Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1851: Into deep space

The rice paper swallowed. He did not expect that he would bump into nothing. After hearing the broadcast of the fable, he even deliberately avoided the broadcasting room and slowly looked for a channel to the next movie world. It's not as good as the sky. At the moment when a corner blinks, nothing appears behind him like a flash.

"The skill is... the long base space, in simple terms, is the ability to distort the space, um, it has nothing to do with time." The rice paper lowered his hands.

He hadn't thought about the escape for the time being. Unless Qiancang Yi was right in front of him, he didn't plan to take risks. In any case, it was much better to live longer than to die now.

Wuyou squinted his eyes slightly, with a vigilant expression on his face. He looked at the expression on the rice paper, and at the same time the pointer sword in his right hand lowered, "Say directly."

"Through walls, collisions, etc..." The rice paper didn't say much. On the one hand, he didn't want to say too much. On the other hand, his skills really couldn't be clear in one or two sentences.

"Through the wall?" Wu You repeated the word.

"Uh..." The rice paper glanced at the right side, "Yes!"

Wuyou lowered his head slightly, lost in thought.

"Speaking of which, you can threaten them with eagle eyes. I shouldn't need me...haha...when I didn't say it." Halfway through, Xuan Zhi found that Wu You raised his head, so he hurriedly went over it.

"Hawkeye is dead." Wuyou smiled, "but there is something interesting, do you want to know?"

"Uh." The rice paper didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"Don't be nervous, we are now companions." Wu You stretched out his left hand and patted the shoulder of the rice paper. "I plan to destroy Hawkeye's hibernation cabin to avoid future troubles. You know, there are always strange ideas on the way back from hell. , If they find a way to make Hawkeye come alive, I’ll be in trouble, but, interestingly, I can’t break that thing."

"Can't it be closed directly?" the rice paper asked softly.

Wu You shook his head, then turned and walked towards the next room, exposing his back in the eyes of the rice paper.

The calm expression of the rice paper became serious in an instant, he stared at Wuyou, his lips pressed tightly.

"Something is protecting his... corpse. It is probably a **** movie, but I am relieved. This shows that Hawkeye is indeed dead. In fact, there is another point that can prove that the disaster of returning to the corpse cannot cover him. Of course, this I don't know the way back from hell." Wu You raised his right hand and waved forward, "Catch up, let's go to Qian Jiangyue and the others. Not surprisingly, I guess they are now rushing to the emergency shelter."

The rice paper slowly squatted down, looked back, and pressed his right hand on the ground. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, "Ahem!"

He coughed twice and his chest seemed to be split. He lowered his head and found that the white shirt on his chest had been stained red with blood.

what happened?

He turned his head and looked at nothing.

Wu Youye was looking at the rice paper. He put his hands in his trouser pockets, and then said in a surprised tone: "Oh, forgot to tell you one thing, as long as you stay away from me, you will be hurt. If it is too far..." Speaking of this, he shrugged, "...you know."

The rice paper took a white chocolate from his pocket with his left hand and swallowed it. The injury on his chest was quickly repaired.

Are you kidding me? You just timed out and stabbed me with two swords and ran back, right?

Although his heart was burning with anger, the rice paper was not broken, and the expression on his face remained calm.

"I was a little dizzy just now." The rice paper rushed up with a smile, "It seems that there is something strange...It might be that I ate too much."


Emergency avoidance zone.

Qian Jiangyue is setting the parameters of the escape cabin, and at the same time, he also told the other three people the basic operation method, "We need to wait a while, and then we can reach the next movie world according to the booked itinerary. At that time, It's impossible to catch up with us."

With that said, he glanced at the escape capsule scrapping mechanism that had been activated.

Except for the 4 escape pods, the other escape pods are included in the scrapping mechanism. They are said to be scrapped, but in fact they are only software-level scraps. After certain procedures, the abandoned escape pods can still be used normally, but there is a cost in the middle. The time is enough to get rid of the pursuit.

"I and Steel Wings are one, and the three of you are one. If you encounter any problems in the middle, you can use the short-distance broadcast on the escape pod to contact.

Qian Jiangyue arranged follow-up matters.

"Really don't wait for them?" After finishing the fable, Qian Jiangyue sighed before he could answer. He knew he asked too much, but he couldn't help but want to ask.

"Okay, time is almost up, let's go in, wait for too long, I think nothing will come after." Qian Jiangyue took the lead and sat in the escape capsule, followed by Steel Wings.

The escape cabin is eggshell-shaped as a whole, a little larger than a small truck. In addition to basic functions, it also stores a certain amount of food and drinking water, and has an emergency spacesuit. The sparrow is small, but it has all the internal organs.

The shadow puppets and others looked at each other and got into another escape pod.

The silver-white hatch slowly closed, the yellow-green indicator light was lit on the control panel in front of the seat, followed by a monotonous voice announcement.

After a slight shock, the escape capsule slid forward, passing through thick security doors. Every time one passed, the rear security door closed audibly until the last security door opened. In the endless darkness, the faint starlight shone like a beautiful one. gem.

A three-dimensional floating frame pops up in the middle of the control panel. On the floating frame, an eggshell is leaving the transport ship little by little and sailing into deep space. This is the default route map of the escape capsule.

Qian Jiangyue picked up the intercom on the right, pressed the conversation button, and said, "Hey, can you hear me?"

After two seconds, there was a reply from the shadow play, "Everything is normal."

"We are not safe yet, so be careful." Qian Jiangyue exhorted.

"So are you." Wutong's voice came.

Emergency avoidance zone.

A corner of the ceiling was abnormally lifted ~lightnovelpub.net~ to reveal a piece, and he glanced at it, his face solemn, "Already, gone." He frowned slightly, and jumped out of the gap.

"What!" The rice paper looked at the emergency shelter, feeling very upset.

This group of guys ran away! Don't wait for me? Fortunately, I am still helping them in the dark forest! Forget it, it's okay. Now I still think about how to escape. When I go out, I can only rely on myself in the final analysis.

He looked at Wuyou's back and slowly lowered a corner of the ceiling, but the next second, he stopped because he saw a blue yo-yo in Wuyou's right hand, and the yo-yo was spinning smoothly in Wuyou's hand.

"This is...Xianjiu's skills?" The rice paper frowned, feeling bad, because Xianjiu's skills can...reverse time.

At the same time, the transport ship was in another place.

Qiancang’s forehead was covered with sweat, his right hand was propped on the wall, and he stared at the direction of the emergency shelter across dozens of rooms, “I’m worried that my skills may interrupt the effect, so it consumes my vitality in advance? Qian Jiangyue and the others are over there." He let go of his right hand, took a deep breath, and ran forward.