Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1855: Silent sailing

The escape capsule that had been activated began to change its course and flew towards the scarlet vortex not far away. In the deep space, the blood-colored vortex slowly turned, like a huge giant, constantly devouring everything around it.

The shadow play was close to the cabin door, her eyes full of worry. She looked at another escape cabin flying side by side, the same color and the same structure, but the passengers sitting in the cabin were not only their companions, but also the people behind. Ryo's enemy.

"Qian Jiangyue, we have to do something." She said, looking anxious.

Qian Jiangyue looked at the **** vortex ahead, and the utter words still echoed in his mind, "We..." He slowly turned his head and looked at the face reflected in the shadow play on the hatch, "...cannot do anything."

Suddenly, the air in the escape cabin became heavy, and the two of them couldn't breathe.

After a brief silence, the shadow puppet found that an earth-yellow mask was lit up in the dark, which came from the escape pod where the fable and the phoenix were.

"That is!" The shadow play pointed to the outside of the cabin.

"The skills of Wutong?" Qian Jiangyue thoughtfully, "Are they still alive?"

At this time, in another escape capsule, Fable, Wutongzheng and Wuyou "confronted". The two stayed on the left side of the escape capsule, while Wuyou was on the right side. The intercom was being held by Wuyou.

The earth-yellow light shield was tightly attached to the escape compartment door and slowly rotated, and the two people in the light shield stared at nothing. Even if the time was suspended, they might be useless, they were still looking for all possibilities.

Wu You looked at the mask and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Just rely on this? Do you think of me too simple?"

Wutong stretched out his right index finger, pointed at his black nose and said, "Really? You can try it."

Wu You frowned slightly and glanced at the upper left, as if he was reminiscing. Then, he moved his gaze away from the khaki mask and looked at the junction between the mask and the hatch, "So that's the case, is the damage transferred? As long as I am When the mask is used, the strength will be transferred to the hatch. The hatch is destroyed and we all have to die here."

He smiled, "Interesting, but how long can you last? I just have to wait. As long as you relax for a moment, I can kill you."

While speaking, he hung up the intercom.

Wutong swallowed and did not refute, because Wuyou was right, but she was still a little relieved, at least the immediate danger was temporarily avoided.

As for the future... wait till then.

Time, one minute and one second passed, Wu You was not in a hurry, now he stayed in the escape pod, staring at the three actors on the way back from **** plus the phoenix tree, while "the past him" stayed on the transport ship to deal with the rest. The actor, the disaster of the soul and corpse can not only give him one more life, but also help him solve the problem of lack of skills in dealing with the team.

Everything is under his control, and two lines are fighting at the same time, regardless of success or failure, there is still a turning point.

The escape cabin proceeded silently, and the three of them fell silent.

During the waiting time, Wu You began to chat with the two of them, "Fable, are you surprised, I didn't kill you?"

"Not important." The fable didn't say much.

"Very important." Wu You retorted, "I'm keeping your life for the time being, I intend to use it to threaten Cang Yi, or... Qian Jiangyue, of course, for different reasons." He paused for a while, "To be precise. It's Cang Yi, because I think your life may not be a threat to Qian Jiangyue. He doesn't care about you at all. I guess he may not care about anyone."

There is anger in the fable's eyes, but there is no refutation. The anger is because of a vain idea, and there is no refutation because there is no need to refute.

Wuyou seemed to be satisfied with the fable's reaction, so he continued: "Not everyone is an eagle eye. The dream seed in you has not sprouted, and you have no determination to judge yourself. It is not so much a threat, it is better to increase Cangyi. If he doesn’t care about you and treats you as things that can be thrown away at will, then I can use this point to ask him: What’s the difference between you and me?"

When Wutong saw Wu's proud face, she felt nauseous inexplicably, "Despicable." She cursed, but after the curse, she didn't seem to be relieved, so she added, "You are such a dog."

"Dog stuff? It's not bad to be a dog stuff." Wu You leaned against the bulkhead, and he didn't mind, he opened his hands, "Just stay alive. No matter what you want to do or what you want to say, the premise is that you are alive. This kind of creature has an extremely short life span, and the effective species can indeed last for a long time. However, there is a limit after all. Even if civilization is not swallowed, it is estimated that it will be put into the collection by which boring high-level existence before it dies."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at the **** vortex outside the cabin door. As the escape cabin got closer and closer, the vortex grew bigger and bigger.

"Return from hell?" He shook his head, "Hehe, **** movies are not disasters, prisons, **** movies, they are opportunities, they are opportunities to surpass humanity, life, no, immortality, there is no need to worry about the end of life, in the true sense, At least it’s the immortality in the human concept. Escape from the opportunity to experience a short life? It’s ridiculous."

While Wuyou was speaking, Wutong adjusted his breathing and slowly narrowed the scope of the mask to reduce the consumption of vitality. Her vitality can't be maintained for long. If she is standing on the ground now, by virtue of the effect of the skill itself, she can maintain it for a long time, but now she is in the escape cabin, and maintaining it before has also consumed a lot of vitality.

There are still 10 minutes to reach the Scarlet Vortex.

"The difference is huge!" said the fable. "Even if the situation becomes what you said, no matter how you choose, Cangyi will be two completely different people from you. He chose not to save, representing the will of the team he executed, Eagle The same is true when the eyes directly reject your proposal, and the same is true when Cang Yi chooses to hide after waking up from a dream. We are all the same goal."

"That's not necessarily ~lightnovelpub.net~ There was a cold snort," The three actors who built the team on the way back from **** have different goals. This is what I saw after spying on the memory of Hawkeye in the holiday year, even if Hawkeye didn't have you. He understands Cang Yi and Qian Jiangyue, but I think he knows himself better than you. "

The fable is momentarily sluggish.

There is no squint fable. In fact, the holiday didn’t tell him this. He knew from his own observations and guesses. “To be honest, I’m actually a little worried. If Qian Jiangyue thought in advance that I would enter the escape pod, would it be set up? Do your hands and feet on the procedures when you are flying? For example, let the escape pod fly halfway and then turn off suddenly, and then restart the system. Although it does not affect the safety of the escape pod, it can delay the time to enter the passage."

As he said, he seemed to think of something, and opened his eyes wide and said, "Oh, I remember, according to your original plan, you and the shadow puppets are actually sitting in this escape pod, right? Tsk tsk, I have to check Now, it’s really hard for you to have such a teammate."

He turned around and started operating the control panel, not treating the fable and the parasol as a threat.

Outside the cabin door, a silver figure appeared quietly, staring sharply at the operation control panel in the cabin.