Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1873: 1 bowl of water flat

[Active Skill: Time Hunting]

[Skill Description 1: It can swallow the stream for a period of time, and the lifeforms trapped in it will become prey. If the prey is weaker than the user in controlling time, it will be swallowed together. After swallowing, depending on the difference between the strengths and weaknesses of the two parties, the digestion time is different. During the digestion, if swallowed again, the life force consumption will increase and enter a sluggish state. Note: This effect is effective for actors. 】

[Skill Description 2: Swallowing time actors will get a weakened version of the opponent's skills. Skills born from swallowing share the same time and space and cannot take effect at the same time, and there is a certain interval between switching. The user's proficiency in the skill of Devouring will affect the interval time required for switching. The more proficient, the shorter the interval time. At the same time, the use effect of this skill will be closer to the original version.

Note: Choosing to absorb time-based skills will have certain side effects, including but not limited to memory fusion, emotional abnormalities, and habit changes. 】

[Skill Description 3: The activation condition of this skill requires tracking of the target time stream, and the specific performance is that the user and the target need to be in an adjacent time stream. The length of time required for tracking is related to two aspects: the current level of chaos in the flow of time and the strength of the target life's control over time. Note that this effect takes effect automatically, without the actor's active use. 】

[Description of absorbed skills, the following is a list of skills:]

[Skill name: Disaster of Returning Soul Corpse...]

[Skill name: Stealing Heaven...]

[Skill name:...]

While hunting, growthable skills. Although each actor's skills have room for growth and can become stronger, the actor himself cannot actively grow. The only thing that can be done is to make the body adapt to the side effects as quickly as possible and become more proficient.

However, hunting is different. The actor can take the initiative to let him grow. From the description of the skill, there is no upper limit to the growth of this skill. However, in actual use, it has various shortcomings and troubles. For example, you need to maintain contact with the target for a period of time, and for example, there are many skills restrictions after swallowing, and the time required to switch effects varies.

If it wasn't because he was a palace-level actor, if it wasn't because he had more than one time skill, if it wasn't for the armor of the imaginary number to help shield this remnant and provide cover, he would definitely not live today.


In the deep air, when Wuyou noticed Qian Jiangyue's thoughts, when he found that the hunting was ready, he did not hesitate to activate this skill.

He opened his mouth. In an instant, the facial features on his face began to shift, moving away from the mouth. In less than half a second, the entire face was occupied by the mouth. However, at this time, the inside of his mouth was No human being should have teeth, tongues, tonsils, there is nothing inside, only endless void.

Suddenly, countless blue silk threads flew out of Wuyou's mouth, like flying tentacles, extending straight forward to the location of Qianjiangyue, or to be more precise, Qianjiangyue's head.

The blue silk threads were separated and approached from four directions up, down, left, and right, tightly binding Qian Jiangyue's head, and then straightened the silk thread, pulling Qian Jiangyue toward Wuyou's mouth, into the endless void.

In the next second, a phantom was pulled out of Qianjiangyue's body by a blue silk thread. The appearance and body shape of the phantom were exactly the same as Qianjiangyue. After being pulled out by the blue silk thread, the hands of the phantom kept tearing the blue silk thread and worked hard. Struggling, but can't stop the slightest. Soon, the phantom was pulled into the mouth of nothing by the blue silk thread.

Wu You closed her mouth, opened her mouth, and started chewing.

All of this happened in a flash, and neither Qian Jiangyue nor Steel Wings could see this scene. In their eyes, Wu had nothing to do, just approached, and then stood still.

When the phantom was swallowed, Qian Jiangyue felt that she had come to the emptiness that she had experienced in the dream world again. There was nothing up and down around, and there was no response to any shouts. It made him unable to understand that it seemed to be in this emptiness. , He felt that something unknown was gradually approaching him, but he couldn't see it, he could only perceive it.

Steel Wing raised his head and looked at Qianjiangyue's position. The iron chain wrapped around it had stopped tearing, which also meant that the person controlling the iron chain had an abnormal condition. Its gaze fell on Qian Jiangyue, Qian Jiangyue's head disappeared completely, and only the body below his neck remained in place, staying beside Wuyou.

It had seen this scene in the dream world before, and it also knew the current situation. Although the head was not there, Qian Jiangyue was still alive and still had a chance. It shrinks its wings, expands it completely, and then flies away to Wuyou silently.

Wuyou opened his mouth to chew the food that had just arrived in his mouth, and his mouth made a clicking and clicking sound, as if he was biting a hard object. As he chewed, he felt his mouth was full of the smell of iron, with a little bit of fishy odor mixed in. Sweetness.

"Wait, this is..."

In the process of swallowing, he felt that his body began to change, and the effect of hunting skills was actually strengthened.

"Is it because the seventh connection is activated by the end of the war? The effect is so powerful before digesting it!"

Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back, so he immediately used the time to pause. He turned his head and saw that Steel Wings had come behind him with the iron chain, and the distance was less than half a meter.

"I almost forgot about this guy. In short, Qian Jiangyue has been controlled now. Think of a way to convince him and use Qian Jiangyue's life as a bargaining chip."

Wu You moved his position and waited until he was safe, and then glanced at Qian Jiangyue, confirming that the forward path of Steel Wings would not directly kill Qian Jiangyue before he ended his skills.

The wings of steel rushed forward, but the enemy had disappeared from his eyes.

