Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1826: Deep space

   In the deep black sky, a silver-gray transport ship is moving forward slowly. In the login area at the left rear of the battleship, the cross-shaped red light suddenly lit up, like a star. After the red light remained for 3 seconds, the brightness gradually weakened until it disappeared completely.

   The entry area is divided into several buffer zones, which can be roughly divided into the airship entry layer, the armor unloading layer, and the gravity adaptation layer. The landing layer of the airship and the armor unloading layer are short, and the crew can quickly escape from the airship and enter the transport ship. The gravity adaptation layer is longer as a whole. It is composed of several U-shaped structure channels, and can go to different transport ships through different exits. area.

In the middle part of the gravity adaptation layer, several small and faint cross-shaped red lights are distributed among them. The distribution position of these red lights is exactly the same as the position distribution in the dark forest, the return from **** and the warning society when fighting, the only difference is the landing location The location is more complicated, but on the other hand, there is no threat of cluttered branches in the dark forest. The surface of this layer is padded with soft cushions.

  The silhouette of a person gradually appeared near the cross-shaped red light. As the red light dimmed, the silhouette of the person began to brighten, as if these red lights represented the essence of the actor. When the cross-shaped red light disappears completely, the actor actually appears in the gravity adaptation layer, but there is still a red film remaining on the surface.

   Above the crowd, a translucent black sphere appeared, and the long pointer stayed at the position of the number 10. The next second, the pointer began to rotate counterclockwise.

   The countdown begins.

   Blue silk threads that only time actors can see emerge in the gravity-adapted layer. The silk threads entangle and cross each other to form a large net covering the entire transport ship. At the heart of Qiancang's chest, the phantom of a ball of fire was burning, and at the same time, with him as the center, the blue silk thread was broken and twisted until it disappeared.

   The stalemate scene of the vitality competition between Qiancangichi and Wuyou has also been transported to the new movie world, but this time, it is no longer the dark forest in the chaotic zone, but a "safe" place temporarily controlled by the **** movie.

   The countdown came to three places, and at this moment, Qiancang with a stagnant expression blinked, and he had already regained consciousness. At the same time, other actors also recovered. These 3 seconds are the buffer time left by the **** movie for the actors.

   [Actor Cang Yi, the movie world you are currently in, "Deep Space" is the path movie world, and the next stop is not a transit station. In the next hour, the passage to the next movie world will be opened one after another, and the passage will last for different times and will lead to different paths. 】

   [Reminder: In deep space, there may be nothing, or maybe, everything. Be careful with everything, including your companions. 】

  [Overall progress: 93%]

   [Progress of the warning meeting: 93%]

  【Current progress: 93%】

   Path to the movie world……Multiple channels……93%……

   Qiankuraichi keenly grasped the key information in the hint of the **** movie.

The path of the movie world means no time to rest; multiple channels, maintaining the same conditions as the dark forest, provide multiple routes. At first glance, this seems to be another winning route specially prepared by the **** movie for the journey back to hell, but Conversely, Wuyou can also use this to achieve victory in a "normal" way; 93% of the progress means that the end point is not far away, and it may be possible to pass through a few more paths in the movie world to reach the end. At that time, everything will come to an end.

   As for how the **** movie handles the transitional progress in the middle, Qian Cangyi has already had a guess in his mind. The director team notified in the previous article, coupled with Pu'er's ability to pull people from the past timeline, can seamlessly connect the dark forest before and after.

Let the actors in the "past" follow the normal route and try and make mistakes until the progress is 93%. After the two time and space coincide, then directly eliminate the actors who are going forward, and the trouble caused by the warning will be completely wiped out. go with. Of course, from a technical point of view, part of the dark forest should be transformed into a set suitable for film performances, and then the film can be made after the film is over.

   For **** movies, the most fundamental task for actors is the premise. As for the subsequent commercial output effects, it can be slowly remedied. After all, **** movies are movies, not live broadcasts, and their requirements for real-time are completely different.

   The countdown ends, and the red film disappears completely.

   The fresh air poured into Qiancang's lungs, making his thoughts clearer. Now he is staying in a weak gravity area, which is similar to the effect of the updraft at the exit area of ​​the dark forest.

   In the struggle for time ownership, Wings of Steel flew from above to Qiancangyi's position. Although the golden rhombus that represents the position of nothingness is trying to get close, it can't keep up with the speed of Steel Wings at all. Soon, the Wings of Steel will send the Ring of Stars to Qiancang.

   Even though there are various skills in the time system, but at this moment, facing the leader of Qiancangichi’s time mound, there is nothing he can do about it. The restraint in mechanism has greatly smoothed the power gap between the two. This is also the reason why **** movies are more supportive of the return from hell, and the agent Xiaotai is willing to bet on the return from hell.

Throughout the tactics of returning to hell, whether it is facing the ecliptic or the holiday, when facing the two alone, they use the winning conditions to contain them, and then use their full strength to target the weaknesses with one-click kills, although many happened in the middle. Variables, but in terms of tactical arrangements, the way back from **** has always been clear.

   Although the battle in the dark forest has not yet ended and has extended to the next movie world, after all, the turbulent situation has basically stabilized.

   Whether it was the admonition meeting or the return from hell, neither was able to achieve a complete victory, but there was no defeat. As far as the warning club is concerned, the only actors who can leave the dark forest should be the warning club. However, now, besides nothing, there are actors returning from hell, and there are other actors.

Relatively speaking, the same is true for the way home from hell. In the original plan, after the death of the zodiac, the protective mechanism should be broken~lightnovelpub.net~ but not, although the Ring of Stars still has a chance, it is not after all. 100% success, even, may pay a certain price. On the other hand, the New Year has activated the dream seed in Eagle Eye, and it is still unknown what the situation is. As for the ideal situation-killing all the leaders of the admonition society, still need to put a question mark.

"Cang Yi, we can make a deal." Wuyou said, his tone still maintained his original self-confidence, and his mentality did not seem to have changed due to the scene transfer of the **** movie. He still thinks he has a winning ticket, "I know, Qian Jiangyuedai The purpose of rushing to the exit with the eagle eye is to use the difference of time and space to erase the impact of the dream seed. I can tell you with certainty that you are in a whimsical way."

   Having said that, he paused for a while, but after seeing Steel Wings still moving forward at full speed, he opened the door and said the content of the transaction:

"But I can save him. You know that Pu'er's skill, called the Disaster of Soul and Corpse, can drag actors from the past to the present time. As long as some special props are used to maintain the vitality of Hawkeye, I can make him persist. By the end of the movie "Final Land". Hawkeye has done so much for the team, and the feelings within your team are also very deep. I think, you or your teammates will not die, right?"

   Qiancang took a deep breath, but he didn't turn his head to look at Hawkeye. Just as he was wary before, he didn't dare to be too distracted. After all, the opponent in front of him might still have his hole cards yet to show.


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