he couldn't speak. He could understand Qian Jiangyue's thoughts, and he knew in his heart that this was indeed what Qian Jiangyue had done, but one of the key points was overlooked, which was the invisible and intangible characteristics.

   Assuming that the danger in the trap cannot be effective against nothing, this means that the trap area will become a stage for nothing. Cooperating with other unknown methods to avoid danger, it is tantamount to rushing into the tiger’s mouth. More importantly, exit does not mean victory. Even if you can escape from the dark forest, the rest of the route is shared. This means that the warning society can still catch up, and you will still have to face the warning meeting at that time, unless you can always run in First.

   "Too hard..." The shadow play frowned slightly and looked away.

   "Perhaps the warning club thinks the same way." Qian Jiangyue blinked, "Of course, if you think you can win the warning club head-on, I wouldn't have much to say."

After    finished, he turned his head and continued to stare, turning his back to the two, as if giving them time to think.

Qian Cang looked at the three people silently. He saw hesitation on the faces of Zuanfeng and the shadow puppets since childhood. Without him, and without the eagle eye, Qian Jiangyue’s plan would lose risk control, although the successful benefits are eye-catching. , But the price paid may be everyone’s life.

   "It's better to find Hawkeye them first." Xiao Zuanfeng whispered his thoughts. He raised his head and looked in Qian Jiangyue's direction, "It's like a hard drive with the three of us, and it's too reluctant."

"Small drill wind, think about it carefully. Hawkeye’s high mobility can take one person at most. Losing high mobility, the steel wing is equivalent to a broken wing, and it is no longer a threat to the admonition. Therefore, we cannot meet. , That will only make the team bloated." Qian Jiangyue shook his head.

  "It would be nice to have a mobile phone and other tools to contact them directly~lightnovelpub.net~ The shadow puppet sighed.

   "It's not just contact tools, we also lack an actor with restorative skills... There is also an actor with defensive skills... Anyway, there is too much." Qian Jiangyue looked ahead, thoughtful.

  During the discussion of the three, the pointer above the wreck of the dream tree was still turning slowly, and the countdown gradually approaching, instead of bringing surprises to the actors, it hung like a knife on everyone's heads.

   "Do you want to take a gamble?" Xiao Zuifeng asked.

   The shadow play did not answer.

   "Small Diamond Wind." Qian Jiangyue said softly, "Someone is coming, let's enter the world in the mirror."

Xiao Zuanfeng immediately put his hand on the mirror that had been prepared, and the shadow play turned around and jumped in. Qian Jiangyue waited for two seconds, then turned and jumped in. Suddenly, Xiao Zuanfeng was stunned and looked straight into the mirror. Then, He pressed his face to the mirror and said softly in an anxious tone:

   "Come out, there are three people inside!"

   He is still outside, but he feels that there are three people in the mirror world.

   "It's me." Qian Cangyi's voice came into Xiao Zuifeng's ears, "I have something to say to you."

   "Cang, Cang Yi?" Xiao Zuanfeng heard footsteps coming from above, no longer hesitating, jumped into the mirror world.


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