"You lost." Wu You said to Steel Wings, "Now I want to discuss something with you. You will take me to the next movie world. How about leaving me a thousand years old?"

Steel Wing turned his head to look at nothing, and then turned to look at Qian Jiangyue, but Qian Jiangyue couldn't respond to its inquiry now.

"Why do you want to ask him? The holiday told me that you have inherited the Hawkeye's way of thinking. Anyway, you have your own wisdom. Does it make sense to continue to delay time? There is one thing you should be clear, even if I use Time is suspended, the duration of the channel will not be suspended, plus the "snooping" I use to consume the pointer sword, it is not long for you, but in fact, the elapsed time is enough to close the channel."

Wuyou's expression was serious, his eyes fixed on Steel Wings. What he said to Steel Wings just now was actually just a guess, and he couldn't be sure whether this was the case.

The Wings of Steel did not answer, nor did it take any action. He just blocked Qian Jiangyue and Wuyou with his body.

Wu Youzheng intends to continue to persuade, but his expression becomes very ugly, as if he accidentally bit a small stone while eating, causing half of his face to become numb.

"He's right." An unfamiliar voice appeared beside Wuyou.

Wuyou and Steel Wings turned their heads at the same time, and saw a black cat pacing in the deep air. The black cat was walking back and forth. Its green eyes seemed to have magical powers, which made people unconsciously want to take a closer look.

Steel Wings recognized the black cat. This black cat was the black cat that led Qian Jiangyue and his entourage to find the passage. It was the black cat that appeared bizarrely after putting the eagle eye into the hibernation cabin.

After Wuyou heard it, he raised his left hand, covered his right face, and then grinned.

The black cat looked at the Wings of Steel and said, "The matter is very simple. I will lead you to find the passage. The price is that the passage will be kept for a longer period of time. This is a kind of balance, and you can also understand it as a part of the rule. If If you can get rid of nothing, then you can all safely go to the next movie world. If you can’t get rid of it, it’s the current situation. Sooner or later, nothing will be discovered."

"You guys really worked so hard." Wu You put a smile away.

"That's it, it's up to you how to choose." When the black cat said this, he turned to look at Wuyou, "As for you, Wuyou, the internal cleaning has already begun. When this movie is over, I will settle the ledger with you, so I can do it for myself."

After speaking, the black cat walked forward with catwalks, and after a few steps, his figure disappeared completely.

Wu You looked at the direction the black cat was leaving, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that he had no way out.

"Ha, I said, you heard what it said, even if you drag it down, I can still go to the next movie world, but it's a big deal slowly drifting, and the flow of time in different movie worlds may not be the same. Maybe I stay here. One day, only a minute has passed over there, and you can't delay it for long."

The Steel Wing wailed and carried Qian Jiangyue behind, and then it flew towards the passage. The meaning of the black cat is very simple, Wuyou has already explained it, but even so, it can still choose to refuse, the final result is that Wuyou will take a longer time to go to the passage, but nothing else.

In fact, Qian Jiangyue, Fable, and Wutong had three chances to succeed in preventing Wuyou from going to the next movie world. The first time, Fable was preparing to take Wuyou out of the escape pod and die with Wuyou. However, he did not expect that, In the deep sky, there really is everything; the second time, after the activation of the end, the **** movie cuts off the iron chain, thus creating a chain cage, and then cooperates with the effect of the seventh connection and the wings of steel. The peculiarities of Wuyou completely trapped Wuyou in the escape capsule; for the third time, Qian Jiangyue planned to merge her consciousness with the Wing of Steel. After that, relying on the characteristics of the seventh connection and the sharp wings of the Wing of Steel, Kill nothing.

The above methods are likely to be successful, but they are all a bit short, but to find the root cause, everything is because of the actors who are still fighting on the transport ship.

If there were no fables and Wutong's speech in the broadcasting room, Wu might not be able to quickly locate their location, or they might not have encountered the rice paper. At that time, the Four and Steel Wings could safely leave the passage.

However, the problem is that if there were no fables and Wutong speaking in the broadcast room at that time, it would not be them who died, but Qiancangyi. Nothing who is familiar with special items will definitely not let go of the side effects of the sun's heart (fake) after use. Although it is only 1 minute, it is enough to kill a few times because the side effect is that the vitality cannot be used.

When the Steel Wing passed by, Wuyou paused time to take it. He sat on the side of the Steel Wing, and formed a balance with Qian Jiangyue's headless body.

The process of chewing and digestion is not smooth ~lightnovelpub.net~ The iron smell in the mouth has not disappeared, but it cannot be digested. It seems that there is power to prevent him from swallowing.

He took a deep breath and touched the sharp wings of the Wing of Steel with his left hand, flashing past events in his mind.

"You know, I can't lose. Once I lose, there is nothing left." Wuyou said, but his voice was not full of sarcasm and provocation as usual, but very soft. At this time, his tone seemed to be with himself My old friends chatted, "What will the actor end? To be honest, death is a good result. My result, how to say... If I lose, I may be confined in a vacuum cleaner, and then Throw it on a deserted planet, and **** the garbage that can never be exhausted. After that, the millennium or ten thousand years of time will continue until the identity, ideals, and even the self is meaningless, I will die, or Was locked in a corridor, kept walking... kept walking..."

"I will win."

He looked at the getting closer and closer, and he also felt the stronger and stronger suction. The channel is helping the actors to speed up. Any actor who approaches the channel will get faster and faster.

"Because I want to'live'."