Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1872: Tricks of fraud

() Provocative words are like spikes pierced into Qian Jiangyue and Wutong’s hearts. The death of the fable is different from Hawkeye. Although Hawkeye’s death is irresistible, it is slow, slow enough to have enough time to say goodbye, slow enough for teammates. Find a way to save, even if the possibility of saving is low, it can give teammates a chance to work hard.

Hawkeye’s death has a process, like being sent to the emergency room after an accident. It is not really announced until the end of the operation. But the fable is different. His death is more like the normal state of an actor, and more like the appearance of this world. It had to be silent, not even the corpse was left.

Even if nothing is here, Qian Jiangyue knows that there is no possibility that the fable will come alive. Although he knows that Wuyou can turn back time, but for some reason, he is still firm in his heart. It is not because Wuyou does not use reverse time, nor is it because Wuyou does his hands and feet when turning back time, but because even if it turns back, it is a fable. The ending will not change, at least not in this time and space.

"Steel Wings." Qian Jiangyue's voice sounded, still calm. After he shouted this, he took a deep breath for about 3 seconds before continuing, "Take the wings away."

The Wings of Steel retracted its wings and did not attempt to attack the Wuyou on its back. It knew that its attacks might be exploited by Wuyou.

Wutong glanced at Qian Jiangyue, and she knew in her heart that Qian Jiangyue was preventing the same thing from happening. The body of Steel Wings became an obstacle in the deep sky that could obscure the line of sight, but this gave no chance to use the skill. Once there are no obstacles, Wuyou will not be able to replicate the same operation again, because the skill rules are so, when the past actors are pulled over, it must not be a mortal situation.

Most of the time, this rule is not a restriction, because in most movie worlds, obstructions are everywhere, and only the vast deep sky can this restriction be a restriction.

At this time, Wutong also understood that what Qian Jiangyue said to herself just now was not perfunctory. She could also understand why Qian Jiangyue was able to assume the responsibilities of team captain when Cang Yi and Hawkeye were not there, besides the strength itself, she also had the courage to show in the face of crisis.

Because if everything goes according to the plan of nothing, the final result is Qian Jiangyue's death, she and the fable survive, and take the steel wings to the next movie world, which is exactly what Wuyou would like to see. The follow-up thing, she can understand without thinking, in the case that Qian Jiangyue is dead and Steel Wing is alive, Wu You only needs to kill her and one of the fables, and then threaten Steel Wing with another person to break the situation. , And finally borrowed the Wings of Steel to go to the next movie world.

Even though she and the fable are willing to sacrifice their lives to hold on to nothing and prevent themselves from becoming a threat to nothing, Wings of Steel has lost the command of the master after all, relying solely on the wise actions of the summoned object. Just now, she could make Steel Wings hesitate with the fact that "As long as you reach the end, you can resurrect Hawkeye", then, after all the teammates died, Wuyou could use the same trick to persuade, and even more convincing.

"It seems that you really don't care about the life and death of the fable." Wu You spread his hands and continued to anger with words. The more angry the enemy, the more likely he will find a chance. Before obtaining the Armor of Imaginary Numbers, he used this to successfully make his opponents make mistakes and make a few comebacks.

"I just want you to accompany him." Qian Jiangyue's eyes were cold, and he stretched out his right hand. With him as the center, the surrounding iron chains began to rotate slowly and flew toward the spot where there was nothing. The speed of the iron chains varied at different speeds. , The closer you are to him, the faster the flight speed, and the farther you are from him, the slower the flight speed.

Wu You glanced around, frowning slightly.

The iron chains collided with each other in flight and combined together, some formed a cross, some pieced together into a square, but no matter how pieced together, there is one thing in common, that is, the gap is not completely blocked.

"The mind is really meticulous." Wu You jumped to the side of the Steel Wing, side by side with the Steel Wing.

Qian Jiangyue put down his right hand and no longer controlled the iron chain. If the iron chain continues to approach, Wuyou will be able to recreate obstacles capable of using skills with the help of steel wings and iron chains.

Wutong was also aware of this, but she found one thing that was different from what she expected, that is, Wuyou created the blind spot of vision and it was not aimed at her. Because of the angle, she could see most of the area clearly, and the remaining area could not be blocked. Going in alone, nothing is aimed at Qian Jiangyue.

Just as she was about to speak, a figure appeared behind Wuyou and Steel Wing, it was Qian Jiangyue.

"Be careful!" she quickly reminded.

Qian Jiangyue's pupils contracted, and her right hand was raised again, allowing the surrounding iron chains to block her sight, but time was too late.

Wu You stretched his right hand back, grabbed the person behind him and threw it out. At the same time, Steel Wings had also realized the problem. He no longer obeyed Qian Jiangyue's original order to stay in place, but followed the person who was thrown out by nothing. At the same time, he spread his wings and blocked the middle.

Qian Jiangyue adjusted his position to coordinate with Steel Wings, but, no matter how precise he was, he couldn't perfectly get stuck in the position. What's more, Wuyou had already caught up with Steel Wings.

"It's over..." Wutong looked away and couldn't bear to look any longer. She didn't expect that Qian Jiangyue would also meet the skill activation requirements.

There was silence all around, and at this moment, she even felt that time had slowed down, as if she was waiting for something.

Suddenly, Qian Jiangyue's shout came: "Run!"

