Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1854: Riot

Under the heavy blow, Wuyou fell into a transient state of chaos, which was equivalent to losing consciousness in this hard-won gap. Of course, it was only a very brief moment, at most only a little more than a second.

Although the idea of ​​killing nothing is very tempting, considering the success rate, the fables and shadow puppets all chose to give up. Wutong made a sound to let them come back. It must make sense. Now, it is more important to return to the protective cover. The fable reached out and grabbed the arm of the shadow puppet to start the 100-meter race.

In the blink of an eye, the two returned to the protective cover, but nothing remained in place.

Fable loosened his left hand and gasped. He looked at Wutong and was about to ask, but he just opened his mouth, but couldn't feel any sound. A heart-piercing pain came from his neck, and blood splashed out in front of him. Dye Wutong's clothes red. There was a huge wound on his neck, almost half of his neck was cut open.

Wutong and the shadow play looked at the fable with their eyes wide open, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

The black umbrella floating above the fable dropped more silk threads from the ribs, drilled into the wound on the neck of the fable, and began to repair it. The fable fell backwards. Although the Woundless Calamity can repair the wound, it needs a process, and in this process, the fable is still in a state of serious injury.

"Come in quickly." Qian Jiangyue's shout came into the ears of the two.

The shadow play stretched out his hands, one hand grasped the shoulder of the fable, and the other hand passed through the armpit of the fable, and then squeezed it up. She just lifted the fable, but suddenly felt that her hands were weak. Then, a heart-wrenching pain came from her hands, dyeing her arms with bright colors.

Wutong looked at the situation of the two of them and couldn't help taking a deep breath. Then, she noticed that a figure appeared on the left side of her sight. She turned her head slightly and saw Wuyou standing on the edge of the protective cover, splitting her mouth, and showing a gloomy smile. Suddenly, she felt a bitter cold, but her thoughts were not affected. Although with her character, it was indeed possible to deliberately hide outside the protective cover and not enter, but she believed that the reason why Wuyou did not come in was probably because Can't get in, at least, temporarily.

Her skills can distinguish friends and enemies based on her thoughts, and whether to put the opponent in is entirely based on her heart. However, this screening is only effective when entering.

"Don't save them?" Wu You asked, his voice very soft, but very proud.

Wutong gritted her teeth, she needed to maintain the protective shield and couldn't do anything at all.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in the emergency hazard zone. In the corner of the room, a huge gap connected the deep space and the hazard zone. In the room, the machines that were not fixed to the ground began to move. After a short stalemate, Flew toward the gap and disappeared into the darkness. After that, the firmly fixed machine also began to shake, and the buckle at the connection made a clicking sound.

Wu You turned his head and glanced, his smile gradually stiffened.

"Delayed damage, nothing is taking advantage of delayed damage." Qian Jiangyue's voice came from the side of the escape pod. At this time, he had opened the two escape pods. While speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and the iron chain flew out of his palm and wrapped around the waist of the shadow puppet. After that, he retracted the iron chain and the shadow puppet flew towards the escape cabin under the lead of the iron chain.

Wutong groaned, half kneeling on the ground, strong suction exerted on the protective cover, like an all-round blow. At the same time, the protective cover began to shake and was no longer stable. At this time, the protective cover was like a canoe in a rainstorm, which could break at any time.

Under the treatment of Innocent Disaster, the fable has recovered his ability to move. However, he still lay on the ground and did not move. With a pale face, he looked at the phoenix tree that was maintaining the protective cover, and his right hand slowly stretched out. In the next second, his body teleported to Behind Wutong, he then grabbed Wutong's ankle and used the back-and-forth run again. This time, the location of the teleport was another escape capsule.

With a click, even the fixed machine was pulled up by the huge suction force and flew towards the gap. The huge machine hits the gap. It should have blocked the gap, but the edge of the gap is like elastic. China continues to expand.

"Sorry..." The rice paper hid outside the emergency shelter, with a heaviness on Gentle's face. He knew the right or wrong of this matter, but if he was asked to do it again, he would still choose to do so.

To live, you need to sacrifice something.

The escape compartment was also sucked into the gap. When it was about to leave the emergency shelter, the escape compartment containing Qian Jiangyue and shadow puppets had closed its door, while the door of the other escape compartment was closing. Mixed in between the escape capsules is a steel wing that is slightly elongated in contrast.

The strong suction is scouring everything in the emergency shelter, and the vitality of the rice paper is also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it soon comes to the red-green gradient.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his mind before canceling the skill.

In an instant, the expansion gap in the emergency hazard zone slowly became smaller, as if a tailor was stitching the gaps together. Soon, the gap disappeared completely, and the overall structure of the emergency hazard zone returned to its original appearance. The only difference was that The inside seems to have been looted, most of the instruments have been lost, and the instruments that survived are also damaged, and no longer have the function of emergency avoidance.

[Route correction has started]

Qian Jiangyue precisely started the navigation program during the rotation. Then, he held the intercom in his hand and pressed the call button: "Fable, Wutong, how about you over there?"

A murmur came, and then, with a click, the call was connected.

"Very good." A utter voice came from the intercom.

Qian Jiangyue's right hand holding the phone trembled slightly, "You..."

He wanted to say that the ghost is not going away, but a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, so he immediately changed the sentence, "You follow us, and there is more than one channel~lightnovelpub.net~Then Cangyi can go to the end. , It’s us who wins, or the way home from hell."

Seeing that the wounds on his hands did not increase in the shadow play, he stopped waiting and used his skills to transfer the injuries to the shadow to restore his health.

"What are you talking about?" Wuyou chuckled, "I'm still on the boat!"

Qian Jiangyue suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the transport ship, and cut off the call with his right hand.

On the transport ship, the rice paper got up and left the emergency hazard zone. No matter whether the plan was successful or not, he could not stay here anymore.

"If you let Cang Yi know, you will definitely kill me, let's slip away first!" The rice paper said with a bitter face, then walked to the wall and activated the skill. Suddenly, a unique smell came. This smell, He rarely smelled it. The last time he smelled it was on Wuyou.

In an instant, a thought flashed in his mind, turning his head slightly to look in the direction of the smell, a familiar figure that he didn't want to see was standing three meters to his right, it was nothing.

"Cang Yi is coming soon." Wu You said to the rice paper.