Wutong was stunned. She opened her eyes quickly and saw Qian Jiangyue staying in place and did not disappear. What surprised her was that there was indeed another Qian Jiangyue beside Qian Jiangyue and Wuyou, but this Qian Jiangyue was right. Doing actions that have nothing to do with the surrounding environment, like a three-dimensional image, not a real actor.


When she realized this, she immediately thought about the next question, what did Qian Jiangyue's shout mean?

Qian Jiangyue looked at Wuyou with a smile on his face, stretched out his left hand, the sticky iron chain flew out, flew past Wuyou, and flew towards the iron wall made up of iron chains. There, a person had been born from the deep sky. Looking at everything around him in confusion, this person is Wutong, the Wutong from the past.

His thoughts are very clear. If he can stick the phoenix tree behind the iron wall, he can temporarily solve the immediate crisis, and then find a way to solve the new phoenix tree, then the original phoenix tree will not suffer the disaster of returning to the soul again. s attack.

"Is it time?" Wu kicked Qian Jiangyue's chest and flew back with the strength of the rebound. He flew halfway, twisted his waist, and turned to face Wutong.

The new phoenix tree behind the iron wall hurriedly activated his skills, the light yellow protective cover was close to his body, and his hands were blocked in front of him, and he assumed a defensive posture.

Wu You paused time, his side, whether it was the iron chain or the phoenix tree, remained motionless. Afterwards, he stepped on his arms in front of Wutong, bent his knees, and finally kicked the latter outwards. When Wutong's body left the scope of the iron wall and could be seen by "self", he immediately ended the time pause.

In an instant, the two people who shouldn't meet each other saw each other. At the same time, they had the illusion of looking in the mirror, but they immediately denied that the person in front of them was not the image in the mirror, but themselves!

Wutong thought of the answer to Qian Jiangyue’s cry, but she has no time. If the fable is by her side now, there may be a moment of turnaround. With the skill mechanism of the 100-meter race, the fable can take her to hide near the iron chain that surrounds nothing. Expect a miracle to happen. However, many things are not true.

Suddenly, she came to understand why Wuyou was the first to kill the fable, not her.

Everything around her quickly moved away, and she saw that she had disappeared behind the iron wall surrounded by the light circle, and at the same time she knew her end.

The iron chain on Qian Jiangyue's left hand flew towards the newly-emerged phoenix tree, but the moment the iron chain was about to touch, the target disappeared out of thin air.

Running is what he shouted out of helplessness. He knew in his heart that even if it was nothing, there was nowhere to go in this deep space, otherwise he would not let the fable and the phoenix tree go temporarily, just to threaten him and let him come back.

"Don't be too sad, they died a long time ago, they are only buried now." Wuyou comforted, but comfort is false and provocation is true. After he finished speaking, the image that was used to deceive disappeared immediately, and now there is no need to waste life force to maintain it.

"Hehehe." Qian Jiangyue opened his mouth and laughed, but the laughter seemed to be squeezed out of his throat. Not only did it not make people feel happy, but it was creepy, "Your pointer sword can't be used. Right?" He didn't mention fables and nothingness, as if nothing had happened.

Wu You looked at Qian Jiangyue’s gloomy face, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. For some reason, he felt that Qian Jiangyue in front of him was completely different from the Qian Jiangyue he knew well. It used to feel like a rascal, but now it is more like A lunatic, strictly speaking, is swinging between madness and non-madness. At this time, as long as he is stimulated again, he may be driven mad. The only problem is that he does not know what Qian Jiangyue will do when he becomes mad.

But he is willing to give it a try.

"Unfortunately, I was about to succeed. I didn't expect the two of them to stop." Wu You approached Qian Jiangyue, and then he stopped because he found that the skin on Qian Jiangyue's body was cracked, like cracked ceramics. However, what is strange is that it is not the red muscles under the skin, but the black chains.

A sharp wailing came into his ears and attracted his attention. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, which was where the Steel Wings were. At this time, Steel Wings was entangled with iron chains, swinging his wings constantly, crying deeply.

"You are..." His eyes were full of confusion, but soon an idea appeared in his mind. Qian Jiangyue's skill seventh connection can share the effect of the skill, and the Steel Wing is the creature summoned by the eagle eye with the skill, then, will the two have some wonderful reactions?

At the same time, the three-color ring on the Wings of Steel's ankle lit up. The brightness was not high, but it was still very conspicuous in the black iron chain.

"As you said, the seventh connection is not an ordinary skill, it may be the key you want. When the end of the land touches me~lightnovelpub.net~ some of the limitations on the skills have been removed, it seems Possess infinite possibilities. For example, the trick you use to consume the pointer sword is the effect created when you persuade the fables to leave."

Qian Jiangyue spoke, his eyes fixed on Wuyou, as if appreciating the surprise on the latter's face and the despair that gradually emerged on his face.

"The seventh connection is still growing, even to the point where I can't control it. I think you know the reason."

"The rest of the time, I will play with you slowly, but not in the current posture."

Having said that, the fragments on his face peeled off, revealing the black iron chains in his body. The iron chains intertwined and turned like black snakes piled up together.

Wuyou's pupils contracted and his lips pressed tightly. His eyes fell unconsciously on Steel Wings. If the consciousness of Steel Wings is controlled by Qian Jiangyue, and there is also the effect of the seventh connection, then he will also come to an end. .

He took a deep breath, glanced at his own skills, looking for a solution, although the disaster of the soul-returning corpse cannot take effect on Qian Jiangyue now, but another skill is already ready-Hunting Time.